check version & toc




Alias a command (with optional flags) to a new name.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

Search terms: abbr, aka, fn, func, function

  > alias <name> = <initial_value> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  name <string>: Name of the alias.
  "=" + <expression>: Equals sign followed by value.

  Alias ll to ls -l
  > alias ll = ls -l


Test if every element of the input fulfills a predicate expression.

Search terms: every, and

  > all <predicate> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  predicate <closure(any, int)>: A closure that must evaluate to a boolean.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ bool   │

  Check if each row's status is the string 'UP'
  > [[status]; [UP] [UP]] | all {|el| $el.status == UP }

  Check that each item is a string
  > [foo bar 2 baz] | all {|| ($in | describe) == 'string' }

  Check that all values are equal to twice their index
  > [0 2 4 6] | enumerate | all {|i| $i.item == $i.index * 2 }

  Check that all of the values are even, using a stored closure
  > let cond = {|el| ($el mod 2) == 0 }; [2 4 6 8] | all $cond


Output ANSI codes to change color and style of text.

An introduction to what ANSI escape sequences are can be found in the
ANSI escape code Wikipedia page.

Escape sequences usual values:
│  # │    type    │ normal │ bright │  name   │
│  0 │ foreground │     30 │     90 │ black   │
│  1 │ foreground │     31 │     91 │ red     │
│  2 │ foreground │     32 │     92 │ green   │
│  3 │ foreground │     33 │     93 │ yellow  │
│  4 │ foreground │     34 │     94 │ blue    │
│  5 │ foreground │     35 │     95 │ magenta │
│  5 │ foreground │     35 │     95 │ purple  │
│  6 │ foreground │     36 │     96 │ cyan    │
│  7 │ foreground │     37 │     97 │ white   │
│  8 │ foreground │     39 │        │ default │
│  9 │ background │     40 │    100 │ black   │
│ 10 │ background │     41 │    101 │ red     │
│ 11 │ background │     42 │    102 │ green   │
│ 12 │ background │     43 │    103 │ yellow  │
│ 13 │ background │     44 │    104 │ blue    │
│ 14 │ background │     45 │    105 │ magenta │
│ 14 │ background │     45 │    105 │ purple  │
│ 15 │ background │     46 │    106 │ cyan    │
│ 16 │ background │     47 │    107 │ white   │
│ 17 │ background │     49 │        │ default │

Escape sequences attributes:
│ # │ id │ abbreviation │         description          │
│ 0 │  0 │              │ reset / normal display       │
│ 1 │  1 │ b            │ bold or increased intensity  │
│ 2 │  2 │ d            │ faint or decreased intensity │
│ 3 │  3 │ i            │ italic on (non-mono font)    │
│ 4 │  4 │ u            │ underline on                 │
│ 5 │  5 │ l            │ slow blink on                │
│ 6 │  6 │              │ fast blink on                │
│ 7 │  7 │ r            │ reverse video on             │
│ 8 │  8 │ h            │ nondisplayed (invisible) on  │
│ 9 │  9 │ s            │ strike-through on            │

Operating system commands:
│ # │ id  │              description              │
│ 0 │   0 │ Set window title and icon name        │
│ 1 │   1 │ Set icon name                         │
│ 2 │   2 │ Set window title                      │
│ 3 │   4 │ Set/read color palette                │
│ 4 │   9 │ iTerm2 Grown notifications            │
│ 5 │  10 │ Set foreground color (x11 color spec) │
│ 6 │  11 │ Set background color (x11 color spec) │
│ 7 │ ... │ others                                │

Search terms: text-color, text-style, colors

  > ansi {flags} (code) 

  ansi link - Add a link (using OSC 8 escape sequence) to the given string.
  ansi strip - Strip ANSI escape sequences from a string.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -e, --escape - escape sequence without the escape character(s) ('\x1b[' is not required)
  -o, --osc - operating system command (osc) escape sequence without the escape character(s) ('\x1b]' is not required)
  -l, --list - list available ansi code names

  code <any>: The name of the code to use (from `ansi -l`). (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Change color to green (see how the next example text will be green!)
  > ansi green

  Reset the color
  > ansi reset

  Use different colors and styles in the same text
  > $'(ansi red_bold)Hello(ansi reset) (ansi green_dimmed)Nu(ansi reset) (ansi purple_italic)World(ansi reset)'
  Hello Nu World

  The same example as above with short names
  > $'(ansi rb)Hello(ansi reset) (ansi gd)Nu(ansi reset) (ansi pi)World(ansi reset)'
  Hello Nu World

  Use escape codes, without the '\x1b['
  > $"(ansi --escape '3;93;41m')Hello(ansi reset)"  # italic bright yellow on red background

  Use structured escape codes
  > let bold_blue_on_red = {  # `fg`, `bg`, `attr` are the acceptable keys, all other keys are considered invalid and will throw errors.
        fg: '#0000ff'
        bg: '#ff0000'
        attr: b
    $"(ansi --escape $bold_blue_on_red)Hello, Nu World!(ansi reset)"
  Hello, Nu World!

Add a link (using OSC 8 escape sequence) to the given string.

  > ansi link {flags} ...(cell path) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -t, --text <String> - Link text. Uses uri as text if absent. In case of
                tables, records and lists applies this text to all elements

  ...cell path <cell-path>: For a data structure input, add links to all strings at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  Create a link to open some file
  > 'file:///file.txt' | ansi link --text 'Open Me!'
  Open Me!

  Create a link without text
  > '' | ansi link

  Format a table column into links
  > [[url text]; [ Text]] | ansi link url

ansi strip

Strip ANSI escape sequences from a string.

  > ansi strip ...(cell path) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  ...cell path <cell-path>: For a data structure input, remove ANSI sequences from strings at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  Strip ANSI escape sequences from a string
  > $'(ansi green)(ansi cursor_on)hello' | ansi strip


Tests if any element of the input fulfills a predicate expression.

Search terms: some, or

  > any <predicate> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  predicate <closure(any, int)>: A closure that must evaluate to a boolean.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ bool   │

  Check if any row's status is the string 'DOWN'
  > [[status]; [UP] [DOWN] [UP]] | any {|el| $el.status == DOWN }

  Check that any item is a string
  > [1 2 3 4] | any {|| ($in | describe) == 'string' }

  Check if any value is equal to twice its own index
  > [9 8 7 6] | enumerate | any {|i| $i.item == $i.index * 2 }

  Check if any of the values are odd, using a stored closure
  > let cond = {|e| $e mod 2 == 1 }; [2 4 1 6 8] | any $cond


Append any number of rows to a table.

Be aware that this command 'unwraps' lists passed to it. So, if you pass a variable to it,
and you want the variable's contents to be appended without being unwrapped, it's wise to
pre-emptively wrap the variable in a list, like so: `append [$val]`. This way, `append` will
only unwrap the outer list, and leave the variable's contents untouched.

Search terms: add, concatenate

  > append <row> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  row <any>: The row, list, or table to append.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │  output   │
  │ 0 │ any   │ list<any> │

  Append one int to a list
  > [0 1 2 3] | append 4
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 2 │
  │ 3 │ 3 │
  │ 4 │ 4 │

  Append a list to an item
  > 0 | append [1 2 3]
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 2 │
  │ 3 │ 3 │

  Append a list of string to a string
  > "a" | append ["b"] 
  │ 0 │ a │
  │ 1 │ b │

  Append three int items
  > [0 1] | append [2 3 4]
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 2 │
  │ 3 │ 3 │
  │ 4 │ 4 │

  Append ints and strings
  > [0 1] | append [2 nu 4 shell]
  │ 0 │     0 │
  │ 1 │     1 │
  │ 2 │     2 │
  │ 3 │ nu    │
  │ 4 │     4 │
  │ 5 │ shell │

  Append a range of ints to a list
  > [0 1] | append 2..4
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 2 │
  │ 3 │ 3 │
  │ 4 │ 4 │


Print the abstract syntax tree (ast) for a pipeline.

  > ast {flags} <pipeline> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -j, --json - serialize to json
  -m, --minify - minify the nuon or json output

  pipeline <string>: The pipeline to print the ast for.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ record │

  Print the ast of a string
  > ast 'hello'

  Print the ast of a pipeline
  > ast 'ls | where name =~ README'

  Print the ast of a pipeline with an error
  > ast 'for x in 1..10 { echo $x '

  Print the ast of a pipeline with an error, as json, in a nushell table
  > ast 'for x in 1..10 { echo $x ' --json | get block | from json

  Print the ast of a pipeline with an error, as json, minified
  > ast 'for x in 1..10 { echo $x ' --json --minify

print a banner for nushell, with information about the project

an example can be found in [this asciinema recording](

  > banner 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │


Break a loop.

  > break 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Break out of a loop
  > loop { break }


Various commands for working with byte data.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

  > bytes 

  bytes add - Add specified bytes to the input.
  bytes at - Get bytes defined by a range.
  bytes build - Create bytes from the arguments.
  bytes collect - Concatenate multiple binary into a single binary, with an optional separator between each.
  bytes ends-with - Check if bytes ends with a pattern.
  bytes index-of - Returns start index of first occurrence of pattern in bytes, or -1 if no match.
  bytes length - Output the length of any bytes in the pipeline.
  bytes remove - Remove bytes.
  bytes replace - Find and replace binary.
  bytes reverse - Reverse the bytes in the pipeline.
  bytes starts-with - Check if bytes starts with a pattern.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

bytes add

Add specified bytes to the input.

Search terms: append, truncate, padding

  > bytes add {flags} <data> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --index <Int> - index to insert binary data
  -e, --end - add to the end of binary

  data <binary>: The binary to add. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, add bytes to the data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ binary       │ binary       │
  │ 1 │ list<binary> │ list<binary> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  Add bytes `0x[AA]` to `0x[1F FF AA AA]`
  > 0x[1F FF AA AA] | bytes add 0x[AA]
  [170, 31, 255, 170, 170]

  Add bytes `0x[AA BB]` to `0x[1F FF AA AA]` at index 1
  > 0x[1F FF AA AA] | bytes add 0x[AA BB] --index 1
  [31, 170, 187, 255, 170, 170]

  Add bytes `0x[11]` to `0x[FF AA AA]` at the end
  > 0x[FF AA AA] | bytes add 0x[11] --end
  [255, 170, 170, 17]

  Add bytes `0x[11 22 33]` to `0x[FF AA AA]` at the end, at index 1(the index is start from end)
  > 0x[FF AA BB] | bytes add 0x[11 22 33] --end --index 1
  [255, 170, 17, 34, 51, 187]

bytes at

Get bytes defined by a range.

Search terms: slice

  > bytes at <range> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  range <range>: The range to get bytes. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, get bytes from data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ binary       │ binary       │
  │ 1 │ list<binary> │ list<binary> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  Get a subbytes `0x[10 01]` from the bytes `0x[33 44 55 10 01 13]`
  >  0x[33 44 55 10 01 13] | bytes at 3..<4

  Get a subbytes `0x[10 01 13]` from the bytes `0x[33 44 55 10 01 13]`
  >  0x[33 44 55 10 01 13] | bytes at 3..6

  Get the remaining characters from a starting index
  >  { data: 0x[33 44 55 10 01 13] } | bytes at 3.. data
  │ data │ [16, 1, 19] │

  Get the characters from the beginning until ending index
  >  0x[33 44 55 10 01 13] | bytes at ..<4

  Or the characters from the beginning until ending index inside a table
  >  [[ColA ColB ColC]; [0x[11 12 13] 0x[14 15 16] 0x[17 18 19]]] | bytes at 1.. ColB ColC
  │ # │     ColA     │   ColB   │   ColC   │
  │ 0 │ [17, 18, 19] │ [21, 22] │ [24, 25] │

bytes build

Create bytes from the arguments.

Search terms: concatenate, join

  > bytes build ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <any>: List of bytes.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ binary │

  Builds binary data from 0x[01 02], 0x[03], 0x[04]
  > bytes build 0x[01 02] 0x[03] 0x[04]

bytes collect

Concatenate multiple binary into a single binary, with an optional separator between each.

Search terms: join, concatenate

  > bytes collect (separator) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  separator <binary>: Optional separator to use when creating binary. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<binary> │ binary │

  Create a byte array from input
  > [0x[11] 0x[13 15]] | bytes collect

  Create a byte array from input with a separator
  > [0x[11] 0x[33] 0x[44]] | bytes collect 0x[01]

bytes ends-with

Check if bytes ends with a pattern.

Search terms: pattern, match, find, search

  > bytes ends-with <pattern> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  pattern <binary>: The pattern to match. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, check if bytes at the given cell paths end with the pattern.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ binary │ bool   │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │
  │ 2 │ record │ record │

  Checks if binary ends with `0x[AA]`
  > 0x[1F FF AA AA] | bytes ends-with 0x[AA]

  Checks if binary ends with `0x[FF AA AA]`
  > 0x[1F FF AA AA] | bytes ends-with 0x[FF AA AA]

  Checks if binary ends with `0x[11]`
  > 0x[1F FF AA AA] | bytes ends-with 0x[11]

bytes index-of

Returns start index of first occurrence of pattern in bytes, or -1 if no match.

Search terms: pattern, match, find, search

  > bytes index-of {flags} <pattern> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -a, --all - returns all matched index
  -e, --end - search from the end of the binary

  pattern <binary>: The pattern to find index of. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, find the indexes at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ binary │ any    │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │
  │ 2 │ record │ record │

  Returns index of pattern in bytes
  >  0x[33 44 55 10 01 13 44 55] | bytes index-of 0x[44 55]

  Returns index of pattern, search from end
  >  0x[33 44 55 10 01 13 44 55] | bytes index-of --end 0x[44 55]

  Returns all matched index
  >  0x[33 44 55 10 01 33 44 33 44] | bytes index-of --all 0x[33 44]
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 5 │
  │ 2 │ 7 │

  Returns all matched index, searching from end
  >  0x[33 44 55 10 01 33 44 33 44] | bytes index-of --all --end 0x[33 44]
  │ 0 │ 7 │
  │ 1 │ 5 │
  │ 2 │ 0 │

  Returns index of pattern for specific column
  >  [[ColA ColB ColC]; [0x[11 12 13] 0x[14 15 16] 0x[17 18 19]]] | bytes index-of 0x[11] ColA ColC
  │ # │ ColA │     ColB     │ ColC │
  │ 0 │    0 │ [20, 21, 22] │   -1 │

bytes length

Output the length of any bytes in the pipeline.

Search terms: size, count

  > bytes length ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, find the length of data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │  output   │
  │ 0 │ binary       │ int       │
  │ 1 │ list<binary> │ list<int> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table     │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record    │

  Return the length of a binary
  > 0x[1F FF AA AB] | bytes length

  Return the lengths of multiple binaries
  > [0x[1F FF AA AB] 0x[1F]] | bytes length
  │ 0 │ 4 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │

bytes remove

Remove bytes.

Search terms: search, shift, switch

  > bytes remove {flags} <pattern> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -e, --end - remove from end of binary
  -a, --all - remove occurrences of finding binary

  pattern <binary>: The pattern to find. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, remove bytes from data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ binary │ binary │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │
  │ 2 │ record │ record │

  Remove contents
  > 0x[10 AA FF AA FF] | bytes remove 0x[10 AA]
  [255, 170, 255]

  Remove all occurrences of find binary in record field
  > { data: 0x[10 AA 10 BB 10] } | bytes remove --all 0x[10] data
  │ data │ [170, 187] │

  Remove occurrences of find binary from end
  > 0x[10 AA 10 BB CC AA 10] | bytes remove --end 0x[10]
  [16, 170, 16, 187, 204, 170]

  Remove find binary from end not found
  > 0x[10 AA 10 BB CC AA 10] | bytes remove --end 0x[11]
  [16, 170, 16, 187, 204, 170, 16]

  Remove all occurrences of find binary in table
  > [[ColA ColB ColC]; [0x[11 12 13] 0x[14 15 16] 0x[17 18 19]]] | bytes remove 0x[11] ColA ColC
  │ # │   ColA   │     ColB     │     ColC     │
  │ 0 │ [18, 19] │ [20, 21, 22] │ [23, 24, 25] │

bytes replace

Find and replace binary.

Search terms: search, shift, switch

  > bytes replace {flags} <find> <replace> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -a, --all - replace all occurrences of find binary

  find <binary>: The pattern to find.
  replace <binary>: The replacement pattern. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, replace bytes in data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ binary │ binary │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │
  │ 2 │ record │ record │

  Find and replace contents
  > 0x[10 AA FF AA FF] | bytes replace 0x[10 AA] 0x[FF]
  [255, 255, 170, 255]

  Find and replace all occurrences of find binary
  > 0x[10 AA 10 BB 10] | bytes replace --all 0x[10] 0x[A0]
  [160, 170, 160, 187, 160]

  Find and replace all occurrences of find binary in table
  > [[ColA ColB ColC]; [0x[11 12 13] 0x[14 15 16] 0x[17 18 19]]] | bytes replace --all 0x[11] 0x[13] ColA ColC
  │ # │     ColA     │     ColB     │     ColC     │
  │ 0 │ [19, 18, 19] │ [20, 21, 22] │ [23, 24, 25] │

bytes reverse

Reverse the bytes in the pipeline.

Search terms: convert, inverse, flip

  > bytes reverse ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, reverse data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ binary │ binary │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │
  │ 2 │ record │ record │

  Reverse bytes `0x[1F FF AA AA]`
  > 0x[1F FF AA AA] | bytes reverse
  [170, 170, 255, 31]

  Reverse bytes `0x[FF AA AA]`
  > 0x[FF AA AA] | bytes reverse
  [170, 170, 255]

bytes starts-with

Check if bytes starts with a pattern.

Search terms: pattern, match, find, search

  > bytes starts-with <pattern> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  pattern <binary>: The pattern to match. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, check if bytes at the given cell paths start with the pattern.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ binary │ bool   │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │
  │ 2 │ record │ record │

  Checks if binary starts with `0x[1F FF AA]`
  > 0x[1F FF AA AA] | bytes starts-with 0x[1F FF AA]

  Checks if binary starts with `0x[1F]`
  > 0x[1F FF AA AA] | bytes starts-with 0x[1F]

  Checks if binary starts with `0x[1F]`
  > 0x[1F FF AA AA] | bytes starts-with 0x[11]


Display a calendar.

  > cal {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -y, --year - Display the year column
  -q, --quarter - Display the quarter column
  -m, --month - Display the month column
  --full-year <Int> - Display a year-long calendar for the specified year
  --week-start <String> - Display the calendar with the specified day as the first day of the week
  --month-names - Display the month names instead of integers

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  This month's calendar
  > cal

  The calendar for all of 2012
  > cal --full-year 2012

  This month's calendar with the week starting on monday
  > cal --week-start monday


Change directory.

Search terms: change, directory, dir, folder, switch

  > cd (path) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  path <directory>: The path to change to. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │
  │ 1 │ string  │ nothing │

  Change to your home directory
  > cd ~

  Change to the previous working directory ($OLDPWD)
  > cd -


Output special characters (e.g., 'newline').

Search terms: line break, newline, Unicode

  > char {flags} (character) ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -l, --list - List all supported character names
  -u, --unicode - Unicode string i.e. 1f378
  -i, --integer - Create a codepoint from an integer

  character <any>: The name of the character to output. (optional) <any>: Multiple Unicode bytes.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Output newline
  > char newline

  List available characters
  > char --list

  Output prompt character, newline and a hamburger menu character
  > (char prompt) + (char newline) + (char hamburger)

  Output Unicode character
  > char --unicode 1f378

  Create Unicode from integer codepoint values
  > char --integer (0x60 + 1) (0x60 + 2)

  Output multi-byte Unicode character
  > char --unicode 1F468 200D 1F466 200D 1F466


Clear the terminal.

  > clear {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -a, --all - Clear the terminal and its scroll-back history

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Clear the terminal
  > clear

  Clear the terminal and its scroll-back history
  > clear --all


Collect the stream and pass it to a block.

  > collect {flags} <closure> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  --keep-env - let the block affect environment variables

  closure <closure(any)>: The closure to run once the stream is collected.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Use the second value in the stream
  > [1 2 3] | collect { |x| $x.1 }


Given a record or table, produce a list of its columns' names.

This is a counterpart to `values`, which produces a list of columns' values.

  > columns 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │    output    │
  │ 0 │ table  │ list<string> │
  │ 1 │ record │ list<string> │

  Get the columns from the record
  > { acronym:PWD, meaning:'Print Working Directory' } | columns
  │ 0 │ acronym │
  │ 1 │ meaning │

  Get the columns from the table
  > [[name,age,grade]; [bill,20,a]] | columns
  │ 0 │ name  │
  │ 1 │ age   │
  │ 2 │ grade │

  Get the first column from the table
  > [[name,age,grade]; [bill,20,a]] | columns | first

  Get the second column from the table
  > [[name,age,grade]; [bill,20,a]] | columns | select 1


View or modify the current command line input buffer.

Search terms: repl, interactive

  > commandline {flags} (cmd) 

  commandline edit - Modify the current command line input buffer.
  commandline get-cursor - Get the current cursor position.
  commandline set-cursor - Set the current cursor position.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --cursor - Set or get the current cursor position
  -e, --cursor-end - Set the current cursor position to the end of the buffer
  -a, --append - appends the string to the end of the buffer
  -i, --insert - inserts the string into the buffer at the cursor position
  -r, --replace - replaces the current contents of the buffer (default)

  cmd <string>: the string to perform the operation with (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │
  │ 1 │ string  │ string  │

commandline edit

Modify the current command line input buffer.

Search terms: repl, interactive

  > commandline edit {flags} <str> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -a, --append - appends the string to the end of the buffer
  -i, --insert - inserts the string into the buffer at the cursor position
  -r, --replace - replaces the current contents of the buffer (default)

  str <string>: the string to perform the operation with

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

commandline get-cursor

Get the current cursor position.

Search terms: repl, interactive

  > commandline get-cursor 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ int    │

commandline set-cursor

Set the current cursor position.

Search terms: repl, interactive

  > commandline set-cursor {flags} (pos) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -e, --end - set the current cursor position to the end of the buffer

  pos <int>: Cursor position to be set (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │


Creates a table with non-empty rows.

  > compact {flags} ...(columns) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -e, --empty - also compact empty items like "", {}, and []

  ...columns <any>: The columns to compact from the table.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Filter out all records where 'Hello' is null
  > [["Hello" "World"]; [null 3]] | compact Hello
  │ empty list │

  Filter out all records where 'World' is null
  > [["Hello" "World"]; [null 3]] | compact World
  │ # │ Hello │ World │
  │ 0 │       │     3 │

  Filter out all instances of null from a list
  > [1, null, 2] | compact
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │

  Filter out all instances of null and empty items from a list
  > [1, null, 2, "", 3, [], 4, {}, 5] | compact --empty
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │
  │ 3 │ 4 │
  │ 4 │ 5 │


Capture the outputs and exit code from an external piped in command in a nushell table.

In order to capture stdout, stderr, and exit_code, externally piped in commands need to be wrapped with `do`

  > complete 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ record │

  Run the external command to completion, capturing stdout and exit_code
  > ^external arg1 | complete

  Run external command to completion, capturing, stdout, stderr and exit_code
  > do { ^external arg1 } | complete


Edit nushell configuration files.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

Search terms: options, setup

  > config 

  config env - Edit nu environment configurations.
  config nu - Edit nu configurations.
  config reset - Reset nushell environment configurations to default, and saves old config files in the config location as and

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

config env

Edit nu environment configurations.

  > config env {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -d, --default - Print default `` file instead.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  allow user to open and update nu env
  > config env

  allow user to print default `` file
  > config env --default,

  allow saving the default `` locally
  > config env --default | save -f ~/.config/nushell/

config nu

Edit nu configurations.

  > config nu {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -d, --default - Print default `` file instead.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  allow user to open and update nu config
  > config nu

  allow user to print default `` file
  > config nu --default,

  allow saving the default `` locally
  > config nu --default | save -f ~/.config/nushell/

config reset

Reset nushell environment configurations to default, and saves old config files in the config location as and

  > config reset {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -n, --nu - reset only nu config,
  -e, --env - reset only env config,
  -w, --without-backup - do not make a backup

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  reset nushell configuration files
  > config reset


Create a parse-time constant.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

Search terms: set, let

  > const <const_name> = <initial_value> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  const_name <vardecl>: Constant name.
  "=" + <variable>: Equals sign followed by constant value.

  Create a new parse-time constant.
  > const x = 10

  Create a composite constant value
  > const x = { a: 10, b: 20 }


Continue a loop from the next iteration.

  > continue 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Continue a loop from the next iteration
  > for i in 1..10 { if $i == 5 { continue }; print $i }


Copy files using uutils/coreutils cp.

Search terms: copy, file, files, coreutils

  > cp {flags} ...(paths) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --recursive - copy directories recursively
  -v, --verbose - explicitly state what is being done
  -f, --force - if an existing destination file cannot be opened, remove it and try
                    again (this option is ignored when the -n option is also used).
                    currently not implemented for windows
  -i, --interactive - ask before overwriting files
  -u, --update - copy only when the SOURCE file is newer than the destination file or when the destination file is missing
  -p, --progress - display a progress bar
  -n, --no-clobber - do not overwrite an existing file
  --preserve <List(String)> - preserve only the specified attributes (empty list means no attributes preserved)
                    if not specified only mode is preserved
                    possible values: mode, ownership (unix only), timestamps, context, link, links, xattr
  --debug - explain how a file is copied. Implies -v

  ...paths <one_of(glob, string)>: Copy SRC file/s to DEST.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Copy myfile to dir_b
  > cp myfile dir_b

  Recursively copy dir_a to dir_b
  > cp -r dir_a dir_b

  Recursively copy dir_a to dir_b, and print the feedbacks
  > cp -r -v dir_a dir_b

  Move many files into a directory
  > cp *.txt dir_a

  Copy only if source file is newer than target file
  > cp -u a b

  Copy file preserving mode and timestamps attributes
  > cp --preserve [ mode timestamps ] a b

  Copy file erasing all attributes
  > cp --preserve [] a b


Date-related commands.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

Search terms: time, now, today, tomorrow, yesterday, weekday, weekday_name, timezone

  > date 

  date humanize - Print a 'humanized' format for the date, relative to now.
  date list-timezone - List supported time zones.
  date now - Get the current date.
  date to-record - Convert the date into a record.
  date to-table - Convert the date into a structured table.
  date to-timezone - Convert a date to a given time zone.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

date format

Removed command: use `format date` instead.

  > date format {flags} (format string) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -l, --list - lists strftime cheatsheet

  format string <string>: The desired date format. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ date   │ string │
  │ 1 │ string │ string │

date humanize

Print a 'humanized' format for the date, relative to now.

Search terms: relative, now, today, tomorrow, yesterday, weekday, weekday_name, timezone

  > date humanize 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ date   │ string │
  │ 1 │ string │ string │

  Print a 'humanized' format for the date, relative to now.
  > "2021-10-22 20:00:12 +01:00" | date humanize

date list-timezone

List supported time zones.

Search terms: UTC, GMT, tz

  > date list-timezone 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Show time zone(s) that contains 'Shanghai'
  > date list-timezone | where timezone =~ Shanghai
  │ # │   timezone    │
  │ 0 │ Asia/Shanghai │

date now

Get the current date.

Search terms: present, current-time

  > date now 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ date   │

  Get the current date and display it in a given format string.
  > date now | format date "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

  Get the time duration since 2019-04-30.
  > (date now) - 2019-05-01

  Get the time duration since a more specific time.
  > (date now) - 2019-05-01T04:12:05.20+08:00

  Get current time in full RFC 3339 format with time zone.
  > date now | debug

date to-record

Convert the date into a record.

Search terms: structured, table

  > date to-record 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ date   │ record │
  │ 1 │ string │ record │

  Convert the current date into a record.
  > date now | date to-record

  Convert a date string into a record.
  > '2020-04-12T22:10:57.123+02:00' | date to-record
  │ year       │ 2020      │
  │ month      │ 4         │
  │ day        │ 12        │
  │ hour       │ 22        │
  │ minute     │ 10        │
  │ second     │ 57        │
  │ nanosecond │ 123000000 │
  │ timezone   │ +02:00    │

  Convert a date into a record.
  > '2020-04-12 22:10:57 +0200' | into datetime | date to-record
  │ year       │ 2020   │
  │ month      │ 4      │
  │ day        │ 12     │
  │ hour       │ 22     │
  │ minute     │ 10     │
  │ second     │ 57     │
  │ nanosecond │ 0      │
  │ timezone   │ +02:00 │

date to-table

Convert the date into a structured table.

Search terms: structured

  > date to-table 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ date   │ table  │
  │ 1 │ string │ table  │

  Convert the current date into a table.
  > date now | date to-table

  Convert a given date into a table.
  > 2020-04-12T22:10:57.000000789+02:00 | date to-table
  │ # │ year │ month │ day │ hour │ minute │ second │ nanosecond │ timezone │
  │ 0 │ 2020 │     4 │  12 │   22 │     10 │     57 │        789 │ +02:00   │

  Convert a given date into a table.
  > '2020-04-12 22:10:57 +0200' | into datetime | date to-table
  │ # │ year │ month │ day │ hour │ minute │ second │ nanosecond │ timezone │
  │ 0 │ 2020 │     4 │  12 │   22 │     10 │     57 │          0 │ +02:00   │

date to-timezone

Convert a date to a given time zone.

Use 'date list-timezone' to list all supported time zones.

Search terms: tz, transform, convert, UTC, GMT, list, list-timezone

  > date to-timezone <time zone> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  time zone <string>: Time zone description.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ date   │ date   │
  │ 1 │ string │ date   │

  Get the current date in UTC+05:00.
  > date now | date to-timezone '+0500'

  Get the current date in the local time zone.
  > date now | date to-timezone local

  Get the current date in Hawaii.
  > date now | date to-timezone US/Hawaii

  Get a date in a different time zone, from a string.
  > "2020-10-10 10:00:00 +02:00" | date to-timezone "+0500"
  Sat, 10 Oct 2020 13:00:00 +0500 (3 years ago)

  Get a date in a different time zone, from a datetime.
  > "2020-10-10 10:00:00 +02:00" | into datetime | date to-timezone "+0500"
  Sat, 10 Oct 2020 13:00:00 +0500 (3 years ago)


Debug print the value(s) piped in.

  > debug {flags} 

  debug info - View process memory info.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --raw - Prints the raw value representation

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │    output    │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<string> │
  │ 1 │ any       │ string       │

  Debug print a string
  > 'hello' | debug

  Debug print a list
  > ['hello'] | debug
  │ 0 │ hello │

  Debug print a table
  > [[version patch]; ['0.1.0' false] ['0.1.1' true] ['0.2.0' false]] | debug
  │ 0 │ {version: 0.1.0, patch: false} │
  │ 1 │ {version: 0.1.1, patch: true}  │
  │ 2 │ {version: 0.2.0, patch: false} │

debug info

View process memory info.

This command is meant for debugging purposes.
It shows you the process information and system memory information.

  > debug info 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ record │

  View process information
  > debug info


Decode bytes into a string.

Multiple encodings are supported; here are a few:
big5, euc-jp, euc-kr, gbk, iso-8859-1, utf-16, cp1252, latin5

For a more complete list of encodings please refer to the encoding_rs
documentation link at

Search terms: text, encoding, decoding

  > decode (encoding) 

  decode base64 - Base64 decode a value.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  encoding <string>: The text encoding to use. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ binary │ string │

  Decode the output of an external command
  > ^cat myfile.q | decode utf-8

  Decode an UTF-16 string into nushell UTF-8 string
  > 0x[00 53 00 6F 00 6D 00 65 00 20 00 44 00 61 00 74 00 61] | decode utf-16be
  Some Data

decode base64

Base64 decode a value.

Will attempt to decode binary payload as an UTF-8 string by default. Use the `--binary(-b)` argument to force binary output.

  > decode base64 {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --character-set <String> - specify the character rules for encoding the input.
Valid values are 'standard', 'standard-no-padding', 'url-safe', 'url-safe-no-padding','binhex', 'bcrypt', 'crypt', 'mutf7'
  -b, --binary - Output a binary value instead of decoding payload as UTF-8

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, decode data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │  output   │
  │ 0 │ string       │ any       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<any> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table     │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record    │

  Base64 decode a value and output as UTF-8 string
  > 'U29tZSBEYXRh' | decode base64
  Some Data

  Base64 decode a value and output as binary
  > 'U29tZSBEYXRh' | decode base64 --binary
  Some Data


Define a custom command.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  > def {flags} <def_name> <params> <block> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  --env - keep the environment defined inside the command
  --wrapped - treat unknown flags and arguments as strings (requires parameter in signature)

  def_name <string>: Command name.
  params <signature>: Parameters.
  block <closure()>: Body of the definition.

  Define a command and run it
  > def say-hi [] { echo 'hi' }; say-hi

  Define a command and run it with parameter(s)
  > def say-sth [sth: string] { echo $sth }; say-sth hi

  Set environment variable by call a custom command
  > def --env foo [] { $env.BAR = "BAZ" }; foo; $env.BAR

  Define a custom wrapper for an external command
  > def --wrapped my-echo [] { echo $rest }; my-echo spam
  │ 0 │ spam │


Sets a default row's column if missing.

  > default <default value> (column name) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  default value <any>: The value to use as a default.
  column name <string>: The name of the column. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Give a default 'target' column to all file entries
  > ls -la | default 'nothing' target 

  Get the env value of `MY_ENV` with a default value 'abc' if not present
  > $env | get --ignore-errors MY_ENV | default 'abc'

  Replace the `null` value in a list
  > [1, 2, null, 4] | default 3
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │
  │ 3 │ 4 │


Describe the type and structure of the value(s) piped in.

Search terms: type, typeof, info, structure

  > describe {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -n, --no-collect - do not collect streams of structured data
  -d, --detailed - show detailed information about the value
  -l, --collect-lazyrecords - collect lazy records

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Describe the type of a string
  > 'hello' | describe

  Describe the type of a record in a detailed way
  > {shell:'true', uwu:true, features: {bugs:false, multiplatform:true, speed: 10}, fib: [1 1 2 3 5 8], on_save: {|x| print $'Saving ($x)'}, first_commit: 2019-05-10, my_duration: (4min + 20sec)} | describe -d
  │ type    │ record            │
  │ lazy    │ false             │
  │ columns │ {record 7 fields} │

  Describe the type of a stream with detailed information
  > [1 2 3] | each {|i| echo $i} | describe -d

  Describe a stream of data, collecting it first
  > [1 2 3] | each {|i| echo $i} | describe

  Describe the input but do not collect streams
  > [1 2 3] | each {|i| echo $i} | describe --no-collect

detect columns

Attempt to automatically split text into multiple columns.

Search terms: split, tabular

  > detect columns {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -s, --skip <Int> - number of rows to skip before detecting
  -n, --no-headers - don't detect headers
  -c, --combine-columns <Range> - columns to be combined; listed as a range

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ table  │

  Splits string across multiple columns
  > 'a b c' | detect columns --no-headers
  │ # │ column0 │ column1 │ column2 │
  │ 0 │ a       │ b       │ c       │

  > $'c1 c2 c3 c4 c5(char nl)a b c d e' | detect columns --combine-columns 0..1

  Splits a multi-line string into columns with headers detected
  > $'c1 c2 c3 c4 c5(char nl)a b c d e' | detect columns --combine-columns -2..-1

  Splits a multi-line string into columns with headers detected
  > $'c1 c2 c3 c4 c5(char nl)a b c d e' | detect columns --combine-columns 2..

  Parse external ls command and combine columns for datetime
  > ^ls -lh | detect columns --no-headers --skip 1 --combine-columns 5..7


Run a closure, providing it with the pipeline input.

  > do {flags} <closure> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --ignore-errors - ignore errors as the closure runs
  -s, --ignore-shell-errors - ignore shell errors as the closure runs
  -p, --ignore-program-errors - ignore external program errors as the closure runs
  -c, --capture-errors - catch errors as the closure runs, and return them
  --env - keep the environment defined inside the command

  closure <one_of(closure(), any)>: The closure to run. <any>: The parameter(s) for the closure.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Run the closure
  > do { echo hello }

  Run a stored first-class closure
  > let text = "I am enclosed"; let hello = {|| echo $text}; do $hello
  I am enclosed

  Run the closure and ignore both shell and external program errors
  > do --ignore-errors { thisisnotarealcommand }

  Run the closure and ignore shell errors
  > do --ignore-shell-errors { thisisnotarealcommand }

  Run the closure and ignore external program errors
  > do --ignore-program-errors { nu --commands 'exit 1' }; echo "I'll still run"

  Abort the pipeline if a program returns a non-zero exit code
  > do --capture-errors { nu --commands 'exit 1' } | myscarycommand

  Run the closure, with a positional parameter
  > do {|x| 100 + $x } 77

  Run the closure, with input
  > 77 | do {|x| 100 + $in }

  Run the closure and keep changes to the environment
  > do --env { $ = 'bar' }; $


Alias for `drop`

  > drop 

  drop column - Remove N columns at the right-hand end of the input table. To remove columns by name, use `reject`.
  drop nth - Drop the selected rows.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command


Remove items/rows from the end of the input list/table. Counterpart of `skip`. Opposite of `last`.

Search terms: delete

  > drop (rows) 

  drop column - Remove N columns at the right-hand end of the input table. To remove columns by name, use `reject`.
  drop nth - Drop the selected rows.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  rows <int>: The number of items to remove. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ table     │ table     │
  │ 1 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Remove the last item of a list
  > [0,1,2,3] | drop
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 2 │

  Remove zero item of a list
  > [0,1,2,3] | drop 0
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 2 │
  │ 3 │ 3 │

  Remove the last two items of a list
  > [0,1,2,3] | drop 2
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │

  Remove the last row in a table
  > [[a, b]; [1, 2] [3, 4]] | drop 1
  │ # │ a │ b │
  │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │

drop column

Remove N columns at the right-hand end of the input table. To remove columns by name, use `reject`.

Search terms: delete

  > drop column (columns) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  columns <int>: Starting from the end, the number of columns to remove. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ table  │ table  │
  │ 1 │ record │ record │

  Remove the last column of a table
  > [[lib, extension]; [nu-lib, rs] [nu-core, rb]] | drop column
  │ # │   lib   │
  │ 0 │ nu-lib  │
  │ 1 │ nu-core │

  Remove the last column of a record
  > {lib: nu-lib, extension: rs} | drop column
  │ lib │ nu-lib │

drop nth

Drop the selected rows.

Search terms: delete

  > drop nth <row number or row range> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  row number or row range <any>: The number of the row to drop or a range to drop consecutive rows. <any>: The number of the row to drop.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Drop the first, second, and third row
  > [sam,sarah,2,3,4,5] | drop nth 0 1 2
  │ 0 │ 3 │
  │ 1 │ 4 │
  │ 2 │ 5 │

  Drop the first, second, and third row
  > [0,1,2,3,4,5] | drop nth 0 1 2
  │ 0 │ 3 │
  │ 1 │ 4 │
  │ 2 │ 5 │

  Drop rows 0 2 4
  > [0,1,2,3,4,5] | drop nth 0 2 4
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 3 │
  │ 2 │ 5 │

  Drop rows 2 0 4
  > [0,1,2,3,4,5] | drop nth 2 0 4
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 3 │
  │ 2 │ 5 │

  Drop range rows from second to fourth
  > [first second third fourth fifth] | drop nth (1..3)
  │ 0 │ first │
  │ 1 │ fifth │

  Drop all rows except first row
  > [0,1,2,3,4,5] | drop nth 1..
  │ 0 │ 0 │

  Drop rows 3,4,5
  > [0,1,2,3,4,5] | drop nth 3..
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 2 │


Find disk usage sizes of specified items.

  > du {flags} (path) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -a, --all - Output file sizes as well as directory sizes
  -r, --deref - Dereference symlinks to their targets for size
  -x, --exclude <GlobPattern> - Exclude these file names
  -d, --max-depth <Int> - Directory recursion limit
  -m, --min-size <Int> - Exclude files below this size

  path <one_of(glob, string)>: Starting directory. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Disk usage of the current directory
  > du


Run a closure on each row of the input list, creating a new list with the results.

Since tables are lists of records, passing a table into 'each' will
iterate over each record, not necessarily each cell within it.

Avoid passing single records to this command. Since a record is a
one-row structure, 'each' will only run once, behaving similar to 'do'.
To iterate over a record's values, try converting it to a table
with 'transpose' first.

Search terms: for, loop, iterate, map

  > each {flags} <closure> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -k, --keep-empty - keep empty result cells

  closure <closure(any, int)>: The closure to run.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │
  │ 1 │ table     │ list<any> │
  │ 2 │ any       │ any       │

  Multiplies elements in the list
  > [1 2 3] | each {|e| 2 * $e }
  │ 0 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 4 │
  │ 2 │ 6 │

  Produce a list of values in the record, converted to string
  > {major:2, minor:1, patch:4} | values | each {|| into string }
  │ 0 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 4 │

  Produce a list that has "two" for each 2 in the input
  > [1 2 3 2] | each {|e| if $e == 2 { "two" } }
  │ 0 │ two │
  │ 1 │ two │

  Iterate over each element, producing a list showing indexes of any 2s
  > [1 2 3] | enumerate | each {|e| if $e.item == 2 { $"found 2 at ($e.index)!"} }
  │ 0 │ found 2 at 1! │

  Iterate over each element, keeping null results
  > [1 2 3] | each --keep-empty {|e| if $e == 2 { "found 2!"} }
  │ 0 │          │
  │ 1 │ found 2! │
  │ 2 │          │


Returns its arguments, ignoring the piped-in value.

When given no arguments, it returns an empty string. When given one argument,
it returns it. Otherwise, it returns a list of the arguments. There is usually
little reason to use this over just writing the values as-is.

  > echo ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <any>: The values to echo.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Put a list of numbers in the pipeline. This is the same as [1 2 3].
  > echo 1 2 3
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │

  Returns the piped-in value, by using the special $in variable to obtain it.
  > echo $in


Encode a string into bytes.

Multiple encodings are supported; here are a few:
big5, euc-jp, euc-kr, gbk, iso-8859-1, cp1252, latin5

Note that since the Encoding Standard doesn't specify encoders for utf-16le and utf-16be, these are not yet supported.

For a more complete list of encodings, please refer to the encoding_rs
documentation link at

Search terms: text, encoding, decoding

  > encode {flags} <encoding> 

  encode base64 - Encode a string or binary value using Base64.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --ignore-errors - when a character isn't in the given encoding, replace with a HTML entity (like `&#127880;`)

  encoding <string>: The text encoding to use.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ binary │

  Encode an UTF-8 string into Shift-JIS
  > "負けると知って戦うのが、遥かに美しいのだ" | encode shift-jis
  [149, 137, 130, 175, 130, 233, 130, 198, 146, 109, 130, 193, 130, 196, 144, 237, 130, 164, 130, 204, 130, 170, 129, 65, 151, 121, 130, 169, 130, 201, 148, 252, 130, 181, 130, 162, 130, 204, 130, 190]

  Replace characters with HTML entities if they can't be encoded
  > "🎈" | encode --ignore-errors shift-jis

encode base64

Encode a string or binary value using Base64.

  > encode base64 {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --character-set <String> - specify the character rules for encoding the input.
Valid values are 'standard', 'standard-no-padding', 'url-safe', 'url-safe-no-padding','binhex', 'bcrypt', 'crypt', 'mutf7'

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, encode data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ binary       │ string       │
  │ 2 │ list<string> │ list<string> │
  │ 3 │ list<binary> │ list<string> │
  │ 4 │ list<any>    │ list<string> │
  │ 5 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 6 │ record       │ record       │

  Encode binary data
  > 0x[09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0] | encode base64

  Encode a string with default settings
  > 'Some Data' | encode base64

  Encode a string with the binhex character set
  > 'Some Data' | encode base64 --character-set binhex


Enumerate the elements in a stream.

Search terms: itemize

  > enumerate 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ table  │

  Add an index to each element of a list
  > [a, b, c] | enumerate 
  │ # │ item │
  │ 0 │ a    │
  │ 1 │ b    │
  │ 2 │ c    │

error make

Create an error.

Search terms: panic, crash, throw

  > error make {flags} <error_struct> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -u, --unspanned - remove the origin label from the error

  error_struct <record>: The error to create.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ error  │

  Create a simple custom error
  > error make {msg: "my custom error message"}

  Create a more complex custom error
  > error make {
        msg: "my custom error message"
        label: {
            text: "my custom label text"  # not mandatory unless $.label exists
            # optional
            span: {
                # if $.label.span exists, both start and end must be present
                start: 123
                end: 456
        help: "A help string, suggesting a fix to the user"  # optional

  Create a custom error for a custom command that shows the span of the argument
  > def foo [x] {
        error make {
            msg: "this is fishy"
            label: {
                text: "fish right here"
                span: (metadata $x).span


Show (or skip) every n-th row, starting from the first one.

  > every {flags} <stride> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -s, --skip - skip the rows that would be returned, instead of selecting them

  stride <int>: How many rows to skip between (and including) each row returned.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Get every second row
  > [1 2 3 4 5] | every 2
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 3 │
  │ 2 │ 5 │

  Skip every second row
  > [1 2 3 4 5] | every 2 --skip
  │ 0 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 4 │


Execute a command, replacing or exiting the current process, depending on platform.

On Unix-based systems, the current process is replaced with the command.
On Windows based systems, Nushell will wait for the command to finish and then exit with the command's exit code.

  > exec <command> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  command <string>: The command to execute.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Execute external 'ps aux' tool
  > exec ps aux

  Execute 'nautilus'
  > exec nautilus


Exit Nu.

Search terms: quit, close, exit_code, error_code, logout

  > exit (exit_code) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  exit_code <int>: Exit code to return immediately with. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Exit the current shell
  > exit


Explain closure contents.

  > explain <closure> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  closure <closure(any)>: The closure to run.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ any     │ any    │
  │ 1 │ nothing │ any    │

  Explain a command within a closure
  > explain {|| ls | sort-by name type --ignore-case | get name } | table --expand


Explore acts as a table pager, just like `less` does for text.

Press `:` then `h` to get a help menu.

  > explore {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  --head <Boolean> - Show or hide column headers (default true)
  -i, --index - Show row indexes when viewing a list
  -r, --reverse - Start with the viewport scrolled to the bottom
  -p, --peek - When quitting, output the value of the cell the cursor was on

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Explore the system information record
  > sys | explore

  Explore the output of `ls` without column names
  > ls | explore --head false

  Explore a list of Markdown files' contents, with row indexes
  > glob *.md | each {|| open } | explore --index

  Explore a JSON file, then save the last visited sub-structure to a file
  > open file.json | explore --peek | to json | save part.json


Export definitions or environment variables from a module.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

Search terms: module

  > export 

  export alias - Alias a command (with optional flags) to a new name and export it from a module.
  export const - Use parse-time constant from a module and export them from this module.
  export def - Define a custom command and export it from a module.
  export extern - Define an extern and export it from a module.
  export module - Export a custom module from a module.
  export use - Use definitions from a module and export them from this module.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  Export a definition from a module
  > module utils { export def my-command [] { "hello" } }; use utils my-command; my-command

export alias

Alias a command (with optional flags) to a new name and export it from a module.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

Search terms: abbr, aka, fn, func, function

  > export alias <name> = <initial_value> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  name <string>: Name of the alias.
  "=" + <expression>: Equals sign followed by value.

  Alias ll to ls -l and export it from a module
  > module spam { export alias ll = ls -l }

export const

Use parse-time constant from a module and export them from this module.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

Search terms: reexport, import, module

  > export const <const_name> = <initial_value> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  const_name <vardecl>: Constant name.
  "=" + <variable>: Equals sign followed by constant value.

  Re-export a command from another module
  > module spam { export const foo = 3; }
    module eggs { export use spam foo }
    use eggs foo

export def

Define a custom command and export it from a module.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

Search terms: module

  > export def {flags} <def_name> <params> <block> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  --env - keep the environment defined inside the command
  --wrapped - treat unknown flags and arguments as strings (requires parameter in signature)

  def_name <string>: Command name.
  params <signature>: Parameters.
  block <block>: Body of the definition.

  Define a custom command in a module and call it
  > module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }; use spam foo; foo

export extern

Define an extern and export it from a module.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

Search terms: signature, module, declare

  > export extern <def_name> <params> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  def_name <string>: Definition name.
  params <signature>: Parameters.

  Export the signature for an external command
  > export extern echo [text: string]

export module

Export a custom module from a module.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  > export module <module> (block) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  module <string>: Module name or module path.
  block <block>: Body of the module if 'module' parameter is not a path. (optional)

  Define a custom command in a submodule of a module and call it
  > module spam {
        export module eggs {
            export def foo [] { "foo" }
    use spam eggs
    eggs foo

export use

Use definitions from a module and export them from this module.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

Search terms: reexport, import, module

  > export use <module> (members) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  module <string>: Module or module file.
  members <any>: Which members of the module to import. (optional)

  Re-export a command from another module
  > module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }
    module eggs { export use spam foo }
    use eggs foo


Run a block and preserve its environment in a current scope.

  > export-env <block> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  block <block>: The block to run to set the environment.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Set an environment variable
  > export-env { $env.SPAM = 'eggs' }

  Set an environment variable and examine its value
  > export-env { $env.SPAM = 'eggs' }; $env.SPAM


Define a signature for an external command.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  > extern <def_name> <params> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  def_name <string>: Definition name.
  params <signature>: Parameters.

  Write a signature for an external command
  > extern echo [text: string]


Fill and Align.

Search terms: display, render, format, pad, align

  > fill {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -w, --width <Int> - The width of the output. Defaults to 1
  -a, --alignment <String> - The alignment of the output. Defaults to Left (Left(l), Right(r), Center(c/m), MiddleRight(cr/mr))
  -c, --character <String> - The character to fill with. Defaults to ' ' (space)

Input/output types:
  │ # │     input      │    output    │
  │ 0 │ int            │ string       │
  │ 1 │ float          │ string       │
  │ 2 │ string         │ string       │
  │ 3 │ filesize       │ string       │
  │ 4 │ list<int>      │ list<string> │
  │ 5 │ list<float>    │ list<string> │
  │ 6 │ list<string>   │ list<string> │
  │ 7 │ list<filesize> │ list<string> │
  │ 8 │ list<any>      │ list<string> │

  Fill a string on the left side to a width of 15 with the character '─'
  > 'nushell' | fill --alignment l --character '─' --width 15

  Fill a string on the right side to a width of 15 with the character '─'
  > 'nushell' | fill --alignment r --character '─' --width 15

  Fill a string on both sides to a width of 15 with the character '─'
  > 'nushell' | fill --alignment m --character '─' --width 15

  Fill a number on the left side to a width of 5 with the character '0'
  > 1 | fill --alignment right --character '0' --width 5

  Fill a number on both sides to a width of 5 with the character '0'
  > 1.1 | fill --alignment center --character '0' --width 5

  Fill a filesize on the left side to a width of 5 with the character '0'
  > 1kib | fill --alignment middle --character '0' --width 10


Filter values based on a predicate closure.

This command works similar to 'where' but allows reading the predicate closure from
a variable. On the other hand, the "row condition" syntax is not supported.

Search terms: where, find, search, condition

  > filter <closure> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  closure <closure(any, int)>: Predicate closure.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │
  │ 1 │ range     │ list<any> │

  Filter items of a list according to a condition
  > [1 2] | filter {|x| $x > 1}
  │ 0 │ 2 │

  Filter rows of a table according to a condition
  > [{a: 1} {a: 2}] | filter {|x| $x.a > 1}
  │ # │ a │
  │ 0 │ 2 │

  Filter rows of a table according to a stored condition
  > let cond = {|x| $x.a > 1}; [{a: 1} {a: 2}] | filter $cond
  │ # │ a │
  │ 0 │ 2 │

  Filter items of a range according to a condition
  > 9..13 | filter {|el| $el mod 2 != 0}
  │ 0 │  9 │
  │ 1 │ 11 │
  │ 2 │ 13 │

  List all numbers above 3, using an existing closure condition
  > let a = {$in > 3}; [1, 2, 5, 6] | filter $a


Searches terms in the input.

Search terms: filter, regex, search, condition

  > find {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --regex <String> - regex to match with
  -i, --ignore-case - case-insensitive regex mode; equivalent to (?i)
  -m, --multiline - multi-line regex mode: ^ and $ match begin/end of line; equivalent to (?m)
  -s, --dotall - dotall regex mode: allow a dot . to match newlines \n; equivalent to (?s)
  -c, --columns <List(String)> - column names to be searched (with rest parameter, not regex yet)
  -v, --invert - invert the match

Parameters: <any>: Terms to search.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │
  │ 1 │ string    │ any       │

  Search for multiple terms in a command output
  > ls | find toml md sh

  Search and highlight text for a term in a string
  > 'Cargo.toml' | find toml

  Search a number or a file size in a list of numbers
  > [1 5 3kb 4 3Mb] | find 5 3kb
  │ 0 │      5 │
  │ 1 │ 3.0 KB │

  Search a char in a list of string
  > [moe larry curly] | find l
  │ 0 │ larry │
  │ 1 │ curly │

  Find using regex
  > [abc bde arc abf] | find --regex "ab"
  │ 0 │ abc │
  │ 1 │ abf │

  Find using regex case insensitive
  > [aBc bde Arc abf] | find --regex "ab" -i
  │ 0 │ aBc │
  │ 1 │ abf │

  Find value in records using regex
  > [[version name]; ['0.1.0' nushell] ['0.1.1' fish] ['0.2.0' zsh]] | find --regex "nu"
  │ # │ version │  name   │
  │ 0 │ 0.1.0   │ nushell │

  Find inverted values in records using regex
  > [[version name]; ['0.1.0' nushell] ['0.1.1' fish] ['0.2.0' zsh]] | find --regex "nu" --invert
  │ # │ version │ name │
  │ 0 │ 0.1.1   │ fish │
  │ 1 │ 0.2.0   │ zsh  │

  Find value in list using regex
  > [["Larry", "Moe"], ["Victor", "Marina"]] | find --regex "rr"
  │ 0 │ [list 2 items] │

  Find inverted values in records using regex
  > [["Larry", "Moe"], ["Victor", "Marina"]] | find --regex "rr" --invert
  │ 0 │ [list 2 items] │

  Remove ANSI sequences from result
  > [[foo bar]; [abc 123] [def 456]] | find 123 | get bar | ansi strip

  Find and highlight text in specific columns
  > [[col1 col2 col3]; [moe larry curly] [larry curly moe]] | find moe --columns [col1]
  │ # │ col1 │ col2  │ col3  │
  │ 0 │ moe  │ larry │ curly │


Return only the first several rows of the input. Counterpart of `last`. Opposite of `skip`.

  > first (rows) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  rows <int>: Starting from the front, the number of rows to return. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ any    │
  │ 1 │ binary    │ binary │
  │ 2 │ range     │ any    │

  Return the first item of a list/table
  > [1 2 3] | first

  Return the first 2 items of a list/table
  > [1 2 3] | first 2
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │

  Return the first 2 bytes of a binary value
  > 0x[01 23 45] | first 2

  Return the first item of a range
  > 1..3 | first


Flatten the table.

  > flatten {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -a, --all - flatten inner table one level out

Parameters: <string>: Optionally flatten data by column.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │
  │ 1 │ record    │ table     │

  flatten a table
  > [[N, u, s, h, e, l, l]] | flatten 
  │ 0 │ N │
  │ 1 │ u │
  │ 2 │ s │
  │ 3 │ h │
  │ 4 │ e │
  │ 5 │ l │
  │ 6 │ l │

  flatten a table, get the first item
  > [[N, u, s, h, e, l, l]] | flatten | first

  flatten a column having a nested table
  > [[origin, people]; [Ecuador, ([[name, meal]; ['Andres', 'arepa']])]] | flatten --all | get meal

  restrict the flattening by passing column names
  > [[origin, crate, versions]; [World, ([[name]; ['nu-cli']]), ['0.21', '0.22']]] | flatten versions --all | last | get versions

  Flatten inner table
  > { a: b, d: [ 1 2 3 4 ], e: [ 4 3 ] } | flatten d --all
  │ # │ a │ d │       e        │
  │ 0 │ b │ 1 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 1 │ b │ 2 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 2 │ b │ 3 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 3 │ b │ 4 │ [list 2 items] │


Loop over a range.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  > for {flags} <var_name> in <range> <block> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -n, --numbered - return a numbered item ($it.index and $it.item)

  var_name <vardecl>: Name of the looping variable.
  "in" + <any>: Range of the loop.
  block <block>: The block to run.

  Print the square of each integer
  > for x in [1 2 3] { print ($x * $x) }

  Work with elements of a range
  > for $x in 1..3 { print $x }

  Number each item and print a message
  > for $it in ['bob' 'fred'] --numbered { print $"($it.index) is ($it.item)" }


Various commands for formatting data.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

  > format 

  format date - Format a given date using a format string.
  format duration - Outputs duration with a specified unit of time.
  format filesize - Converts a column of filesizes to some specified format.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

format date

Format a given date using a format string.

Search terms: fmt, strftime

  > format date {flags} (format string) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -l, --list - lists strftime cheatsheet

  format string <string>: The desired format date. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ date    │ string │
  │ 1 │ string  │ string │
  │ 2 │ nothing │ table  │

  Format a given date-time using the default format (RFC 2822).
  > '2021-10-22 20:00:12 +01:00' | into datetime | format date
  Fri, 22 Oct 2021 20:00:12 +0100

  Format a given date-time as a string using the default format (RFC 2822).
  > "2021-10-22 20:00:12 +01:00" | format date
  Fri, 22 Oct 2021 20:00:12 +0100

  Format the current date-time using a given format string.
  > date now | format date "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

  Format the current date using a given format string.
  > date now | format date "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

  Format a given date using a given format string.
  > "2021-10-22 20:00:12 +01:00" | format date "%Y-%m-%d"

format duration

Outputs duration with a specified unit of time.

Search terms: convert, display, pattern, human readable

  > format duration <format value> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  format value <string>: The unit in which to display the duration. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, format duration at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │     input      │    output    │
  │ 0 │ duration       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<duration> │ list<string> │
  │ 2 │ table          │ table        │

  Convert µs duration to the requested second duration as a string
  > 1000000µs | format duration sec
  1 sec

  Convert durations to µs duration as strings
  > [1sec 2sec] | format duration µs
  │ 0 │ 1000000 µs │
  │ 1 │ 2000000 µs │

  Convert duration to µs as a string if unit asked for was us
  > 1sec | format duration us
  1000000 µs

format filesize

Converts a column of filesizes to some specified format.

Search terms: convert, display, pattern, human readable

  > format filesize <format value> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  format value <string>: The format into which convert the file sizes. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, format filesizes at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ filesize │ string │
  │ 1 │ table    │ table  │
  │ 2 │ record   │ record │

  Convert the size column to KB
  > ls | format filesize KB size

  Convert the apparent column to B
  > du | format filesize B apparent

  Convert the size data to MB
  > 4Gb | format filesize MB
  4000.0 MB


Parse a string or binary data into structured data.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

  > from 

  from csv - Parse text as .csv and create table.
  from json - Convert from json to structured data.
  from nuon - Convert from nuon to structured data.
  from ods - Parse OpenDocument Spreadsheet(.ods) data and create table.
  from ssv - Parse text as space-separated values and create a table. The default minimum number of spaces counted as a separator is 2.
  from toml - Parse text as .toml and create record.
  from tsv - Parse text as .tsv and create table.
  from xlsx - Parse binary Excel(.xlsx) data and create table.
  from xml - Parse text as .xml and create record.
  from yaml - Parse text as .yaml/.yml and create table.
  from yml - Parse text as .yaml/.yml and create table.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

from csv

Parse text as .csv and create table.

  > from csv {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -s, --separator <String> - a character to separate columns (either single char or 4 byte unicode sequence), defaults to ','
  -c, --comment <String> - a comment character to ignore lines starting with it
  -q, --quote <String> - a quote character to ignore separators in strings, defaults to '"'
  -e, --escape <String> - an escape character for strings containing the quote character
  -n, --noheaders - don't treat the first row as column names
  --flexible - allow the number of fields in records to be variable
  --no-infer - no field type inferencing
  -t, --trim <String> - drop leading and trailing whitespaces around headers names and/or field values

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ table  │

  Convert comma-separated data to a table
  > "ColA,ColB
1,2" | from csv
  │ # │ ColA │ ColB │
  │ 0 │    1 │    2 │

  Convert comma-separated data to a table, ignoring headers
  > open data.txt | from csv --noheaders

  Convert semicolon-separated data to a table
  > open data.txt | from csv --separator ';'

  Convert comma-separated data to a table, ignoring lines starting with '#'
  > open data.txt | from csv --comment '#'

  Convert comma-separated data to a table, dropping all possible whitespaces around header names and field values
  > open data.txt | from csv --trim all

  Convert comma-separated data to a table, dropping all possible whitespaces around header names
  > open data.txt | from csv --trim headers

  Convert comma-separated data to a table, dropping all possible whitespaces around field values
  > open data.txt | from csv --trim fields

from json

Convert from json to structured data.

  > from json {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -o, --objects - treat each line as a separate value
  -s, --strict - follow the json specification exactly

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ any    │

  Converts json formatted string to table
  > '{ "a": 1 }' | from json
  │ a │ 1 │

  Converts json formatted string to table
  > '{ "a": 1, "b": [1, 2] }' | from json
  │ a │ 1              │
  │ b │ [list 2 items] │

  Parse json strictly which will error on comments and trailing commas
  > '{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }' | from json -s
  │ a │ 1 │
  │ b │ 2 │

from nuon

Convert from nuon to structured data.

  > from nuon 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ any    │

  Converts nuon formatted string to table
  > '{ a:1 }' | from nuon
  │ a │ 1 │

  Converts nuon formatted string to table
  > '{ a:1, b: [1, 2] }' | from nuon
  │ a │ 1              │
  │ b │ [list 2 items] │

from ods

Parse OpenDocument Spreadsheet(.ods) data and create table.

  > from ods {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -s, --sheets <List(String)> - Only convert specified sheets

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ table  │

  Convert binary .ods data to a table
  > open --raw test.ods | from ods

  Convert binary .ods data to a table, specifying the tables
  > open --raw test.ods | from ods --sheets [Spreadsheet1]

from ssv

Parse text as space-separated values and create a table. The default minimum number of spaces counted as a separator is 2.

  > from ssv {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -n, --noheaders - don't treat the first row as column names
  -a, --aligned-columns - assume columns are aligned
  -m, --minimum-spaces <Int> - the minimum spaces to separate columns

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ table  │

  Converts ssv formatted string to table
  > 'FOO   BAR
1   2' | from ssv
  │ # │ FOO │ BAR │
  │ 0 │ 1   │ 2   │

  Converts ssv formatted string to table but not treating the first row as column names
  > 'FOO   BAR
1   2' | from ssv --noheaders
  │ # │ column1 │ column2 │
  │ 0 │ FOO     │ BAR     │
  │ 1 │ 1       │ 2       │

from toml

Parse text as .toml and create record.

  > from toml 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ record │

  Converts toml formatted string to record
  > 'a = 1' | from toml
  │ a │ 1 │

  Converts toml formatted string to record
  > 'a = 1
b = [1, 2]' | from toml
  │ a │ 1              │
  │ b │ [list 2 items] │

from tsv

Parse text as .tsv and create table.

  > from tsv {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --comment <String> - a comment character to ignore lines starting with it
  -q, --quote <String> - a quote character to ignore separators in strings, defaults to '"'
  -e, --escape <String> - an escape character for strings containing the quote character
  -n, --noheaders - don't treat the first row as column names
  --flexible - allow the number of fields in records to be variable
  --no-infer - no field type inferencing
  -t, --trim <String> - drop leading and trailing whitespaces around headers names and/or field values

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ table  │

  Convert tab-separated data to a table
  > "ColAColB
12" | from tsv
  │ # │ ColA │ ColB │
  │ 0 │    1 │    2 │

  Create a tsv file with header columns and open it
  > $'c1(char tab)c2(char tab)c3(char nl)1(char tab)2(char tab)3' | save tsv-data | open tsv-data | from tsv

  Create a tsv file without header columns and open it
  > $'a1(char tab)b1(char tab)c1(char nl)a2(char tab)b2(char tab)c2' | save tsv-data | open tsv-data | from tsv --noheaders

  Create a tsv file without header columns and open it, removing all unnecessary whitespaces
  > $'a1(char tab)b1(char tab)c1(char nl)a2(char tab)b2(char tab)c2' | save tsv-data | open tsv-data | from tsv --trim all

  Create a tsv file without header columns and open it, removing all unnecessary whitespaces in the header names
  > $'a1(char tab)b1(char tab)c1(char nl)a2(char tab)b2(char tab)c2' | save tsv-data | open tsv-data | from tsv --trim headers

  Create a tsv file without header columns and open it, removing all unnecessary whitespaces in the field values
  > $'a1(char tab)b1(char tab)c1(char nl)a2(char tab)b2(char tab)c2' | save tsv-data | open tsv-data | from tsv --trim fields

from xlsx

Parse binary Excel(.xlsx) data and create table.

  > from xlsx {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -s, --sheets <List(String)> - Only convert specified sheets

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ binary │ table  │

  Convert binary .xlsx data to a table
  > open --raw test.xlsx | from xlsx

  Convert binary .xlsx data to a table, specifying the tables
  > open --raw test.xlsx | from xlsx --sheets [Spreadsheet1]

from xml

Parse text as .xml and create record.

Every XML entry is represented via a record with tag, attribute and content fields.
To represent different types of entries different values are written to this fields:
1. Tag entry: `{tag: <tag name> attrs: {<attr name>: "<string value>" ...} content: [<entries>]}`
2. Comment entry: `{tag: '!' attrs: null content: "<comment string>"}`
3. Processing instruction (PI): `{tag: '?<pi name>' attrs: null content: "<pi content string>"}`
4. Text: `{tag: null attrs: null content: "<text>"}`.

Unlike to xml command all null values are always present and text is never represented via plain
string. This way content of every tag is always a table and is easier to parse

  > from xml {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  --keep-comments - add comment nodes to result
  --keep-pi - add processing instruction nodes to result

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ record │

  Converts xml formatted string to record
  > '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
</note>' | from xml
  │ tag        │ note              │
  │ attributes │ {record 0 fields} │
  │ content    │ [table 1 row]     │

from yaml

Parse text as .yaml/.yml and create table.

  > from yaml 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ any    │

  Converts yaml formatted string to table
  > 'a: 1' | from yaml
  │ a │ 1 │

  Converts yaml formatted string to table
  > '[ a: 1, b: [1, 2] ]' | from yaml
  │ # │ a  │       b        │
  │ 0 │  1 │             ❎ │
  │ 1 │ ❎ │ [list 2 items] │

from yml

Parse text as .yaml/.yml and create table.

  > from yml 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ any    │

  Converts yaml formatted string to table
  > 'a: 1' | from yaml
  │ a │ 1 │

  Converts yaml formatted string to table
  > '[ a: 1, b: [1, 2] ]' | from yaml
  │ # │ a  │       b        │
  │ 0 │  1 │             ❎ │
  │ 1 │ ❎ │ [list 2 items] │


Generate a list of values by successively invoking a closure.

The generator closure accepts a single argument and returns a record
containing two optional keys: 'out' and 'next'. Each invocation, the 'out'
value, if present, is added to the stream. If a 'next' key is present, it is
used as the next argument to the closure, otherwise generation stops.

Search terms: unfold, stream, yield, expand

  > generate <initial> <closure> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  initial <any>: Initial value.
  closure <closure(any)>: Generator function.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ nothing   │ list<any> │
  │ 1 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Generate a sequence of numbers
  > generate 0 {|i| if $i <= 10 { {out: $i, next: ($i + 2)} }}
  │ 0 │  0 │
  │ 1 │  2 │
  │ 2 │  4 │
  │ 3 │  6 │
  │ 4 │  8 │
  │ 5 │ 10 │

  Generate a stream of fibonacci numbers
  > generate [0, 1] {|fib| {out: $fib.0, next: [$fib.1, ($fib.0 + $fib.1)]} } | first 10
  │ 0 │  0 │
  │ 1 │  1 │
  │ 2 │  1 │
  │ 3 │  2 │
  │ 4 │  3 │
  │ 5 │  5 │
  │ 6 │  8 │
  │ 7 │ 13 │
  │ 8 │ 21 │
  │ 9 │ 34 │


Extract data using a cell path.

This is equivalent to using the cell path access syntax: `$env.OS` is the same as `$env | get OS`.

If multiple cell paths are given, this will produce a list of values.

  > get {flags} <cell_path> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --ignore-errors - ignore missing data (make all cell path members optional)
  -s, --sensitive - get path in a case sensitive manner

  cell_path <cell-path>: The cell path to the data. <cell-path>: Additional cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ any    │
  │ 1 │ table     │ any    │
  │ 2 │ record    │ any    │

  Get an item from a list
  > [0 1 2] | get 1

  Get a column from a table
  > [{A: A0}] | get A
  │ 0 │ A0 │

  Get a cell from a table
  > [{A: A0}] | get 0.A

  Extract the name of the 3rd record in a list (same as `ls | $`)
  > ls | get name.2

  Extract the name of the 3rd record in a list
  > ls | get

  Extract the cpu list from the sys information record
  > sys | get cpu

  Getting Path/PATH in a case insensitive way
  > $env | get paTH

  Getting Path in a case sensitive way, won't work for 'PATH'
  > $env | get --sensitive Path


Creates a list of files and/or folders based on the glob pattern provided.

For more glob pattern help, please refer to

Search terms: pattern, files, folders, list, ls

  > glob {flags} <glob> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -d, --depth <Int> - directory depth to search
  -D, --no-dir - Whether to filter out directories from the returned paths
  -F, --no-file - Whether to filter out files from the returned paths
  -S, --no-symlink - Whether to filter out symlinks from the returned paths
  -e, --exclude <List(String)> - Patterns to exclude from the search: `glob` will not walk the inside of directories matching the excluded patterns.

  glob <string>: The glob expression.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │    output    │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ list<string> │

  Search for *.rs files
  > glob *.rs

  Search for *.rs and *.toml files recursively up to 2 folders deep
  > glob **/*.{rs,toml} --depth 2

  Search for files and folders that begin with uppercase C or lowercase c
  > glob "[Cc]*"

  Search for files and folders like abc or xyz substituting a character for ?
  > glob "{a?c,x?z}"

  A case-insensitive search for files and folders that begin with c
  > glob "(?i)c*"

  Search for files for folders that do not begin with c, C, b, M, or s
  > glob "[!cCbMs]*"

  Search for files or folders with 3 a's in a row in the name
  > glob <a*:3>

  Search for files or folders with only a, b, c, or d in the file name between 1 and 10 times
  > glob <[a-d]:1,10>

  Search for folders that begin with an uppercase ASCII letter, ignoring files and symlinks
  > glob "[A-Z]*" --no-file --no-symlink

  Search for files named tsconfig.json that are not in node_modules directories
  > glob **/tsconfig.json --exclude [**/node_modules/**]

  Search for all files that are not in the target nor .git directories
  > glob **/* --exclude [**/target/** **/.git/** */]


Renders the output to a textual terminal grid.

grid was built to give a concise gridded layout for ls. however,
it determines what to put in the grid by looking for a column named
'name'. this works great for tables and records but for lists we
need to do something different. such as with '[one two three] | grid'
it creates a fake column called 'name' for these values so that it
prints out the list properly.

  > grid {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -w, --width <Int> - number of terminal columns wide (not output columns)
  -c, --color - draw output with color
  -s, --separator <String> - character to separate grid with

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ string │
  │ 1 │ record    │ string │

  Render a simple list to a grid
  > [1 2 3 a b c] | grid
  1 │ 2 │ 3 │ a │ b │ c

  The above example is the same as:
  > [1 2 3 a b c] | wrap name | grid
  1 │ 2 │ 3 │ a │ b │ c

  Render a record to a grid
  > {name: 'foo', b: 1, c: 2} | grid

  Render a list of records to a grid
  > [{name: 'A', v: 1} {name: 'B', v: 2} {name: 'C', v: 3}] | grid
  A │ B │ C

  Render a table with 'name' column in it to a grid
  > [[name patch]; [0.1.0 false] [0.1.1 true] [0.2.0 false]] | grid
  0.1.0 │ 0.1.1 │ 0.2.0


Groups input into groups of `group_size`.

  > group <group_size> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  group_size <int>: The size of each group.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │     output      │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<list<any>> │

  Group the a list by pairs
  > [1 2 3 4] | group 2
  │ 0 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 1 │ [list 2 items] │


Splits a list or table into groups, and returns a record containing those groups.

  > group-by {flags} (grouper) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  --to-table - Return a table with "groups" and "items" columns

  grouper <one_of(cell-path, block, closure(), closure(any))>: The path to the column to group on. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ any    │

  Group items by the "type" column's values
  > ls | group-by type

  Group items by the "foo" column's values, ignoring records without a "foo" column
  > open cool.json | group-by foo?

  Group using a block which is evaluated against each input value
  > [foo.txt bar.csv baz.txt] | group-by { path parse | get extension }
  │ txt │ [list 2 items] │
  │ csv │ [list 1 item]  │

  You can also group by raw values by leaving out the argument
  > ['1' '3' '1' '3' '2' '1' '1'] | group-by
  │ 1 │ [list 4 items] │
  │ 3 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 2 │ [list 1 item]  │

  You can also output a table instead of a record
  > ['1' '3' '1' '3' '2' '1' '1'] | group-by --to-table
  │ # │ group │     items      │
  │ 0 │ 1     │ [list 4 items] │
  │ 1 │ 3     │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 2 │ 2     │ [list 1 item]  │


Apply hash function.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

  > hash 

  hash md5 - Hash a value using the md5 hash algorithm.
  hash sha256 - Hash a value using the sha256 hash algorithm.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

hash md5

Hash a value using the md5 hash algorithm.

  > hash md5 {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -b, --binary - Output binary instead of hexadecimal representation

Parameters: <cell-path>: Optionally md5 hash data by cell path.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ any    │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │
  │ 2 │ record │ record │

  Return the md5 hash of a string, hex-encoded
  > 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | hash md5

  Return the md5 hash of a string, as binary
  > 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | hash md5 --binary
  [195, 252, 211, 215, 97, 146, 228, 0, 125, 251, 73, 108, 202, 103, 225, 59]

  Return the md5 hash of a file's contents
  > open ./ | hash md5

hash sha256

Hash a value using the sha256 hash algorithm.

  > hash sha256 {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -b, --binary - Output binary instead of hexadecimal representation

Parameters: <cell-path>: Optionally sha256 hash data by cell path.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ any    │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │
  │ 2 │ record │ record │

  Return the sha256 hash of a string, hex-encoded
  > 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | hash sha256

  Return the sha256 hash of a string, as binary
  > 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | hash sha256 --binary
  [113, 196, 128, 223, 147, 214, 174, 47, 30, 250, 209, 68, 124, 102, 201, 82, 94, 49, 98, 24, 207, 81, 252, 141, 158, 216, 50, 242, 218, 241, 139, 115]

  Return the sha256 hash of a file's contents
  > open ./ | hash sha256


Use the first row of the table as column names.

  > headers 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ table     │ table  │
  │ 1 │ list<any> │ table  │

  Sets the column names for a table created by `split column`
  > "a b c|1 2 3" | split row "|" | split column " " | headers
  │ # │ a │ b │ c │
  │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │

  Columns which don't have data in their first row are removed
  > "a b c|1 2 3|1 2 3 4" | split row "|" | split column " " | headers
  │ # │ a │ b │ c │
  │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │


Display help information about different parts of Nushell.

`help word` searches for "word" in commands, aliases and modules, in that order.

  > help {flags} ...(rest) 

  help aliases - Show help on nushell aliases.
  help commands - Show help on nushell commands.
  help escapes - Show help on nushell string escapes.
  help externs - Show help on nushell externs.
  help modules - Show help on nushell modules.
  help operators - Show help on nushell operators.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -f, --find <String> - string to find in command names, usage, and search terms

Parameters: <string>: The name of command, alias or module to get help on.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  show help for single command, alias, or module
  > help match

  show help for single sub-command, alias, or module
  > help str lpad

  search for string in command names, usage and search terms
  > help --find char

help aliases

Show help on nushell aliases.

  > help aliases {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -f, --find <String> - string to find in alias names and usage

Parameters: <string>: The name of alias to get help on.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  show all aliases
  > help aliases

  show help for single alias
  > help aliases my-alias

  search for string in alias names and usages
  > help aliases --find my-alias

help commands

Show help on nushell commands.

  > help commands {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -f, --find <String> - string to find in command names, usage, and search terms

Parameters: <string>: The name of command to get help on.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

help escapes

Show help on nushell string escapes.

  > help escapes 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

help externs

Show help on nushell externs.

  > help externs {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -f, --find <String> - string to find in extern names and usage

Parameters: <string>: The name of extern to get help on.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  show all externs
  > help externs

  show help for single extern
  > help externs smth

  search for string in extern names and usages
  > help externs --find smth

help modules

Show help on nushell modules.

When requesting help for a single module, its commands and aliases will be highlighted if they
are also available in the current scope. Commands/aliases that were imported under a different name
(such as with a prefix after `use some-module`) will be highlighted in parentheses.

  > help modules {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -f, --find <String> - string to find in module names and usage

Parameters: <string>: The name of module to get help on.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  show all modules
  > help modules

  show help for single module
  > help modules my-module

  search for string in module names and usages
  > help modules --find my-module

help operators

Show help on nushell operators.

  > help operators 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │


Hide definitions in the current scope.

Definitions are hidden by priority: First aliases, then custom commands.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  > hide <module> (members) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  module <string>: Module or module file.
  members <any>: Which members of the module to import. (optional)

  Hide the alias just defined
  > alias lll = ls -l; hide lll

  Hide a custom command
  > def say-hi [] { echo 'Hi!' }; hide say-hi


Hide environment variables in the current scope.

  > hide-env {flags} ...(name) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --ignore-errors - do not throw an error if an environment variable was not found

Parameters: <string>: Environment variable names to hide.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Hide an environment variable
  > $env.HZ_ENV_ABC = 1; hide-env HZ_ENV_ABC; 'HZ_ENV_ABC' in (env).name


Creates a new table with a histogram based on the column name passed in.

  > histogram {flags} (column-name) (frequency-column-name) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -t, --percentage-type <String> - percentage calculate method, can be 'normalize' or 'relative', in 'normalize', defaults to be 'normalize'

  column-name <string>: Column name to calc frequency, no need to provide if input is a list. (optional)
  frequency-column-name <string>: Histogram's frequency column, default to be frequency column output. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ table  │

  Compute a histogram of file types
  > ls | histogram type

  Compute a histogram for the types of files, with frequency column named freq
  > ls | histogram type freq

  Compute a histogram for a list of numbers
  > [1 2 1] | histogram
  │ # │ value │ count │ quantile │ percentage │                             frequency                              │
  │ 0 │     1 │     2 │     0.67 │ 66.67%     │ ****************************************************************** │
  │ 1 │     2 │     1 │     0.33 │ 33.33%     │ *********************************                                  │

  Compute a histogram for a list of numbers, and percentage is based on the maximum value
  > [1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1] | histogram --percentage-type relative


Get the command history.

  > history {flags} 

  history session - Get the command history session.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --clear - Clears out the history entries
  -l, --long - Show long listing of entries for sqlite history

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Get current history length
  > history | length

  Show last 5 commands you have ran
  > history | last 5

  Search all the commands from history that contains 'cargo'
  > history | where command =~ cargo | get command

history session

Get the command history session.

  > history session 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ int    │

  Get current history session
  > history session


Various commands for working with http methods.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

Search terms: network, fetch, pull, request, download, curl, wget

  > http 

  http delete - Delete the specified resource.
  http get - Fetch the contents from a URL.
  http head - Get the headers from a URL.
  http options - Requests permitted communication options for a given URL.
  http patch - Patch a body to a URL.
  http post - Post a body to a URL.
  http put - Put a body to a URL.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

http delete

Delete the specified resource.

Performs HTTP DELETE operation.

Search terms: network, request, curl, wget

  > http delete {flags} <URL> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -u, --user <Any> - the username when authenticating
  -p, --password <Any> - the password when authenticating
  -d, --data <Any> - the content to post
  -t, --content-type <Any> - the MIME type of content to post
  -m, --max-time <Int> - timeout period in seconds
  -H, --headers <Any> - custom headers you want to add 
  -r, --raw - fetch contents as text rather than a table
  -k, --insecure - allow insecure server connections when using SSL
  -f, --full - returns the full response instead of only the body
  -e, --allow-errors - do not fail if the server returns an error code
  -R, --redirect-mode <String> - What to do when encountering redirects. Default: 'follow'. Valid options: 'follow' ('f'), 'manual' ('m'), 'error' ('e').

  URL <string>: The URL to fetch the contents from.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  http delete from
  > http delete

  http delete from, with username and password
  > http delete --user myuser --password mypass

  http delete from, with custom header
  > http delete --headers [my-header-key my-header-value]

  http delete from, with body
  > http delete --data 'body'

  http delete from, with JSON body
  > http delete --content-type application/json --data { field: value }

http get

Fetch the contents from a URL.

Performs HTTP GET operation.

Search terms: network, fetch, pull, request, download, curl, wget

  > http get {flags} <URL> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -u, --user <Any> - the username when authenticating
  -p, --password <Any> - the password when authenticating
  -m, --max-time <Int> - timeout period in seconds
  -H, --headers <Any> - custom headers you want to add 
  -r, --raw - fetch contents as text rather than a table
  -k, --insecure - allow insecure server connections when using SSL
  -f, --full - returns the full response instead of only the body
  -e, --allow-errors - do not fail if the server returns an error code
  -R, --redirect-mode <String> - What to do when encountering redirects. Default: 'follow'. Valid options: 'follow' ('f'), 'manual' ('m'), 'error' ('e').

  URL <string>: The URL to fetch the contents from.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Get content from
  > http get

  Get content from, with username and password
  > http get --user myuser --password mypass

  Get content from, with custom header
  > http get --headers [my-header-key my-header-value]

  Get content from, with custom headers
  > http get --headers [my-header-key-A my-header-value-A my-header-key-B my-header-value-B]

http head

Get the headers from a URL.

Performs HTTP HEAD operation.

Search terms: network, request, curl, wget, headers, header

  > http head {flags} <URL> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -u, --user <Any> - the username when authenticating
  -p, --password <Any> - the password when authenticating
  -m, --max-time <Int> - timeout period in seconds
  -H, --headers <Any> - custom headers you want to add 
  -k, --insecure - allow insecure server connections when using SSL
  -R, --redirect-mode <String> - What to do when encountering redirects. Default: 'follow'. Valid options: 'follow' ('f'), 'manual' ('m'), 'error' ('e').

  URL <string>: The URL to fetch the contents from.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Get headers from
  > http head

  Get headers from, with username and password
  > http head --user myuser --password mypass

  Get headers from, with custom header
  > http head --headers [my-header-key my-header-value]

http options

Requests permitted communication options for a given URL.

Performs an HTTP OPTIONS request. Most commonly used for making CORS preflight requests.

Search terms: network, fetch, pull, request, curl, wget

  > http options {flags} <URL> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -u, --user <Any> - the username when authenticating
  -p, --password <Any> - the password when authenticating
  -m, --max-time <Int> - timeout period in seconds
  -H, --headers <Any> - custom headers you want to add 
  -k, --insecure - allow insecure server connections when using SSL
  -e, --allow-errors - do not fail if the server returns an error code

  URL <string>: The URL to fetch the options from.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Get options from
  > http options

  Get options from, with username and password
  > http options --user myuser --password mypass

  Get options from, with custom header
  > http options --headers [my-header-key my-header-value]

  Get options from, with custom headers
  > http options --headers [my-header-key-A my-header-value-A my-header-key-B my-header-value-B]

  Simulate a browser cross-origin preflight request from to
  > http options --headers [Origin Access-Control-Request-Headers "Content-Type, X-Custom-Header" Access-Control-Request-Method GET]

http patch

Patch a body to a URL.

Performs HTTP PATCH operation.

Search terms: network, send, push

  > http patch {flags} <URL> <data> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -u, --user <Any> - the username when authenticating
  -p, --password <Any> - the password when authenticating
  -t, --content-type <Any> - the MIME type of content to post
  -m, --max-time <Int> - timeout period in seconds
  -H, --headers <Any> - custom headers you want to add 
  -r, --raw - return values as a string instead of a table
  -k, --insecure - allow insecure server connections when using SSL
  -f, --full - returns the full response instead of only the body
  -e, --allow-errors - do not fail if the server returns an error code
  -R, --redirect-mode <String> - What to do when encountering redirects. Default: 'follow'. Valid options: 'follow' ('f'), 'manual' ('m'), 'error' ('e').

  URL <string>: The URL to post to.
  data <any>: The contents of the post body.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Patch content to
  > http patch 'body'

  Patch content to, with username and password
  > http patch --user myuser --password mypass 'body'

  Patch content to, with custom header
  > http patch --headers [my-header-key my-header-value]

  Patch content to, with JSON body
  > http patch --content-type application/json { field: value }

http post

Post a body to a URL.

Performs HTTP POST operation.

Search terms: network, send, push

  > http post {flags} <URL> <data> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -u, --user <Any> - the username when authenticating
  -p, --password <Any> - the password when authenticating
  -t, --content-type <Any> - the MIME type of content to post
  -m, --max-time <Int> - timeout period in seconds
  -H, --headers <Any> - custom headers you want to add 
  -r, --raw - return values as a string instead of a table
  -k, --insecure - allow insecure server connections when using SSL
  -f, --full - returns the full response instead of only the body
  -e, --allow-errors - do not fail if the server returns an error code
  -R, --redirect-mode <String> - What to do when encountering redirects. Default: 'follow'. Valid options: 'follow' ('f'), 'manual' ('m'), 'error' ('e').

  URL <string>: The URL to post to.
  data <any>: The contents of the post body.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Post content to
  > http post 'body'

  Post content to, with username and password
  > http post --user myuser --password mypass 'body'

  Post content to, with custom header
  > http post --headers [my-header-key my-header-value]

  Post content to, with JSON body
  > http post --content-type application/json { field: value }

http put

Put a body to a URL.

Performs HTTP PUT operation.

Search terms: network, send, push

  > http put {flags} <URL> <data> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -u, --user <Any> - the username when authenticating
  -p, --password <Any> - the password when authenticating
  -t, --content-type <Any> - the MIME type of content to post
  -m, --max-time <Int> - timeout period in seconds
  -H, --headers <Any> - custom headers you want to add 
  -r, --raw - return values as a string instead of a table
  -k, --insecure - allow insecure server connections when using SSL
  -f, --full - returns the full response instead of only the body
  -e, --allow-errors - do not fail if the server returns an error code
  -R, --redirect-mode <String> - What to do when encountering redirects. Default: 'follow'. Valid options: 'follow' ('f'), 'manual' ('m'), 'error' ('e').

  URL <string>: The URL to post to.
  data <any>: The contents of the post body.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Put content to
  > http put 'body'

  Put content to, with username and password
  > http put --user myuser --password mypass 'body'

  Put content to, with custom header
  > http put --headers [my-header-key my-header-value]

  Put content to, with JSON body
  > http put --content-type application/json { field: value }


Conditionally run a block.

  > if <cond> <then_block> (else <else_expression>) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  cond <variable>: Condition to check.
  then_block <block>: Block to run if check succeeds.
  "else" + <one_of(block, expression)>: Expression or block to run when the condition is false. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Output a value if a condition matches, otherwise return nothing
  > if 2 < 3 { 'yes!' }

  Output a value if a condition matches, else return another value
  > if 5 < 3 { 'yes!' } else { 'no!' }

  Chain multiple if's together
  > if 5 < 3 { 'yes!' } else if 4 < 5 { 'no!' } else { 'okay!' }


Ignore the output of the previous command in the pipeline.

Search terms: silent, quiet, out-null

  > ignore 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output  │
  │ 0 │ any   │ nothing │

  Ignore the output of an echo command
  > echo done | ignore


Get input from the user.

Search terms: prompt, interactive

  > input {flags} (prompt) 

  input list - Interactive list selection.
  input listen - Listen for user interface event.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -u, --bytes-until-any <String> - read bytes (not text) until any of the given stop bytes is seen
  -n, --numchar <Int> - number of characters to read; suppresses output
  -s, --suppress-output - don't print keystroke values

  prompt <string>: Prompt to show the user. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Get input from the user, and assign to a variable
  > let user_input = (input)

  Get two characters from the user, and assign to a variable
  > let user_input = (input --numchar 2)

input list

Interactive list selection.

Abort with esc or q.

Search terms: prompt, ask, menu

  > input list {flags} (prompt) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -m, --multi - Use multiple results, you can press a to toggle all options on/off
  -f, --fuzzy - Use a fuzzy select.
  -i, --index - Returns list indexes.
  -d, --display <CellPath> - Field to use as display value

  prompt <string>: The prompt to display. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ any    │
  │ 1 │ range     │ int    │

  Return a single value from a list
  > [1 2 3 4 5] | input list 'Rate it'

  Return multiple values from a list
  > [Banana Kiwi Pear Peach Strawberry] | input list --multi 'Add fruits to the basket'

  Return a single record from a table with fuzzy search
  > ls | input list --fuzzy 'Select the target'

  Choose an item from a range
  > 1..10 | input list

  Return the index of a selected item
  > [Banana Kiwi Pear Peach Strawberry] | input list --index

  Choose an item from a table using a column as display value
  > [[name price]; [Banana 12] [Kiwi 4] [Pear 7]] | input list -d name

input listen

Listen for user interface event.

There are 5 different type of events: focus, key, mouse, paste, resize. Each will produce a
corresponding record, distinguished by type field:
{ type: focus event: (gained|lost) }
{ type: key key_type: <key_type> code: <string> modifiers: [ <modifier> ... ] }
{ type: mouse col: <int> row: <int> kind: <string> modifiers: [ <modifier> ... ] }
{ type: paste content: <string> }
{ type: resize col: <int> row: <int> }
There are 6 `modifier` variants: shift, control, alt, super, hyper, meta.
There are 4 `key_type` variants:
    f - f1, f2, f3 ... keys
    char - alphanumeric and special symbols (a, A, 1, $ ...)
    media - dedicated media keys (play, pause, tracknext ...)
    other - keys not falling under previous categories (up, down, backspace, enter ...)

Search terms: prompt, interactive, keycode

  > input listen {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -t, --types <List(String)> - Listen for event of specified types only (can be one of: focus, key, mouse, paste, resize)
  -r, --raw - Add raw_code field with numeric value of keycode and raw_flags with bit mask flags

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │                      output                      │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ record<keycode: string, modifiers: list<string>> │

  Listen for a keyboard shortcut and find out how nu receives it
  > input listen --types [key]


Insert a new column, using an expression or closure to create each row's values.

Search terms: add

  > insert <field> <new value> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  field <cell-path>: The name of the column to insert.
  new value <any>: The new value to give the cell(s).

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ record    │ record    │
  │ 1 │ table     │ table     │
  │ 2 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Insert a new entry into a single record
  > {'name': 'nu', 'stars': 5} | insert alias 'Nushell'
  │ name  │ nu      │
  │ stars │ 5       │
  │ alias │ Nushell │

  Insert a new column into a table, populating all rows
  > [[project, lang]; ['Nushell', 'Rust']] | insert type 'shell'
  │ # │ project │ lang │ type  │
  │ 0 │ Nushell │ Rust │ shell │

  Insert a new column with values computed based off the other columns
  > [[foo]; [7] [8] [9]] | insert bar {|row| $ * 2 }
  │ # │ foo │ bar │
  │ 0 │   7 │  14 │
  │ 1 │   8 │  16 │
  │ 2 │   9 │  18 │

  Insert a new value into a list at an index
  > [1 2 4] | insert 2 3
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │
  │ 3 │ 4 │

  Insert a new value at the end of a list
  > [1 2 3] | insert 3 4
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │
  │ 3 │ 4 │


Inspect pipeline results while running a pipeline.

  > inspect 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Inspect pipeline results
  > ls | inspect | get name | inspect


Read multiple streams in parallel and combine them into one stream.

This combinator is useful for reading output from multiple commands.

If input is provided to `interleave`, the input will be combined with the
output of the closures. This enables `interleave` to be used at any position
within a pipeline.

Because items from each stream will be inserted into the final stream as soon
as they are available, there is no guarantee of how the final output will be
ordered. However, the order of items from any given stream is guaranteed to be
preserved as they were in that stream.

If interleaving streams in a fair (round-robin) manner is desired, consider
using `zip { ... } | flatten` instead.

  > interleave {flags} ...(closures) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -b, --buffer-size <Int> - Number of items to buffer from the streams. Increases memory usage, but can help performance when lots of output is produced.

  ...closures <closure()>: The closures that will generate streams to be combined.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │
  │ 1 │ nothing   │ list<any> │

  Read two sequences of numbers into separate columns of a table.
Note that the order of rows with 'a' columns and rows with 'b' columns is arbitrary.
  > seq 1 50 | wrap a | interleave { seq 1 50 | wrap b }

  Read two sequences of numbers, one from input. Sort for consistency.
  > seq 1 3 | interleave { seq 4 6 } | sort
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │
  │ 3 │ 4 │
  │ 4 │ 5 │
  │ 5 │ 6 │

  Read two sequences, but without any input. Sort for consistency.
  > interleave { "foo\nbar\n" | lines } { "baz\nquux\n" | lines } | sort
  │ 0 │ bar  │
  │ 1 │ baz  │
  │ 2 │ foo  │
  │ 3 │ quux │

  Run two commands in parallel and annotate their output.
  > (
    { nu -c "print hello; print world" | lines | each { "greeter: " ++ $in } }
    { nu -c "print nushell; print rocks" | lines | each { "evangelist: " ++ $in } }

  Use a buffer to increase the performance of high-volume streams.
  > seq 1 20000 | interleave --buffer-size 16 { seq 1 20000 } | math sum


Commands to convert data from one type to another.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

  > into 

  into binary - Convert value to a binary primitive.
  into bool - Convert value to boolean.
  into cell-path - Convert value to a cell-path.
  into datetime - Convert text or timestamp into a datetime.
  into duration - Convert value to duration.
  into filesize - Convert value to filesize.
  into float - Convert data into floating point number.
  into glob - Convert value to glob.
  into int - Convert value to integer.
  into record - Convert value to record.
  into sqlite - Convert table into a SQLite database.
  into string - Convert value to string.
  into value - Infer nushell datatype for each cell.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

into binary

Convert value to a binary primitive.

Search terms: convert, bytes

  > into binary {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --compact - output without padding zeros

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, convert data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ binary   │ binary │
  │ 1 │ int      │ binary │
  │ 2 │ number   │ binary │
  │ 3 │ string   │ binary │
  │ 4 │ bool     │ binary │
  │ 5 │ filesize │ binary │
  │ 6 │ date     │ binary │
  │ 7 │ table    │ table  │
  │ 8 │ record   │ record │

  convert string to a nushell binary primitive
  > 'This is a string that is exactly 52 characters long.' | into binary
  This is a string that is exactly 52 characters long.

  convert a number to a nushell binary primitive
  > 1 | into binary

  convert a boolean to a nushell binary primitive
  > true | into binary

  convert a filesize to a nushell binary primitive
  > ls | where name == LICENSE | get size | into binary

  convert a filepath to a nushell binary primitive
  > ls | where name == LICENSE | get name | path expand | into binary

  convert a float to a nushell binary primitive
  > 1.234 | into binary
  [88, 57, 180, 200, 118, 190, 243, 63]

  convert an int to a nushell binary primitive with compact enabled
  > 10 | into binary --compact

into bool

Convert value to boolean.

Search terms: convert, boolean, true, false, 1, 0

  > into bool ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, convert data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ int       │ bool   │
  │ 1 │ number    │ bool   │
  │ 2 │ string    │ bool   │
  │ 3 │ bool      │ bool   │
  │ 4 │ list<any> │ table  │
  │ 5 │ table     │ table  │
  │ 6 │ record    │ record │

  Convert value to boolean in table
  > [[value]; ['false'] ['1'] [0] [1.0] [true]] | into bool value
  │ # │ value │
  │ 0 │ false │
  │ 1 │ true  │
  │ 2 │ false │
  │ 3 │ true  │
  │ 4 │ true  │

  Convert bool to boolean
  > true | into bool

  convert int to boolean
  > 1 | into bool

  convert float to boolean
  > 0.3 | into bool

  convert float string to boolean
  > '0.0' | into bool

  convert string to boolean
  > 'true' | into bool

into cell-path

Convert value to a cell-path.

Converting a string directly into a cell path is intentionally not supported.

Search terms: convert

  > into cell-path 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │                  input                   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ int                                      │ cell-path │
  │ 1 │ list<any>                                │ cell-path │
  │ 2 │ list<record<value: any, optional: bool>> │ cell-path │

  Convert integer into cell path
  > 5 | into cell-path

  Convert string into cell path
  > 'some.path' | split row '.' | into cell-path

  Convert list into cell path
  > [5 c 7 h] | into cell-path

  Convert table into cell path
  > [[value, optional]; [5 true] [c false]] | into cell-path

into datetime

Convert text or timestamp into a datetime.

Search terms: convert, timezone, UTC

  > into datetime {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -z, --timezone <String> - Specify timezone if the input is a Unix timestamp. Valid options: 'UTC' ('u') or 'LOCAL' ('l')
  -o, --offset <Int> - Specify timezone by offset from UTC if the input is a Unix timestamp, like '+8', '-4'
  -f, --format <String> - Specify expected format of INPUT string to parse to datetime. Use --list to see options
  -l, --list - Show all possible variables for use in --format flag
  -n, --list-human - Show human-readable datetime parsing examples

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, convert data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │   output   │
  │ 0 │ int          │ date       │
  │ 1 │ string       │ date       │
  │ 2 │ list<string> │ list<date> │
  │ 3 │ table        │ table      │
  │ 4 │ record       │ record     │

  Convert any standard timestamp string to datetime
  > '27.02.2021 1:55 pm +0000' | into datetime
  Sat, 27 Feb 2021 13:55:00 +0000 (3 years ago)

  Convert any standard timestamp string to datetime
  > '2021-02-27T13:55:40.2246+00:00' | into datetime
  Sat, 27 Feb 2021 13:55:40 +0000 (3 years ago)

  Convert non-standard timestamp string to datetime using a custom format
  > '20210227_135540+0000' | into datetime --format '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S%z'
  Sat, 27 Feb 2021 13:55:40 +0000 (3 years ago)

  Convert nanosecond-precision unix timestamp to a datetime with offset from UTC
  > 1614434140123456789 | into datetime --offset -5
  Sat, 27 Feb 2021 13:55:40 +0000 (3 years ago)

  Convert standard (seconds) unix timestamp to a UTC datetime
  > 1614434140 * 1_000_000_000 | into datetime
  Sat, 27 Feb 2021 13:55:40 +0000 (3 years ago)

  Convert list of timestamps to datetimes
  > ["2023-03-30 10:10:07 -05:00", "2023-05-05 13:43:49 -05:00", "2023-06-05 01:37:42 -05:00"] | into datetime
  │ 0 │ a year ago    │
  │ 1 │ 11 months ago │
  │ 2 │ 10 months ago │

  Parsing human readable datetimes
  > 'Today at 18:30' | into datetime

  Parsing human readable datetimes
  > 'Last Friday at 19:45' | into datetime

  Parsing human readable datetimes
  > 'In 5 minutes and 30 seconds' | into datetime

into duration

Convert value to duration.

Max duration value is i64::MAX nanoseconds; max duration time unit is wk (weeks).

Search terms: convert, time, period

  > into duration {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -u, --unit <String> - Unit to convert number into (will have an effect only with integer input)

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, convert data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input   │  output  │
  │ 0 │ int      │ duration │
  │ 1 │ string   │ duration │
  │ 2 │ duration │ duration │
  │ 3 │ table    │ table    │

  Convert duration string to duration value
  > '7min' | into duration

  Convert compound duration string to duration value
  > '1day 2hr 3min 4sec' | into duration
  1day 2hr 3min 4sec

  Convert table of duration strings to table of duration values
  > [[value]; ['1sec'] ['2min'] ['3hr'] ['4day'] ['5wk']] | into duration value
  │ # │ value │
  │ 0 │  1sec │
  │ 1 │  2min │
  │ 2 │   3hr │
  │ 3 │  4day │
  │ 4 │   5wk │

  Convert duration to duration
  > 420sec | into duration

  Convert a number of ns to duration
  > 1_234_567 | into duration
  1ms 234µs 567ns

  Convert a number of an arbitrary unit to duration
  > 1_234 | into duration --unit ms
  1sec 234ms

into filesize

Convert value to filesize.

Search terms: convert, number, bytes

  > into filesize ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, convert data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │  # │     input      │     output     │
  │  0 │ int            │ filesize       │
  │  1 │ number         │ filesize       │
  │  2 │ string         │ filesize       │
  │  3 │ filesize       │ filesize       │
  │  4 │ table          │ table          │
  │  5 │ record         │ record         │
  │  6 │ list<int>      │ list<filesize> │
  │  7 │ list<number>   │ list<filesize> │
  │  8 │ list<string>   │ list<filesize> │
  │  9 │ list<filesize> │ list<filesize> │
  │ 10 │ list<any>      │ list<filesize> │

  Convert string to filesize in table
  > [[device size]; ["/dev/sda1" "200"] ["/dev/loop0" "50"]] | into filesize size
  │ # │   device   │ size  │
  │ 0 │ /dev/sda1  │ 200 B │
  │ 1 │ /dev/loop0 │  50 B │

  Convert string to filesize
  > '2' | into filesize
  2 B

  Convert float to filesize
  > 8.3 | into filesize
  8 B

  Convert int to filesize
  > 5 | into filesize
  5 B

  Convert file size to filesize
  > 4KB | into filesize
  4.0 KB

into float

Convert data into floating point number.

Search terms: convert, number, floating, decimal

  > into float ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, convert data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │   output    │
  │ 0 │ int       │ float       │
  │ 1 │ string    │ float       │
  │ 2 │ bool      │ float       │
  │ 3 │ float     │ float       │
  │ 4 │ table     │ table       │
  │ 5 │ record    │ record      │
  │ 6 │ list<any> │ list<float> │

  Convert string to float in table
  > [[num]; ['5.01']] | into float num
  │ # │ num  │
  │ 0 │ 5.01 │

  Convert string to floating point number
  > '1.345' | into float

  Coerce list of ints and floats to float
  > [4 -5.9] | into float
  │ 0 │  4.00 │
  │ 1 │ -5.90 │

  Convert boolean to float
  > true | into float

into glob

Convert value to glob.

Search terms: convert, text

  > into glob ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, convert data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │   output   │
  │ 0 │ string       │ glob       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<glob> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table      │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record     │

  convert string to glob
  > '1234' | into glob

  convert filepath to glob
  > ls Cargo.toml | get name | into glob

into int

Convert value to integer.

Search terms: convert, number, natural

  > into int {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --radix <Number> - radix of integer
  -e, --endian <String> - byte encode endian, available options: native(default), little, big
  -s, --signed - always treat input number as a signed number

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, convert data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │  # │     input      │  output   │
  │  0 │ string         │ int       │
  │  1 │ number         │ int       │
  │  2 │ bool           │ int       │
  │  3 │ date           │ int       │
  │  4 │ duration       │ int       │
  │  5 │ filesize       │ int       │
  │  6 │ binary         │ int       │
  │  7 │ table          │ table     │
  │  8 │ record         │ record    │
  │  9 │ list<string>   │ list<int> │
  │ 10 │ list<number>   │ list<int> │
  │ 11 │ list<bool>     │ list<int> │
  │ 12 │ list<date>     │ list<int> │
  │ 13 │ list<duration> │ list<int> │
  │ 14 │ list<filesize> │ list<int> │
  │ 15 │ list<any>      │ list<int> │

  Convert string to int in table
  > [[num]; ['-5'] [4] [1.5]] | into int num

  Convert string to int
  > '2' | into int

  Convert float to int
  > 5.9 | into int

  Convert decimal string to int
  > '5.9' | into int

  Convert file size to int
  > 4KB | into int

  Convert bool to int
  > [false, true] | into int
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │

  Convert date to int (Unix nanosecond timestamp)
  > 1983-04-13T12:09:14.123456789-05:00 | into int

  Convert to int from binary data (radix: 2)
  > '1101' | into int --radix 2

  Convert to int from hex
  > 'FF' |  into int --radix 16

  Convert octal string to int
  > '0o10132' | into int

  Convert 0 padded string to int
  > '0010132' | into int

  Convert 0 padded string to int with radix 8
  > '0010132' | into int --radix 8

  Convert binary value to int
  > 0x[10] | into int

  Convert binary value to signed int
  > 0x[a0] | into int --signed

into record

Convert value to record.

Search terms: convert

  > into record 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ date      │ record │
  │ 1 │ duration  │ record │
  │ 2 │ list<any> │ record │
  │ 3 │ range     │ record │
  │ 4 │ record    │ record │

  Convert from one row table to record
  > [[value]; [false]] | into record
  │ value │ false │

  Convert from list to record
  > [1 2 3] | into record
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │

  Convert from range to record
  > 0..2 | into record
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 2 │

  convert duration to record (weeks max)
  > (-500day - 4hr - 5sec) | into record
  │ week   │ 71 │
  │ day    │ 3  │
  │ hour   │ 4  │
  │ second │ 5  │
  │ sign   │ -  │

  convert record to record
  > {a: 1, b: 2} | into record
  │ a │ 1 │
  │ b │ 2 │

  convert date to record
  > 2020-04-12T22:10:57+02:00 | into record
  │ year     │ 2020   │
  │ month    │ 4      │
  │ day      │ 12     │
  │ hour     │ 22     │
  │ minute   │ 10     │
  │ second   │ 57     │
  │ timezone │ +02:00 │

into sqlite

Convert table into a SQLite database.

Search terms: convert, database

  > into sqlite {flags} <file-name> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -t, --table-name <String> - Specify table name to store the data in

  file-name <string>: Specify the filename to save the database to.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ table  │ nothing │
  │ 1 │ record │ nothing │

  Convert ls entries into a SQLite database with 'main' as the table name
  > ls | into sqlite my_ls.db

  Convert ls entries into a SQLite database with 'my_table' as the table name
  > ls | into sqlite my_ls.db -t my_table

  Convert table literal into a SQLite database with 'main' as the table name
  > [[name]; [-----] [someone] [=====] [somename] ['(((((']] | into sqlite filename.db

  Insert a single record into a SQLite database
  > { foo: bar, baz: quux } | into sqlite filename.db

into string

Convert value to string.

Search terms: convert, text

  > into string {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -d, --decimals <Int> - decimal digits to which to round

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, convert data at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │  # │   input   │    output    │
  │  0 │ binary    │ string       │
  │  1 │ int       │ string       │
  │  2 │ number    │ string       │
  │  3 │ string    │ string       │
  │  4 │ glob      │ string       │
  │  5 │ bool      │ string       │
  │  6 │ filesize  │ string       │
  │  7 │ date      │ string       │
  │  8 │ duration  │ string       │
  │  9 │ list<any> │ list<string> │
  │ 10 │ table     │ table        │
  │ 11 │ record    │ record       │

  convert int to string and append three decimal places
  > 5 | into string --decimals 3

  convert float to string and round to nearest integer
  > 1.7 | into string --decimals 0

  convert float to string
  > 1.7 | into string --decimals 1

  convert float to string and limit to 2 decimals
  > 1.734 | into string --decimals 2

  convert float to string
  > 4.3 | into string

  convert string to string
  > '1234' | into string

  convert boolean to string
  > true | into string

  convert date to string
  > '2020-10-10 10:00:00 +02:00' | into datetime | into string
  Sat Oct 10 10:00:00 2020

  convert filepath to string
  > ls Cargo.toml | get name | into string

  convert filesize to string
  > 1KiB | into string
  1.0 KiB

  convert duration to string
  > 9day | into string
  1wk 2day

into value

Infer nushell datatype for each cell.

  > into value {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --columns <Table([])> - list of columns to update
  -f, --prefer-filesizes - For ints display them as human-readable file sizes

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ table │ table  │

  Infer Nushell values for each cell.
  > $table | into value

  Infer Nushell values for each cell in the given columns.
  > $table | into value -c [column1, column5]


Check if nushell is running with administrator or root privileges.

Search terms: root, administrator, superuser, supervisor

  > is-admin 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ bool   │

  Return 'iamroot' if nushell is running with admin/root privileges, and 'iamnotroot' if not.
  > if (is-admin) { "iamroot" } else { "iamnotroot" }


Check for empty values.

  > is-empty ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: The names of the columns to check emptiness.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ bool   │

  Check if a string is empty
  > '' | is-empty

  Check if a list is empty
  > [] | is-empty

  Check if more than one column are empty
  > [[meal size]; [arepa small] [taco '']] | is-empty meal size


Check for non-empty values.

  > is-not-empty ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: The names of the columns to check emptiness.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ bool   │

  Check if a string is empty
  > '' | is-not-empty

  Check if a list is empty
  > [] | is-not-empty

  Check if more than one column are empty
  > [[meal size]; [arepa small] [taco '']] | is-not-empty meal size


Check if stdin, stdout, or stderr is a terminal.

Search terms: input, output, stdin, stdout, stderr, tty

  > is-terminal {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --stdin - Check if stdin is a terminal
  -o, --stdout - Check if stdout is a terminal
  -e, --stderr - Check if stderr is a terminal

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ bool   │

  Return "terminal attached" if standard input is attached to a terminal, and "no terminal" if not.
  > if (is-terminal --stdin) { "terminal attached" } else { "no terminal" }
  terminal attached


Given a record, iterate on each pair of column name and associated value.

This is a the fusion of `columns`, `values` and `each`.

  > items <closure> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  closure <closure(any, any)>: The closure to run.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ record │ any    │

  Iterate over each key-value pair of a record
  > { new: york, san: francisco } | items {|key, value| echo $'($key) ($value)' }
  │ 0 │ new york      │
  │ 1 │ san francisco │


Join two tables.

Search terms: sql

  > join {flags} <right-table> <left-on> (right-on) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --inner - Inner join (default)
  -l, --left - Left-outer join
  -r, --right - Right-outer join
  -o, --outer - Outer join

  right-table <list<any>>: The right table in the join.
  left-on <string>: Name of column in input (left) table to join on.
  right-on <string>: Name of column in right table to join on. Defaults to same column as left table. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ table │ table  │

  Join two tables
  > [{a: 1 b: 2}] | join [{a: 1 c: 3}] a
  │ # │ a │ b │ c │
  │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │ 3 │


Keybindings related commands.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

For more information on input and keybindings, check:

Search terms: shortcut, hotkey

  > keybindings 

  keybindings default - List default keybindings.
  keybindings list - List available options that can be used to create keybindings.
  keybindings listen - Get input from the user.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

keybindings default

List default keybindings.

  > keybindings default 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Get list with default keybindings
  > keybindings default

keybindings list

List available options that can be used to create keybindings.

  > keybindings list {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -m, --modifiers - list of modifiers
  -k, --keycodes - list of keycodes
  -o, --modes - list of edit modes
  -e, --events - list of reedline event
  -d, --edits - list of edit commands

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Get list of key modifiers
  > keybindings list --modifiers

  Get list of reedline events and edit commands
  > keybindings list -e -d

  Get list with all the available options
  > keybindings list

keybindings listen

Get input from the user.

This is an internal debugging tool. For better output, try `input listen --types [key]`

  > keybindings listen 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Type and see key event codes
  > keybindings listen


Kill a process using the process id.

Search terms: stop, end, close

  > kill {flags} <pid> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -f, --force - forcefully kill the process
  -q, --quiet - won't print anything to the console

  pid <int>: Process id of process that is to be killed. <int>: Rest of processes to kill.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Kill the pid using the most memory
  > ps | sort-by mem | last | kill $

  Force kill a given pid
  > kill --force 12345


Return only the last several rows of the input. Counterpart of `first`. Opposite of `drop`.

  > last (rows) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  rows <int>: Starting from the back, the number of rows to return. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ any    │
  │ 1 │ binary    │ binary │
  │ 2 │ range     │ any    │

  Return the last 2 items of a list/table
  > [1,2,3] | last 2
  │ 0 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 3 │

  Return the last item of a list/table
  > [1,2,3] | last

  Return the last 2 bytes of a binary value
  > 0x[01 23 45] | last 2

  Return the last item of a range
  > 1..3 | last

lazy make

Create a lazy record.

Lazy records are special records that only evaluate their values once the property is requested.
        For example, when printing a lazy record, all of its fields will be collected. But when accessing
        a specific property, only it will be evaluated.

        Note that this is unrelated to the lazyframes feature bundled with dataframes.

Search terms: deferred, record, procedural

  > lazy make {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --columns (required parameter) List(String) - Closure that gets called when the LazyRecord needs to list the available column names
  -g, --get-value (required parameter) Closure(Some([String])) - Closure to call when a value needs to be produced on demand

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ record │

  Create a lazy record
  > lazy make --columns ["haskell", "futures", "nushell"] --get-value { |lazything| $lazything + "!" }

  Test the laziness of lazy records
  > lazy make --columns ["hello"] --get-value { |key| print $"getting ($key)!"; $key | str upcase }


Count the number of items in an input list or rows in a table.

Search terms: count, size, wc

  > length 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ int    │

  Count the number of items in a list
  > [1 2 3 4 5] | length

  Count the number of rows in a table
  > [{a:1 b:2}, {a:2 b:3}] | length


Create a variable and give it a value.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

Search terms: set, const

  > let <var_name> = <initial_value> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  var_name <vardecl>: Variable name.
  "=" + <variable>: Equals sign followed by value.

  Set a variable to a value
  > let x = 10

  Set a variable to the result of an expression
  > let x = 10 + 100

  Set a variable based on the condition
  > let x = if false { -1 } else { 1 }


`let-env FOO = ...` has been removed, use `$env.FOO = ...` instead.

  > let-env (var_name) (= <initial_value>) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  var_name <string>: Variable name. (optional)
  "=" + <variable>: Equals sign followed by value. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │


Converts input to lines.

  > lines {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -s, --skip-empty - skip empty lines

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │    output    │
  │ 0 │ any   │ list<string> │

  Split multi-line string into lines
  > $"two\nlines" | lines
  │ 0 │ two   │
  │ 1 │ lines │


Loads an environment update from a record.

  > load-env (update) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  update <record>: The record to use for updates. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ record  │ nothing │
  │ 1 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Load variables from an input stream
  > {NAME: ABE, AGE: UNKNOWN} | load-env; $env.NAME

  Load variables from an argument
  > load-env {NAME: ABE, AGE: UNKNOWN}; $env.NAME


Run a block in a loop.

  > loop <block> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  block <block>: Block to loop.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Loop while a condition is true
  > mut x = 0; loop { if $x > 10 { break }; $x = $x + 1 }; $x


List the filenames, sizes, and modification times of items in a directory.

Search terms: dir

  > ls {flags} (pattern) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -a, --all - Show hidden files
  -l, --long - Get all available columns for each entry (slower; columns are platform-dependent)
  -s, --short-names - Only print the file names, and not the path
  -f, --full-paths - display paths as absolute paths
  -d, --du - Display the apparent directory size ("disk usage") in place of the directory metadata size
  -D, --directory - List the specified directory itself instead of its contents
  -m, --mime-type - Show mime-type in type column instead of 'file' (based on filenames only; files' contents are not examined)

  pattern <one_of(glob, string)>: The glob pattern to use. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  List visible files in the current directory
  > ls

  List visible files in a subdirectory
  > ls subdir

  List visible files with full path in the parent directory
  > ls -f ..

  List Rust files
  > ls *.rs

  List files and directories whose name do not contain 'bar'
  > ls -s | where name !~ bar

  List all dirs in your home directory
  > ls -a ~ | where type == dir

  List all dirs in your home directory which have not been modified in 7 days
  > ls -as ~ | where type == dir and modified < ((date now) - 7day)

  List given paths and show directories themselves
  > ['/path/to/directory' '/path/to/file'] | each {|| ls -D $in } | flatten


Conditionally run a block on a matched value.

  > match <value> <match_block> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  value <any>: Value to check.
  match_block <match-block>: Block to run if check succeeds.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Match on a value in range
  > match 3 { 1..10 => 'yes!' }

  Match on a field in a record
  > match {a: 100} { {a: $my_value} => { $my_value } }

  Match with a catch-all
  > match 3 { 1 => { 'yes!' }, _ => { 'no!' } }

  Match against a list
  > match [1, 2, 3] { [$a, $b, $c] => { $a + $b + $c }, _ => 0 }

  Match against pipeline input
  > {a: {b: 3}} | match $in {{a: { $b }} => ($b + 10) }

  Match with a guard
  > match [1 2 3] {
        [$x, ..$y] if $x == 1 => { 'good list' },
        _ => { 'not a very good list' }
  good list


Use mathematical functions as aggregate functions on a list of numbers or tables.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

  > math 

  math abs - Returns the absolute value of a number.
  math avg - Returns the average of a list of numbers.
  math ceil - Returns the ceil of a number (smallest integer greater than or equal to that number).
  math floor - Returns the floor of a number (largest integer less than or equal to that number).
  math log - Returns the logarithm for an arbitrary base.
  math max - Returns the maximum of a list of values, or of columns in a table.
  math median - Computes the median of a list of numbers.
  math min - Finds the minimum within a list of values or tables.
  math mode - Returns the most frequent element(s) from a list of numbers or tables.
  math product - Returns the product of a list of numbers or the products of each column of a table.
  math round - Returns the input number rounded to the specified precision.
  math sqrt - Returns the square root of the input number.
  math stddev - Returns the standard deviation of a list of numbers, or of each column in a table.
  math sum - Returns the sum of a list of numbers or of each column in a table.
  math variance - Returns the variance of a list of numbers or of each column in a table.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

math abs

Returns the absolute value of a number.

Search terms: absolute, modulus, positive, distance

  > math abs 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │     input      │     output     │
  │ 0 │ number         │ number         │
  │ 1 │ duration       │ duration       │
  │ 2 │ list<number>   │ list<number>   │
  │ 3 │ list<duration> │ list<duration> │

  Compute absolute value of each number in a list of numbers
  > [-50 -100.0 25] | math abs
  │ 0 │     50 │
  │ 1 │ 100.00 │
  │ 2 │     25 │

math avg

Returns the average of a list of numbers.

Search terms: average, mean, statistics

  > math avg 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │     input      │  output  │
  │ 0 │ list<duration> │ duration │
  │ 1 │ duration       │ duration │
  │ 2 │ list<filesize> │ filesize │
  │ 3 │ filesize       │ filesize │
  │ 4 │ list<number>   │ number   │
  │ 5 │ number         │ number   │
  │ 6 │ range          │ number   │
  │ 7 │ table          │ record   │
  │ 8 │ record         │ record   │

  Compute the average of a list of numbers
  > [-50 100.0 25] | math avg

  Compute the average of a list of durations
  > [2sec 1min] | math avg

  Compute the average of each column in a table
  > [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | math avg
  │ a │ 2 │
  │ b │ 3 │

math ceil

Returns the ceil of a number (smallest integer greater than or equal to that number).

Search terms: ceiling, round up, rounding, integer

  > math ceil 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │  output   │
  │ 0 │ number       │ int       │
  │ 1 │ list<number> │ list<int> │

  Apply the ceil function to a list of numbers
  > [1.5 2.3 -3.1] | math ceil
  │ 0 │  2 │
  │ 1 │  3 │
  │ 2 │ -3 │

math floor

Returns the floor of a number (largest integer less than or equal to that number).

Search terms: round down, rounding, integer

  > math floor 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │  output   │
  │ 0 │ number       │ int       │
  │ 1 │ list<number> │ list<int> │

  Apply the floor function to a list of numbers
  > [1.5 2.3 -3.1] | math floor
  │ 0 │  1 │
  │ 1 │  2 │
  │ 2 │ -4 │

math log

Returns the logarithm for an arbitrary base.

Search terms: base, exponent, inverse, euler

  > math log <base> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  base <number>: Base for which the logarithm should be computed.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │   output    │
  │ 0 │ number       │ float       │
  │ 1 │ list<number> │ list<float> │

  Get the logarithm of 100 to the base 10
  > 100 | math log 10

  Get the log2 of a list of values
  > [16 8 4] | math log 2
  │ 0 │ 4.00 │
  │ 1 │ 3.00 │
  │ 2 │ 2.00 │

math max

Returns the maximum of a list of values, or of columns in a table.

Search terms: maximum, largest

  > math max 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │     input      │  output  │
  │ 0 │ list<number>   │ number   │
  │ 1 │ list<duration> │ duration │
  │ 2 │ list<filesize> │ filesize │
  │ 3 │ list<any>      │ any      │
  │ 4 │ range          │ number   │
  │ 5 │ table          │ record   │
  │ 6 │ record         │ record   │

  Find the maximum of a list of numbers
  > [-50 100 25] | math max

  Find the maxima of the columns of a table
  > [{a: 1 b: 3} {a: 2 b: -1}] | math max
  │ a │ 2 │
  │ b │ 3 │

  Find the maximum of a list of dates
  > [2022-02-02 2022-12-30 2012-12-12] | math max
  Fri, 30 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 (a year ago)

math median

Computes the median of a list of numbers.

Search terms: middle, statistics

  > math median 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │     input      │  output  │
  │ 0 │ list<number>   │ number   │
  │ 1 │ list<duration> │ duration │
  │ 2 │ list<filesize> │ filesize │
  │ 3 │ range          │ number   │
  │ 4 │ table          │ record   │
  │ 5 │ record         │ record   │

  Compute the median of a list of numbers
  > [3 8 9 12 12 15] | math median

  Compute the medians of the columns of a table
  > [{a: 1 b: 3} {a: 2 b: -1} {a: -3 b: 5}] | math median
  │ a │ 1 │
  │ b │ 3 │

  Find the median of a list of file sizes
  > [5KB 10MB 200B] | math median
  5.0 KB

math min

Finds the minimum within a list of values or tables.

Search terms: minimum, smallest

  > math min 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │     input      │  output  │
  │ 0 │ list<number>   │ number   │
  │ 1 │ list<duration> │ duration │
  │ 2 │ list<filesize> │ filesize │
  │ 3 │ list<any>      │ any      │
  │ 4 │ range          │ number   │
  │ 5 │ table          │ record   │
  │ 6 │ record         │ record   │

  Compute the minimum of a list of numbers
  > [-50 100 25] | math min

  Compute the minima of the columns of a table
  > [{a: 1 b: 3} {a: 2 b: -1}] | math min
  │ a │ 1  │
  │ b │ -1 │

  Find the minimum of a list of arbitrary values (Warning: Weird)
  > [-50 'hello' true] | math min

math mode

Returns the most frequent element(s) from a list of numbers or tables.

Search terms: common, often

  > math mode 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │     input      │     output     │
  │ 0 │ list<number>   │ list<number>   │
  │ 1 │ list<duration> │ list<duration> │
  │ 2 │ list<filesize> │ list<filesize> │
  │ 3 │ table          │ record         │

  Compute the mode(s) of a list of numbers
  > [3 3 9 12 12 15] | math mode
  │ 0 │  3 │
  │ 1 │ 12 │

  Compute the mode(s) of the columns of a table
  > [{a: 1 b: 3} {a: 2 b: -1} {a: 1 b: 5}] | math mode
  │ a │ [list 1 item]  │
  │ b │ [list 3 items] │

math product

Returns the product of a list of numbers or the products of each column of a table.

Search terms: times, multiply, x, *

  > math product 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<number> │ number │
  │ 1 │ range        │ number │
  │ 2 │ table        │ record │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record │

  Compute the product of a list of numbers
  > [2 3 3 4] | math product

  Compute the product of each column in a table
  > [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | math product
  │ a │ 3 │
  │ b │ 8 │

math round

Returns the input number rounded to the specified precision.

Search terms: approx, closest, nearest

  > math round {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -p, --precision <Number> - digits of precision

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ number       │ number       │
  │ 1 │ list<number> │ list<number> │

  Apply the round function to a list of numbers
  > [1.5 2.3 -3.1] | math round
  │ 0 │  2 │
  │ 1 │  2 │
  │ 2 │ -3 │

  Apply the round function with precision specified
  > [1.555 2.333 -3.111] | math round --precision 2
  │ 0 │  1.56 │
  │ 1 │  2.33 │
  │ 2 │ -3.11 │

  Apply negative precision to a list of numbers
  > [123, 123.3, -123.4] | math round --precision -1
  │ 0 │  120 │
  │ 1 │  120 │
  │ 2 │ -120 │

math sqrt

Returns the square root of the input number.

Search terms: square, root

  > math sqrt 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │   output    │
  │ 0 │ number       │ float       │
  │ 1 │ list<number> │ list<float> │

  Compute the square root of each number in a list
  > [9 16] | math sqrt
  │ 0 │ 3.00 │
  │ 1 │ 4.00 │

math stddev

Returns the standard deviation of a list of numbers, or of each column in a table.

Search terms: SD, standard, deviation, dispersion, variation, statistics

  > math stddev {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -s, --sample - calculate sample standard deviation (i.e. using N-1 as the denominator)

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<number> │ number │
  │ 1 │ table        │ record │
  │ 2 │ record       │ record │

  Compute the standard deviation of a list of numbers
  > [1 2 3 4 5] | math stddev

  Compute the sample standard deviation of a list of numbers
  > [1 2 3 4 5] | math stddev --sample

  Compute the standard deviation of each column in a table
  > [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | math stddev
  │ a │ 1 │
  │ b │ 1 │

math sum

Returns the sum of a list of numbers or of each column in a table.

Search terms: plus, add, total, +

  > math sum 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │     input      │  output  │
  │ 0 │ list<number>   │ number   │
  │ 1 │ list<duration> │ duration │
  │ 2 │ list<filesize> │ filesize │
  │ 3 │ range          │ number   │
  │ 4 │ table          │ record   │
  │ 5 │ record         │ record   │

  Sum a list of numbers
  > [1 2 3] | math sum

  Get the disk usage for the current directory
  > ls | get size | math sum

  Compute the sum of each column in a table
  > [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | math sum
  │ a │ 4 │
  │ b │ 6 │

math variance

Returns the variance of a list of numbers or of each column in a table.

Search terms: deviation, dispersion, variation, statistics

  > math variance {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -s, --sample - calculate sample variance (i.e. using N-1 as the denominator)

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<number> │ number │
  │ 1 │ table        │ record │
  │ 2 │ record       │ record │

  Get the variance of a list of numbers
  > [1 2 3 4 5] | math variance

  Get the sample variance of a list of numbers
  > [1 2 3 4 5] | math variance --sample

  Compute the variance of each column in a table
  > [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | math variance
  │ a │ 1 │
  │ b │ 1 │


Merge the input with a record or table, overwriting values in matching columns.

You may provide a column structure to merge

When merging tables, row 0 of the input table is overwritten
with values from row 0 of the provided table, then
repeating this process with row 1, and so on.

  > merge <value> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  value <any>: The new value to merge with.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ record │ record │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │

  Add an 'index' column to the input table
  > [a b c] | wrap name | merge ( [1 2 3] | wrap index )
  │ # │ name │
  │ 1 │ a    │
  │ 2 │ b    │
  │ 3 │ c    │

  Merge two records
  > {a: 1, b: 2} | merge {c: 3}
  │ a │ 1 │
  │ b │ 2 │
  │ c │ 3 │

  Merge two tables, overwriting overlapping columns
  > [{columnA: A0 columnB: B0}] | merge [{columnA: 'A0*'}]
  │ # │ columnA │ columnB │
  │ 0 │ A0*     │ B0      │


Get the metadata for items in the stream.

  > metadata (expression) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  expression <any>: The expression you want metadata for. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ record │

  Get the metadata of a variable
  > let a = 42; metadata $a

  Get the metadata of the input
  > ls | metadata


Create directories, with intermediary directories if required using uutils/coreutils mkdir.

Search terms: directory, folder, create, make_dirs, coreutils

  > mkdir {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -v, --verbose - print a message for each created directory.

Parameters: <directory>: The name(s) of the path(s) to create.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Make a directory named foo
  > mkdir foo

  Make multiple directories and show the paths created
  > mkdir -v foo/bar foo2


Create temporary files or directories using uutils/coreutils mktemp.

Search terms: coreutils, create, directory, file, folder, temporary

  > mktemp {flags} (template) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  --suffix <String> - Append suffix to template; must not contain a slash.
  -p, --tmpdir-path <Filepath> - Interpret TEMPLATE relative to tmpdir-path. If tmpdir-path is not set use $TMPDIR
  -t, --tmpdir - Interpret TEMPLATE relative to the system temporary directory.
  -d, --directory - Create a directory instead of a file.

  template <string>: Optional pattern from which the name of the file or directory is derived. Must contain at least three 'X's in last component. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

  Make a temporary file with the given suffix in the current working directory.
  > mktemp --suffix .txt

  Make a temporary file named testfile.XXX with the 'X's as random characters in the current working directory.
  > mktemp testfile.XXX

  Make a temporary file with a template in the system temp directory.
  > mktemp -t testfile.XXX

  Make a temporary directory with randomly generated name in the temporary directory.
  > mktemp -d


Define a custom module.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  > module <module> (block) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  module <string>: Module name or module path.
  block <block>: Body of the module if 'module' parameter is not a module path. (optional)

  Define a custom command in a module and call it
  > module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }; use spam foo; foo

  Define an environment variable in a module
  > module foo { export-env { $env.FOO = "BAZ" } }; use foo; $env.FOO

  Define a custom command that participates in the environment in a module and call it
  > module foo { export def --env bar [] { $env.FOO_BAR = "BAZ" } }; use foo bar; bar; $env.FOO_BAR


Move columns before or after other columns.

  > move {flags} ...(columns) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  --after <String> - the column that will precede the columns moved
  --before <String> - the column that will be the next after the columns moved

  ...columns <string>: The columns to move.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ record │ record │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │

  Move a column before the first column
  > [[name value index]; [foo a 1] [bar b 2] [baz c 3]] | move index --before name
  │ # │ name │ value │
  │ 1 │ foo  │ a     │
  │ 2 │ bar  │ b     │
  │ 3 │ baz  │ c     │

  Move multiple columns after the last column and reorder them
  > [[name value index]; [foo a 1] [bar b 2] [baz c 3]] | move value name --after index
  │ # │ value │ name │
  │ 1 │ a     │ foo  │
  │ 2 │ b     │ bar  │
  │ 3 │ c     │ baz  │

  Move columns of a record
  > { name: foo, value: a, index: 1 } | move name --before index
  │ value │ a   │
  │ name  │ foo │
  │ index │ 1   │


Create a mutable variable and give it a value.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

Search terms: set, mutable

  > mut <var_name> = <initial_value> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  var_name <vardecl>: Variable name.
  "=" + <variable>: Equals sign followed by value.

  Set a mutable variable to a value, then update it
  > mut x = 10; $x = 12

  Upsert a value inside a mutable data structure
  > mut a = {b:{c:1}}; $a.b.c = 2

  Set a mutable variable to the result of an expression
  > mut x = 10 + 100

  Set a mutable variable based on the condition
  > mut x = if false { -1 } else { 1 }


Move files or directories using uutils/coreutils mv.

Search terms: move

  > mv {flags} ...(paths) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -f, --force - do not prompt before overwriting
  -v, --verbose - explain what is being done.
  -p, --progress - display a progress bar
  -i, --interactive - prompt before overwriting
  -n, --no-clobber - do not overwrite an existing file

  ...paths <one_of(glob, string)>: Rename SRC to DST, or move SRC to DIR.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Rename a file
  > mv before.txt after.txt

  Move a file into a directory
  > mv test.txt my/subdirectory

  Move many files into a directory
  > mv *.txt my/subdirectory


Validate and parse input content.

Search terms: syntax, parse, debug

  > nu-check {flags} (path) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -m, --as-module - Parse content as module
  -d, --debug - Show error messages
  -a, --all - Parse content as script first, returns result if success, otherwise, try with module

  path <string>: File path to parse. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input    │ output │
  │ 0 │ string      │ bool   │
  │ 1 │ list-stream │ bool   │
  │ 2 │ list<any>   │ bool   │

  Parse a input file as script(Default)
  > nu-check

  Parse a input file as module
  > nu-check --as-module

  Parse a input file by showing error message
  > nu-check --debug

  Parse an external stream as script by showing error message
  > open | nu-check --debug

  Parse an internal stream as module by showing error message
  > open | lines | nu-check --debug --as-module

  Parse a string as script
  > $'two(char nl)lines' | nu-check 

  Heuristically parse which begins with script first, if it sees a failure, try module afterwards
  > nu-check -a

  Heuristically parse by showing error message
  > open | lines | nu-check --all --debug


Syntax highlight the input string.

Search terms: syntax, color, convert

  > nu-highlight 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ string │

  Describe the type of a string
  > 'let x = 3' | nu-highlight


Load a file into a cell, converting to table if possible (avoid by appending '--raw').

Support to automatically parse files with an extension `.xyz` can be provided by a `from xyz` command in scope.

Search terms: load, read, load_file, read_file

  > open {flags} ...(files) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --raw - open file as raw binary

  ...files <one_of(glob, string)>: The file(s) to open.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │
  │ 1 │ string  │ any    │

  Open a file, with structure (based on file extension or SQLite database header)
  > open myfile.json

  Open a file, as raw bytes
  > open myfile.json --raw

  Open a file, using the input to get filename
  > 'myfile.txt' | open

  Open a file, and decode it by the specified encoding
  > open myfile.txt --raw | decode utf-8

  Create a custom `from` parser to open newline-delimited JSON files with `open`
  > def "from ndjson" [] { from json -o }; open myfile.ndjson


Commands for manipulating overlays.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

  > overlay 

  overlay hide - Hide an active overlay.
  overlay list - List all active overlays.
  overlay new - Create an empty overlay.
  overlay use - Use definitions from a module as an overlay.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

overlay hide

Hide an active overlay.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  > overlay hide {flags} (name) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -k, --keep-custom - Keep all newly added commands and aliases in the next activated overlay.
  -e, --keep-env <List(String)> - List of environment variables to keep in the next activated overlay

  name <string>: Overlay to hide. (optional)

  Keep a custom command after hiding the overlay
  > module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }
    overlay use spam
    def bar [] { "bar" }
    overlay hide spam --keep-custom

  Hide an overlay created from a file
  > 'export alias f = "foo"' | save
    overlay use
    overlay hide spam

  Hide the last activated overlay
  > module spam { export-env { $env.FOO = "foo" } }
    overlay use spam
    overlay hide

  Keep the current working directory when removing an overlay
  > overlay new spam
    cd some-dir
    overlay hide --keep-env [ PWD ] spam

overlay list

List all active overlays.

The overlays are listed in the order they were activated.

  > overlay list 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │    output    │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ list<string> │

  Get the last activated overlay
  > module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }
    overlay use spam
    overlay list | last

overlay new

Create an empty overlay.

The command will first create an empty module, then add it as an overlay.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  > overlay new <name> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  name <string>: Name of the overlay.

  Create an empty overlay
  > overlay new spam

overlay use

Use definitions from a module as an overlay.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  > overlay use {flags} <name> (as <as>) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -p, --prefix - Prepend module name to the imported commands and aliases
  -r, --reload - If the overlay already exists, reload its definitions and environment.

  name <string>: Module name to use overlay for.
  "as" + <string>: `as` keyword followed by a new name. (optional)

  Create an overlay from a module
  > module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }
    overlay use spam

  Create an overlay from a module and rename it
  > module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }
    overlay use spam as spam_new

  Create an overlay with a prefix
  > 'export def foo { "foo" }'
    overlay use --prefix spam
    spam foo

  Create an overlay from a file
  > 'export-env { $env.FOO = "foo" }' | save
    overlay use


Executes a rust panic, useful only for testing.

  > panic (msg) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  msg <string>: The glob pattern to use. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │


Run a closure on each row of the input list in parallel, creating a new list with the results.

  > par-each {flags} <closure> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -t, --threads <Int> - the number of threads to use
  -k, --keep-order - keep sequence of output same as the order of input

  closure <closure(any, int)>: The closure to run.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │
  │ 1 │ table     │ list<any> │
  │ 2 │ any       │ any       │

  Multiplies each number. Note that the list will become arbitrarily disordered.
  > [1 2 3] | par-each {|e| $e * 2 }

  Multiplies each number, keeping an original order
  > [1 2 3] | par-each --keep-order {|e| $e * 2 }
  │ 0 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 4 │
  │ 2 │ 6 │

  Enumerate and sort-by can be used to reconstruct the original order
  > 1..3 | enumerate | par-each {|p| update item ($p.item * 2)} | sort-by item | get item
  │ 0 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 4 │
  │ 2 │ 6 │

  Output can still be sorted afterward
  > [foo bar baz] | par-each {|e| $e + '!' } | sort
  │ 0 │ bar! │
  │ 1 │ baz! │
  │ 2 │ foo! │

  Iterate over each element, producing a list showing indexes of any 2s
  > [1 2 3] | enumerate | par-each { |e| if $e.item == 2 { $"found 2 at ($e.index)!"} }
  │ 0 │ found 2 at 1! │


Parse columns from string data using a simple pattern.

Search terms: pattern, match, regex

  > parse {flags} <pattern> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --regex - use full regex syntax for patterns

  pattern <string>: The pattern to match.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ string    │ table  │
  │ 1 │ list<any> │ table  │

  Parse a string into two named columns
  > "hi there" | parse "{foo} {bar}"
  │ # │ foo │  bar  │
  │ 0 │ hi  │ there │

  Parse a string using regex pattern
  > "hi there" | parse --regex '(?P<foo>\w+) (?P<bar>\w+)'
  │ # │ foo │  bar  │
  │ 0 │ hi  │ there │

  Parse a string using fancy-regex named capture group pattern
  > "foo bar." | parse --regex '\s*(?<name>\w+)(?=\.)'
  │ # │ name │
  │ 0 │ bar  │

  Parse a string using fancy-regex capture group pattern
  > "foo! bar." | parse --regex '(\w+)(?=\.)|(\w+)(?=!)'
  │ # │ capture0 │ capture1 │
  │ 0 │          │ foo      │
  │ 1 │ bar      │          │

  Parse a string using fancy-regex look behind pattern
  > " @another(foo bar)   " | parse --regex '\s*(?<=[() ])(@\w+)(\([^)]*\))?\s*'
  │ # │ capture0 │ capture1  │
  │ 0 │ @another │ (foo bar) │

  Parse a string using fancy-regex look ahead atomic group pattern
  > "abcd" | parse --regex '^a(bc(?=d)|b)cd$'
  │ # │ capture0 │
  │ 0 │ b        │


Explore and manipulate paths.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

There are three ways to represent a path:

* As a path literal, e.g., '/home/viking/spam.txt'
* As a structured path: a table with 'parent', 'stem', and 'extension' (and
* 'prefix' on Windows) columns. This format is produced by the 'path parse'
* As a list of path parts, e.g., '[ / home viking spam.txt ]'. Splitting into
  parts is done by the `path split` command.

All subcommands accept all three variants as an input. Furthermore, the 'path
join' subcommand can be used to join the structured path or path parts back into
the path literal.

  > path 

  path basename - Get the final component of a path.
  path dirname - Get the parent directory of a path.
  path exists - Check whether a path exists.
  path expand - Try to expand a path to its absolute form.
  path join - Join a structured path or a list of path parts.
  path parse - Convert a path into structured data.
  path relative-to - Express a path as relative to another path.
  path split - Split a path into a list based on the system's path separator.
  path type - Get the type of the object a path refers to (e.g., file, dir, symlink).

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

path basename

Get the final component of a path.

  > path basename {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --replace <String> - Return original path with basename replaced by this string

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │

  Get basename of a path
  > 'C:\Users\joe\test.txt' | path basename

  Get basename of a list of paths
  > [ C:\Users\joe, C:\Users\doe ] | path basename
  │ 0 │ joe │
  │ 1 │ doe │

  Replace basename of a path
  > 'C:\Users\joe\test.txt' | path basename --replace 'spam.png'

path dirname

Get the parent directory of a path.

  > path dirname {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --replace <String> - Return original path with dirname replaced by this string
  -n, --num-levels <Int> - Number of directories to walk up

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │

  Get dirname of a path
  > 'C:\Users\joe\code\test.txt' | path dirname

  Get dirname of a list of paths
  > [ C:\Users\joe\test.txt, C:\Users\doe\test.txt ] | path dirname
  │ 0 │ C:\Users\joe │
  │ 1 │ C:\Users\doe │

  Walk up two levels
  > 'C:\Users\joe\code\test.txt' | path dirname --num-levels 2

  Replace the part that would be returned with a custom path
  > 'C:\Users\joe\code\test.txt' | path dirname --num-levels 2 --replace C:\Users\viking

path exists

Check whether a path exists.

This only checks if it is possible to either `open` or `cd` to the given path.
If you need to distinguish dirs and files, please use `path type`.

  > path exists {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -n, --no-symlink - Do not resolve symbolic links

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │   output   │
  │ 0 │ string       │ bool       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<bool> │

  Check if a file exists
  > 'C:\Users\joe\todo.txt' | path exists

  Check if files in list exist
  > [ C:\joe\todo.txt, C:\Users\doe\todo.txt ] | path exists
  │ 0 │ false │
  │ 1 │ false │

path expand

Try to expand a path to its absolute form.

  > path expand {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -s, --strict - Throw an error if the path could not be expanded
  -n, --no-symlink - Do not resolve symbolic links

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │

  Expand an absolute path
  > 'C:\Users\joe\foo\..\bar' | path expand

  Expand a relative path
  > 'foo\..\bar' | path expand

  Expand a list of paths
  > [ C:\foo\..\bar, C:\foo\..\baz ] | path expand
  │ 0 │ C:\bar │
  │ 1 │ C:\baz │

path join

Join a structured path or a list of path parts.

Optionally, append an additional path to the result. It is designed to accept
the output of 'path parse' and 'path split' subcommands.

  > path join ...(append) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  ...append <string>: Path to append to the input.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ string       │
  │ 2 │ record       │ string       │
  │ 3 │ table        │ list<string> │

  Append a filename to a path
  > 'C:\Users\viking' | path join spam.txt

  Append a filename to a path
  > 'C:\Users\viking' | path join spams this_spam.txt

  Use relative paths, e.g. '..' will go up one directory
  > 'C:\Users\viking' | path join .. folder

  Use absolute paths, e.g. '/' will bring you to the top level directory
  > 'C:\Users\viking' | path join / folder

  Join a list of parts into a path
  > [ 'C:' '\' 'Users' 'viking' 'spam.txt' ] | path join

  Join a structured path into a path
  > { parent: 'C:\Users\viking', stem: 'spam', extension: 'txt' } | path join

  Join a table of structured paths into a list of paths
  > [ [parent stem extension]; ['C:\Users\viking' 'spam' 'txt']] | path join
  │ 0 │ C:\Users\viking\spam.txt │

path parse

Convert a path into structured data.

Each path is split into a table with 'parent', 'stem' and 'extension' fields.
On Windows, an extra 'prefix' column is added.

  > path parse {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -e, --extension <String> - Manually supply the extension (without the dot)

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │ output │
  │ 0 │ string       │ record │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ table  │

  Parse a single path
  > 'C:\Users\viking\spam.txt' | path parse
  │ prefix    │ C:              │
  │ parent    │ C:\Users\viking │
  │ stem      │ spam            │
  │ extension │ txt             │

  Replace a complex extension
  > 'C:\Users\viking\spam.tar.gz' | path parse --extension tar.gz | upsert extension { 'txt' }

  Ignore the extension
  > 'C:\Users\viking.d' | path parse --extension ''
  │ prefix    │ C:       │
  │ parent    │ C:\Users │
  │ stem      │ viking.d │
  │ extension │          │

  Parse all paths in a list
  > [ C:\Users\viking.d C:\Users\spam.txt ] | path parse
  │ # │ prefix │  parent  │  stem  │ extension │
  │ 0 │ C:     │ C:\Users │ viking │ d         │
  │ 1 │ C:     │ C:\Users │ spam   │ txt       │

path relative-to

Express a path as relative to another path.

Can be used only when the input and the argument paths are either both
absolute or both relative. The argument path needs to be a parent of the input

  > path relative-to <path> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  path <string>: Parent shared with the input path.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │

  Find a relative path from two absolute paths
  > 'C:\Users\viking' | path relative-to 'C:\Users'

  Find a relative path from absolute paths in list
  > [ C:\Users\viking, C:\Users\spam ] | path relative-to C:\Users
  │ 0 │ viking │
  │ 1 │ spam   │

  Find a relative path from two relative paths
  > 'eggs\bacon\sausage\spam' | path relative-to 'eggs\bacon\sausage'

path split

Split a path into a list based on the system's path separator.

  > path split 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │       output       │
  │ 0 │ string       │ list<string>       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<list<string>> │

  Split a path into parts
  > 'C:\Users\viking\spam.txt' | path split
  │ 0 │ C:\      │
  │ 1 │ Users    │
  │ 2 │ viking   │
  │ 3 │ spam.txt │

  Split paths in list into parts
  > [ C:\Users\viking\spam.txt C:\Users\viking\eggs.txt ] | path split
  │ 0 │ [list 4 items] │
  │ 1 │ [list 4 items] │

path type

Get the type of the object a path refers to (e.g., file, dir, symlink).

This checks the file system to confirm the path's object type.
If nothing is found, an empty string will be returned.

  > path type 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │

  Show type of a filepath
  > '.' | path type

  Show type of a filepaths in a list
  > ls | get name | path type


Get a free port from system.

Search terms: network, http

  > port (start) (end) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  start <int>: The start port to scan (inclusive). (optional)
  end <int>: The end port to scan (inclusive). (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ int    │

  get a free port between 3121 and 4000
  > port 3121 4000

  get a free port from system
  > port


Prepend any number of rows to a table.

Be aware that this command 'unwraps' lists passed to it. So, if you pass a variable to it,
and you want the variable's contents to be prepended without being unwrapped, it's wise to
pre-emptively wrap the variable in a list, like so: `prepend [$val]`. This way, `prepend` will
only unwrap the outer list, and leave the variable's contents untouched.

Search terms: add, concatenate

  > prepend <row> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  row <any>: The row, list, or table to prepend.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │  output   │
  │ 0 │ any   │ list<any> │

  prepend a list to an item
  > 0 | prepend [1 2 3]
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │
  │ 3 │ 0 │

  Prepend a list of strings to a string
  > "a" | prepend ["b"] 
  │ 0 │ b │
  │ 1 │ a │

  Prepend one int item
  > [1 2 3 4] | prepend 0
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 2 │
  │ 3 │ 3 │
  │ 4 │ 4 │

  Prepend two int items
  > [2 3 4] | prepend [0 1]
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 2 │
  │ 3 │ 3 │
  │ 4 │ 4 │

  Prepend ints and strings
  > [2 nu 4 shell] | prepend [0 1 rocks]
  │ 0 │     0 │
  │ 1 │     1 │
  │ 2 │ rocks │
  │ 3 │     2 │
  │ 4 │ nu    │
  │ 5 │     4 │
  │ 6 │ shell │

  Prepend a range
  > [3 4] | prepend 0..2
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 2 │
  │ 3 │ 3 │
  │ 4 │ 4 │


Print the given values to stdout.

Unlike `echo`, this command does not return any value (`print | describe` will return "nothing").
Since this command has no output, there is no point in piping it with other commands.

`print` may be used inside blocks of code (e.g.: hooks) to display text during execution without interfering with the pipeline.

Search terms: display

  > print {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -n, --no-newline - print without inserting a newline for the line ending
  -e, --stderr - print to stderr instead of stdout

Parameters: <any>: the values to print

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │
  │ 1 │ any     │ nothing │

  Print 'hello world'
  > print "hello world"

  Print the sum of 2 and 3
  > print (2 + 3)


View information about system processes.

Search terms: procedures, operations, tasks, ops

  > ps {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -l, --long - list all available columns for each entry

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  List the system processes
  > ps

  List the top 5 system processes with the highest memory usage
  > ps | sort-by mem | last 5

  List the top 3 system processes with the highest CPU usage
  > ps | sort-by cpu | last 3

  List the system processes with 'nu' in their names
  > ps | where name =~ 'nu'

  Get the parent process id of the current nu process
  > ps | where pid == $ | get ppid

query db

Query a database using SQL.

Search terms: database, SQLite

  > query db <SQL> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  SQL <string>: SQL to execute against the database.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Execute SQL against a SQLite database
  > open foo.db | query db "SELECT * FROM Bar"


Generate a random value.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

Search terms: generate, generator

  > random 

  random bool - Generate a random boolean value.
  random chars - Generate random chars.
  random dice - Generate a random dice roll.
  random float - Generate a random float within a range [min..max].
  random int - Generate a random integer [min..max].
  random uuid - Generate a random uuid4 string.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

random bool

Generate a random boolean value.

Search terms: generate, boolean, true, false, 1, 0

  > random bool {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -b, --bias <Number> - Adjusts the probability of a "true" outcome

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ bool   │

  Generate a random boolean value
  > random bool

  Generate a random boolean value with a 75% chance of "true"
  > random bool --bias 0.75

random chars

Generate random chars.

Search terms: generate, character, symbol, alphanumeric

  > random chars {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -l, --length <Int> - Number of chars

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

  Generate random chars
  > random chars

  Generate random chars with specified length
  > random chars --length 20

random dice

Generate a random dice roll.

Search terms: generate, die, 1-6

  > random dice {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -d, --dice <Int> - The amount of dice being rolled
  -s, --sides <Int> - The amount of sides a die has

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │   output    │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ list-stream │

  Roll 1 dice with 6 sides each
  > random dice

  Roll 10 dice with 12 sides each
  > random dice --dice 10 --sides 12

random float

Generate a random float within a range [min..max].

Search terms: generate

  > random float (range) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  range <range>: Range of values. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ float  │

  Generate a default float value between 0 and 1
  > random float

  Generate a random float less than or equal to 500
  > random float ..500

  Generate a random float greater than or equal to 100000
  > random float 100000..

  Generate a random float between 1.0 and 1.1
  > random float 1.0..1.1

random int

Generate a random integer [min..max].

Search terms: generate, natural, number

  > random int (range) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  range <range>: Range of values. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ int    │

  Generate an unconstrained random integer
  > random int

  Generate a random integer less than or equal to 500
  > random int ..500

  Generate a random integer greater than or equal to 100000
  > random int 100000..

  Generate a random integer between 1 and 10
  > random int 1..10

random uuid

Generate a random uuid4 string.

Search terms: generate, uuid4

  > random uuid 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

  Generate a random uuid4 string
  > random uuid


Return only the selected rows.

Search terms: filter, head, tail

  > range <rows> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  rows <range>: Range of rows to return.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Get the last 2 items
  > [0,1,2,3,4,5] | range 4..5
  │ 0 │ 4 │
  │ 1 │ 5 │

  Get the last 2 items
  > [0,1,2,3,4,5] | range (-2)..
  │ 0 │ 4 │
  │ 1 │ 5 │

  Get the next to last 2 items
  > [0,1,2,3,4,5] | range (-3)..-2
  │ 0 │ 3 │
  │ 1 │ 4 │


Aggregate a list to a single value using an accumulator closure.

Search terms: map, fold, foldl

  > reduce {flags} <closure> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -f, --fold <Any> - reduce with initial value

  closure <closure(any, any, int)>: Reducing function.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ any    │
  │ 1 │ table     │ any    │
  │ 2 │ range     │ any    │

  Sum values of a list (same as 'math sum')
  > [ 1 2 3 4 ] | reduce {|it, acc| $it + $acc }

  Sum values of a list, plus their indexes
  > [ 8 7 6 ] | enumerate | reduce --fold 0 {|it, acc| $acc + $it.item + $it.index }

  Sum values with a starting value (fold)
  > [ 1 2 3 4 ] | reduce --fold 10 {|it, acc| $acc + $it }

  Replace selected characters in a string with 'X'
  > [ i o t ] | reduce --fold "Arthur, King of the Britons" {|it, acc| $acc | str replace --all $it "X" }
  ArXhur, KXng Xf Xhe BrXXXns

  Add ascending numbers to each of the filenames, and join with semicolons.
  > ['foo.gz', 'bar.gz', 'baz.gz'] | enumerate | reduce --fold '' {|str all| $"($all)(if $str.index != 0 {'; '})($str.index + 1)-($str.item)" }
  1-foo.gz; 2-bar.gz; 3-baz.gz

  Concatenate a string with itself, using a range to determine the number of times.
  > let s = "Str"; 0..2 | reduce --fold '' {|it, acc| $acc + $s}


Register a plugin.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  > register {flags} <plugin> (signature) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -s, --shell <Filepath> - path of shell used to run plugin (cmd, sh, python, etc)

  plugin <path>: Path of executable for plugin.
  signature <any>: Block with signature description as json object. (optional)

  Register `nu_plugin_query` plugin from ~/.cargo/bin/ dir
  > register ~/.cargo/bin/nu_plugin_query

  Register `nu_plugin_query` plugin from `nu -c` (writes/updates $nu.plugin-path)
  > let plugin = ((which nu).path.0 | path dirname | path join 'nu_plugin_query'); nu -c $'register ($plugin); version'

registry query

Query the Windows registry.

Currently supported only on Windows systems.

  > registry query {flags} <key> (value) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  --hkcr - query the hkey_classes_root hive
  --hkcu - query the hkey_current_user hive
  --hklm - query the hkey_local_machine hive
  --hku - query the hkey_users hive
  --hkpd - query the hkey_performance_data hive
  --hkpt - query the hkey_performance_text hive
  --hkpnls - query the hkey_performance_nls_text hive
  --hkcc - query the hkey_current_config hive
  --hkdd - query the hkey_dyn_data hive
  --hkculs - query the hkey_current_user_local_settings hive
  -u, --no-expand - do not expand %ENV% placeholders in REG_EXPAND_SZ

  key <string>: Registry key to query.
  value <string>: Optionally supply a registry value to query. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Query the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive
  > registry query --hkcu environment

  Query the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive
  > registry query --hklm 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'


Remove the given columns or rows from the table. Opposite of `select`.

To remove a quantity of rows or columns, use `skip`, `drop`, or `drop column`.

Search terms: drop, key

  > reject {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --ignore-errors - ignore missing data (make all cell path members optional)

Parameters: <cell-path>: The names of columns to remove from the table.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ record │ record │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │

  Reject a column in the `ls` table
  > ls | reject modified

  Reject a column in a table
  > [[a, b]; [1, 2]] | reject a
  │ # │ b │
  │ 0 │ 2 │

  Reject a row in a table
  > [[a, b]; [1, 2] [3, 4]] | reject 1
  │ # │ a │ b │
  │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │

  Reject the specified field in a record
  > {a: 1, b: 2} | reject a
  │ b │ 2 │

  Reject a nested field in a record
  > {a: {b: 3, c: 5}} | reject a.b
  │ a │ {record 1 field} │

  Reject multiple rows
  > [[name type size]; [Cargo.toml toml 1kb] [Cargo.lock toml 2kb] [file.json json 3kb]] | reject 0 2

  Reject multiple columns
  > [[name type size]; [Cargo.toml toml 1kb] [Cargo.lock toml 2kb]] | reject type size
  │ # │    name    │
  │ 0 │ Cargo.toml │
  │ 1 │ Cargo.lock │

  Reject multiple columns by spreading a list
  > let cols = [type size]; [[name type size]; [Cargo.toml toml 1kb] [Cargo.lock toml 2kb]] | reject ...$cols
  │ # │    name    │
  │ 0 │ Cargo.toml │
  │ 1 │ Cargo.lock │


Creates a new table with columns renamed.

  > rename {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --column <Record([])> - column name to be changed
  -b, --block <Closure(Some([Any]))> - A closure to apply changes on each column

Parameters: <string>: The new names for the columns.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ record │ record │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │

  Rename a column
  > [[a, b]; [1, 2]] | rename my_column
  │ # │ my_column │ b │
  │ 0 │         1 │ 2 │

  Rename many columns
  > [[a, b, c]; [1, 2, 3]] | rename eggs ham bacon
  │ # │ eggs │ ham │ bacon │
  │ 0 │    1 │   2 │     3 │

  Rename a specific column
  > [[a, b, c]; [1, 2, 3]] | rename --column { a: ham }
  │ # │ ham │ b │ c │
  │ 0 │   1 │ 2 │ 3 │

  Rename the fields of a record
  > {a: 1 b: 2} | rename x y
  │ x │ 1 │
  │ y │ 2 │

  Rename fields based on a given closure
  > {abc: 1, bbc: 2} | rename --block {str replace --all 'b' 'z'}
  │ azc │ 1 │
  │ zzc │ 2 │


Return early from a function.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  > return (return_value) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  return_value <any>: Optional value to return. (optional)

  Return early
  > def foo [] { return }


Reverses the input list or table.

Search terms: convert, inverse, flip

  > reverse 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Reverse a list
  > [0,1,2,3] | reverse
  │ 0 │ 3 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 2 │ 1 │
  │ 3 │ 0 │

  Reverse a table
  > [{a: 1} {a: 2}] | reverse
  │ # │ a │
  │ 0 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │


Remove files and directories.

Search terms: delete, remove

  > rm {flags} ...(paths) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -t, --trash - move to the platform's trash instead of permanently deleting. not used on android and ios
  -p, --permanent - delete permanently, ignoring the 'always_trash' config option. always enabled on android and ios
  -r, --recursive - delete subdirectories recursively
  -f, --force - suppress error when no file
  -v, --verbose - print names of deleted files
  -i, --interactive - ask user to confirm action
  -I, --interactive-once - ask user to confirm action only once

  ...paths <one_of(glob, string)>: The file paths(s) to remove.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Delete, or move a file to the trash (based on the 'always_trash' config option)
  > rm file.txt

  Move a file to the trash
  > rm --trash file.txt

  Delete a file permanently, even if the 'always_trash' config option is true
  > rm --permanent file.txt

  Delete a file, ignoring 'file not found' errors
  > rm --force file.txt

  Delete all 0KB files in the current directory
  > ls | where size == 0KB and type == file | each { rm $ } | null


Runs external command.

  > run-external {flags} <command> ...(args) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  --redirect-stdout - redirect stdout to the pipeline
  --redirect-stderr - redirect stderr to the pipeline
  --redirect-combine - redirect both stdout and stderr combined to the pipeline (collected in stdout)
  --trim-end-newline - trimming end newlines

  command <string>: External command to run.
  ...args <any>: Arguments for external command.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Run an external command
  > run-external "echo" "-n" "hello"

  Redirect stdout from an external command into the pipeline
  > run-external --redirect-stdout "echo" "-n" "hello" | split chars


Save a file.

Search terms: write, write_file, append, redirection, file, io, >, >>

  > save {flags} <filename> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -e, --stderr <Filepath> - the filename used to save stderr, only works with `-r` flag
  -r, --raw - save file as raw binary
  -a, --append - append input to the end of the file
  -f, --force - overwrite the destination
  -p, --progress - enable progress bar

  filename <path>: The filename to use.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output  │
  │ 0 │ any   │ nothing │

  Save a string to foo.txt in the current directory
  > 'save me' | save foo.txt

  Append a string to the end of foo.txt
  > 'append me' | save --append foo.txt

  Save a record to foo.json in the current directory
  > { a: 1, b: 2 } | save foo.json

  Save a running program's stderr to foo.txt
  > do -i {} | save foo.txt --stderr foo.txt

  Save a running program's stderr to separate file
  > do -i {} | save foo.txt --stderr bar.txt


Show the schema of a SQLite database.

Search terms: database, info, SQLite

  > schema 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Show the schema of a SQLite database
  > open foo.db | schema


Commands for getting info about what is in scope.

  > scope 

  scope aliases - Output info on the aliases in the current scope.
  scope commands - Output info on the commands in the current scope.
  scope engine-stats - Output stats on the engine in the current state.
  scope externs - Output info on the known externals in the current scope.
  scope modules - Output info on the modules in the current scope.
  scope variables - Output info on the variables in the current scope.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

scope aliases

Output info on the aliases in the current scope.

  > scope aliases 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Show the aliases in the current scope
  > scope aliases

scope commands

Output info on the commands in the current scope.

  > scope commands 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Show the commands in the current scope
  > scope commands

scope engine-stats

Output stats on the engine in the current state.

  > scope engine-stats 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Show the stats on the current engine state
  > scope engine-stats

scope externs

Output info on the known externals in the current scope.

  > scope externs 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Show the known externals in the current scope
  > scope externs

scope modules

Output info on the modules in the current scope.

  > scope modules 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Show the modules in the current scope
  > scope modules

scope variables

Output info on the variables in the current scope.

  > scope variables 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │

  Show the variables in the current scope
  > scope variables


Select only these columns or rows from the input. Opposite of `reject`.

This differs from `get` in that, rather than accessing the given value in the data structure,
it removes all non-selected values from the structure. Hence, using `select` on a table will
produce a table, a list will produce a list, and a record will produce a record.

Search terms: pick, choose, get

  > select {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --ignore-errors - ignore missing data (make all cell path members optional)

Parameters: <cell-path>: The columns to select from the table.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ record    │ record │
  │ 1 │ table     │ table  │
  │ 2 │ list<any> │ any    │

  Select a column in a table
  > [{a: a b: b}] | select a
  │ # │ a │
  │ 0 │ a │

  Select a field in a record
  > {a: a b: b} | select a
  │ a │ a │

  Select just the `name` column
  > ls | select name

  Select the first four rows (this is the same as `first 4`)
  > ls | select 0 1 2 3

  Select multiple columns
  > [[name type size]; [Cargo.toml toml 1kb] [Cargo.lock toml 2kb]] | select name type
  │ # │    name    │ type │
  │ 0 │ Cargo.toml │ toml │
  │ 1 │ Cargo.lock │ toml │

  Select multiple columns by spreading a list
  > let cols = [name type]; [[name type size]; [Cargo.toml toml 1kb] [Cargo.lock toml 2kb]] | select ...$cols
  │ # │    name    │ type │
  │ 0 │ Cargo.toml │ toml │
  │ 1 │ Cargo.lock │ toml │


Output sequences of numbers.

  > seq ...(rest) 

  seq char - Print a sequence of ASCII characters.
  seq date - Print sequences of dates.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <number>: Sequence values.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │    output    │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ list<number> │

  sequence 1 to 10
  > seq 1 10
  │ 0 │  1 │
  │ 1 │  2 │
  │ 2 │  3 │
  │ 3 │  4 │
  │ 4 │  5 │
  │ 5 │  6 │
  │ 6 │  7 │
  │ 7 │  8 │
  │ 8 │  9 │
  │ 9 │ 10 │

  sequence 1.0 to 2.0 by 0.1s
  > seq 1.0 0.1 2.0
  │  0 │ 1.00 │
  │  1 │ 1.10 │
  │  2 │ 1.20 │
  │  3 │ 1.30 │
  │  4 │ 1.40 │
  │  5 │ 1.50 │
  │  6 │ 1.60 │
  │  7 │ 1.70 │
  │  8 │ 1.80 │
  │  9 │ 1.90 │
  │ 10 │ 2.00 │

  sequence 1 to 5, then convert to a string with a pipe separator
  > seq 1 5 | str join '|'

seq char

Print a sequence of ASCII characters.

  > seq char <start> <end> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  start <string>: Start of character sequence (inclusive).
  end <string>: End of character sequence (inclusive).

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │    output    │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ list<string> │

  sequence a to e
  > seq char a e
  │ 0 │ a │
  │ 1 │ b │
  │ 2 │ c │
  │ 3 │ d │
  │ 4 │ e │

  sequence a to e, and put the characters in a pipe-separated string
  > seq char a e | str join '|'

seq date

Print sequences of dates.

  > seq date {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -o, --output-format <String> - prints dates in this format (defaults to %Y-%m-%d)
  -i, --input-format <String> - give argument dates in this format (defaults to %Y-%m-%d)
  -b, --begin-date <String> - beginning date range
  -e, --end-date <String> - ending date
  -n, --increment <Int> - increment dates by this number
  -d, --days <Int> - number of days to print
  -r, --reverse - print dates in reverse

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │    output    │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ list<string> │

  print the next 10 days in YYYY-MM-DD format with newline separator
  > seq date --days 10

  print the previous 10 days in YYYY-MM-DD format with newline separator
  > seq date --days 10 --reverse

  print the previous 10 days starting today in MM/DD/YYYY format with newline separator
  > seq date --days 10 -o '%m/%d/%Y' --reverse

  print the first 10 days in January, 2020
  > seq date --begin-date '2020-01-01' --end-date '2020-01-10'
  │ 0 │ 2020-01-01 │
  │ 1 │ 2020-01-02 │
  │ 2 │ 2020-01-03 │
  │ 3 │ 2020-01-04 │
  │ 4 │ 2020-01-05 │
  │ 5 │ 2020-01-06 │
  │ 6 │ 2020-01-07 │
  │ 7 │ 2020-01-08 │
  │ 8 │ 2020-01-09 │
  │ 9 │ 2020-01-10 │

  print every fifth day between January 1st 2020 and January 31st 2020
  > seq date --begin-date '2020-01-01' --end-date '2020-01-31' --increment 5
  │ 0 │ 2020-01-01 │
  │ 1 │ 2020-01-06 │
  │ 2 │ 2020-01-11 │
  │ 3 │ 2020-01-16 │
  │ 4 │ 2020-01-21 │
  │ 5 │ 2020-01-26 │
  │ 6 │ 2020-01-31 │


Shuffle rows randomly.

  > shuffle 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Shuffle rows randomly (execute it several times and see the difference)
  > [[version patch]; ['1.0.0' false] ['3.0.1' true] ['2.0.0' false]] | shuffle


Skip the first several rows of the input. Counterpart of `drop`. Opposite of `first`.

To skip specific numbered rows, try `drop nth`. To skip specific named columns, try `reject`.

Search terms: ignore, remove, last, slice, tail

  > skip (n) 

  skip until - Skip elements of the input until a predicate is true.
  skip while - Skip elements of the input while a predicate is true.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  n <int>: The number of elements to skip. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ table     │ table     │
  │ 1 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Skip the first value of a list
  > [2 4 6 8] | skip 1
  │ 0 │ 4 │
  │ 1 │ 6 │
  │ 2 │ 8 │

  Skip two rows of a table
  > [[editions]; [2015] [2018] [2021]] | skip 2
  │ # │ editions │
  │ 0 │     2021 │

skip until

Skip elements of the input until a predicate is true.

Search terms: ignore

  > skip until <predicate> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  predicate <closure(any, int)>: The predicate that skipped element must not match.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ table     │ table     │
  │ 1 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Skip until the element is positive
  > [-2 0 2 -1] | skip until {|x| $x > 0 }
  │ 0 │  2 │
  │ 1 │ -1 │

  Skip until the element is positive using stored condition
  > let cond = {|x| $x > 0 }; [-2 0 2 -1] | skip until $cond
  │ 0 │  2 │
  │ 1 │ -1 │

  Skip until the field value is positive
  > [{a: -2} {a: 0} {a: 2} {a: -1}] | skip until {|x| $x.a > 0 }
  │ # │ a  │
  │ 0 │  2 │
  │ 1 │ -1 │

skip while

Skip elements of the input while a predicate is true.

Search terms: ignore

  > skip while <predicate> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  predicate <closure(any, int)>: The predicate that skipped element must match.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ table     │ table     │
  │ 1 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Skip while the element is negative
  > [-2 0 2 -1] | skip while {|x| $x < 0 }
  │ 0 │  0 │
  │ 1 │  2 │
  │ 2 │ -1 │

  Skip while the element is negative using stored condition
  > let cond = {|x| $x < 0 }; [-2 0 2 -1] | skip while $cond
  │ 0 │  0 │
  │ 1 │  2 │
  │ 2 │ -1 │

  Skip while the field value is negative
  > [{a: -2} {a: 0} {a: 2} {a: -1}] | skip while {|x| $x.a < 0 }
  │ # │ a  │
  │ 0 │  0 │
  │ 1 │  2 │
  │ 2 │ -1 │


Delay for a specified amount of time.

Search terms: delay, wait, timer

  > sleep <duration> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  duration <duration>: Time to sleep. <duration>: Additional time.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Sleep for 1sec
  > sleep 1sec

  Sleep for 3sec
  > sleep 1sec 1sec 1sec

  Send output after 1sec
  > sleep 1sec; echo done


Sort in increasing order.

  > sort {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --reverse - Sort in reverse order
  -i, --ignore-case - Sort string-based data case-insensitively
  -v, --values - If input is a single record, sort the record by values; ignored if input is not a single record
  -n, --natural - Sort alphanumeric string-based values naturally (1, 9, 10, 99, 100, ...)

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │
  │ 1 │ record    │ record    │

  sort the list by increasing value
  > [2 0 1] | sort
  │ 0 │ 0 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 2 │

  sort the list by decreasing value
  > [2 0 1] | sort --reverse
  │ 0 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 1 │
  │ 2 │ 0 │

  sort a list of strings
  > [betty amy sarah] | sort
  │ 0 │ amy   │
  │ 1 │ betty │
  │ 2 │ sarah │

  sort a list of strings in reverse
  > [betty amy sarah] | sort --reverse
  │ 0 │ sarah │
  │ 1 │ betty │
  │ 2 │ amy   │

  Sort strings (case-insensitive)
  > [airplane Truck Car] | sort -i
  │ 0 │ airplane │
  │ 1 │ Car      │
  │ 2 │ Truck    │

  Sort strings (reversed case-insensitive)
  > [airplane Truck Car] | sort -i -r
  │ 0 │ Truck    │
  │ 1 │ Car      │
  │ 2 │ airplane │

  Sort record by key (case-insensitive)
  > {b: 3, a: 4} | sort
  │ a │ 4 │
  │ b │ 3 │

  Sort record by value
  > {b: 4, a: 3, c:1} | sort -v
  │ c │ 1 │
  │ a │ 3 │
  │ b │ 4 │


Sort by the given columns, in increasing order.

  > sort-by {flags} ...(columns) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --reverse - Sort in reverse order
  -i, --ignore-case - Sort string-based columns case-insensitively
  -n, --natural - Sort alphanumeric string-based columns naturally (1, 9, 10, 99, 100, ...)

  ...columns <any>: The column(s) to sort by.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │
  │ 1 │ record    │ table     │
  │ 2 │ table     │ table     │

  Sort files by modified date
  > ls | sort-by modified

  Sort files by name (case-insensitive)
  > ls | sort-by name --ignore-case

  Sort a table by a column (reversed order)
  > [[fruit count]; [apple 9] [pear 3] [orange 7]] | sort-by fruit --reverse
  │ # │ fruit  │ count │
  │ 0 │ pear   │     3 │
  │ 1 │ orange │     7 │
  │ 2 │ apple  │     9 │


Runs a script file in the current context.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

  > source <filename> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  filename <path>: The filepath to the script file to source.

  Runs in the current context
  > source

  Runs in current context and call the command defined, suppose has content: `def say-hi [] { echo 'Hi!' }`
  > source ./; say-hi


Source the environment from a source file into the current environment.

  > source-env <filename> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  filename <string>: The filepath to the script file to source the environment from.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Sources the environment from in the current context
  > source-env


Split contents across desired subcommand (like row, column) via the separator.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

  > split 

  split chars - Split a string into a list of characters.
  split column - Split a string into multiple columns using a separator.
  split list - Split a list into multiple lists using a separator.
  split row - Split a string into multiple rows using a separator.
  split words - Split a string's words into separate rows.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

split chars

Split a string into a list of characters.

Search terms: character, separate, divide

  > split chars {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -g, --grapheme-clusters - split on grapheme clusters
  -c, --code-points - split on code points (default; splits combined characters)

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │       output       │
  │ 0 │ string       │ list<string>       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<list<string>> │

  Split the string into a list of characters
  > 'hello' | split chars
  │ 0 │ h │
  │ 1 │ e │
  │ 2 │ l │
  │ 3 │ l │
  │ 4 │ o │

  Split on grapheme clusters
  > '🇯🇵ほげ' | split chars --grapheme-clusters
  │ 0 │ 🇯🇵 │
  │ 1 │ ほ │
  │ 2 │ げ │

  Split multiple strings into lists of characters
  > ['hello', 'world'] | split chars
  │ 0 │ [list 5 items] │
  │ 1 │ [list 5 items] │

split column

Split a string into multiple columns using a separator.

Search terms: separate, divide, regex

  > split column {flags} <separator> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --collapse-empty - remove empty columns
  -r, --regex - separator is a regular expression

  separator <string>: The character or string that denotes what separates columns. <string>: Column names to give the new columns.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │ output │
  │ 0 │ string       │ table  │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ table  │

  Split a string into columns by the specified separator
  > 'a--b--c' | split column '--'
  │ # │ column1 │ column2 │ column3 │
  │ 0 │ a       │ b       │ c       │

  Split a string into columns of char and remove the empty columns
  > 'abc' | split column --collapse-empty ''
  │ # │ column1 │ column2 │ column3 │
  │ 0 │ a       │ b       │ c       │

  Split a list of strings into a table
  > ['a-b' 'c-d'] | split column -
  │ # │ column1 │ column2 │
  │ 0 │ a       │ b       │
  │ 1 │ c       │ d       │

  Split a list of strings into a table, ignoring padding
  > ['a -  b' 'c  -    d'] | split column --regex '\s*-\s*'
  │ # │ column1 │ column2 │
  │ 0 │ a       │ b       │
  │ 1 │ c       │ d       │

split list

Split a list into multiple lists using a separator.

Search terms: separate, divide, regex

  > split list {flags} <separator> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --regex - separator is a regular expression, matching values that can be coerced into a string

  separator <any>: The value that denotes what separates the list.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │     output      │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<list<any>> │

  Split a list of chars into two lists
  > [a, b, c, d, e, f, g] | split list d
  │ 0 │ [list 3 items] │
  │ 1 │ [list 3 items] │

  Split a list of lists into two lists of lists
  > [[1,2], [2,3], [3,4]] | split list [2,3]
  │ 0 │ [list 1 item] │
  │ 1 │ [list 1 item] │

  Split a list of chars into two lists
  > [a, b, c, d, a, e, f, g] | split list a
  │ 0 │ [list 3 items] │
  │ 1 │ [list 3 items] │

  Split a list of chars into lists based on multiple characters
  > [a, b, c, d, a, e, f, g] | split list --regex '(b|e)'
  │ 0 │ [list 1 item]  │
  │ 1 │ [list 3 items] │
  │ 2 │ [list 2 items] │

split row

Split a string into multiple rows using a separator.

Search terms: separate, divide, regex

  > split row {flags} <separator> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -n, --number <Int> - Split into maximum number of items
  -r, --regex - use regex syntax for separator

  separator <string>: A character or regex that denotes what separates rows.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ list<string> │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │

  Split a string into rows of char
  > 'abc' | split row ''
  │ 0 │   │
  │ 1 │ a │
  │ 2 │ b │
  │ 3 │ c │
  │ 4 │   │

  Split a string into rows by the specified separator
  > 'a--b--c' | split row '--'
  │ 0 │ a │
  │ 1 │ b │
  │ 2 │ c │

  Split a string by '-'
  > '-a-b-c-' | split row '-'
  │ 0 │   │
  │ 1 │ a │
  │ 2 │ b │
  │ 3 │ c │
  │ 4 │   │

  Split a string by regex
  > 'a   b       c' | split row -r '\s+'
  │ 0 │ a │
  │ 1 │ b │
  │ 2 │ c │

split words

Split a string's words into separate rows.

Search terms: separate, divide

  > split words {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -l, --min-word-length <Int> - The minimum word length
  -g, --grapheme-clusters - measure word length in grapheme clusters (requires -l)
  -b, --utf-8-bytes - measure word length in UTF-8 bytes (default; requires -l; non-ASCII chars are length 2+)

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │       output       │
  │ 0 │ string       │ list<string>       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<list<string>> │

  Split the string's words into separate rows
  > 'hello world' | split words
  │ 0 │ hello │
  │ 1 │ world │

  Split the string's words, of at least 3 characters, into separate rows
  > 'hello to the world' | split words --min-word-length 3
  │ 0 │ hello │
  │ 1 │ the   │
  │ 2 │ world │

  A real-world example of splitting words
  > http get | str downcase | split words --min-word-length 2 | uniq --count | sort-by count --reverse | first 10


Split a record into groups.

  > split-by (splitter) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  splitter <any>: The splitter value to use. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ record │ record │

  split items by column named "lang"
  > {
    '2019': [
        { name: 'andres', lang: 'rb', year: '2019' },
        { name: 'jt', lang: 'rs', year: '2019' }
    '2021': [
        { name: 'storm', lang: 'rs', 'year': '2021' }
    } | split-by lang
  │ rb │ {record 1 field}  │
  │ rs │ {record 2 fields} │


Open a folder, file or website in the default application or viewer.

Search terms: load, folder, directory, run, open

  > start <path> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  path <string>: Path to open.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ any    │
  │ 1 │ string  │ any    │

  Open a text file with the default text editor
  > start file.txt

  Open an image with the default image viewer
  > start file.jpg

  Open the current directory with the default file manager
  > start .

  Open a pdf with the default pdf viewer
  > start file.pdf

  Open a website with default browser
  > start


Various commands for working with the in-memory sqlite database.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

  > stor 

  stor create - Create a table in the in-memory sqlite database.
  stor delete - Delete a table or specified rows in the in-memory sqlite database.
  stor export - Export the in-memory sqlite database to a sqlite database file.
  stor import - Import a sqlite database file into the in-memory sqlite database.
  stor insert - Insert information into a specified table in the in-memory sqlite database.
  stor open - Opens the in-memory sqlite database.
  stor reset - Reset the in-memory database by dropping all tables.
  stor update - Update information in a specified table in the in-memory sqlite database.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

stor create

Create a table in the in-memory sqlite database.

Search terms: sqlite, storing, table

  > stor create {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -t, --table-name (required parameter) String - name of the table you want to create
  -c, --columns (required parameter) Record([]) - a record of column names and datatypes

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Create an in-memory sqlite database with specified table name, column names, and column data types
  > stor create --table-name nudb --columns {bool1: bool, int1: int, float1: float, str1: str, datetime1: datetime}

stor delete

Delete a table or specified rows in the in-memory sqlite database.

Search terms: sqlite, remove, table, saving, drop

  > stor delete {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -t, --table-name (required parameter) String - name of the table you want to insert into
  -w, --where-clause <String> - a sql string to use as a where clause without the WHERE keyword

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Delete a table from the in-memory sqlite database
  > stor delete --table-name nudb

  Delete some rows from the in-memory sqlite database with a where clause
  > stor delete --table-name nudb --where-clause "int1 == 5"

stor export

Export the in-memory sqlite database to a sqlite database file.

Search terms: sqlite, save, database, saving, file

  > stor export {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -f, --file-name (required parameter) String - file name to export the sqlite in-memory database to

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Export the in-memory sqlite database
  > stor export --file-name nudb.sqlite

stor import

Import a sqlite database file into the in-memory sqlite database.

Search terms: sqlite, open, database, restore, file

  > stor import {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -f, --file-name (required parameter) String - file name to export the sqlite in-memory database to

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Import a sqlite database file into the in-memory sqlite database
  > stor import --file-name nudb.sqlite

stor insert

Insert information into a specified table in the in-memory sqlite database.

Search terms: sqlite, storing, table, saving

  > stor insert {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -t, --table-name (required parameter) String - name of the table you want to insert into
  -d, --data-record (required parameter) Record([]) - a record of column names and column values to insert into the specified table

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Insert data the in-memory sqlite database using a data-record of column-name and column-value pairs
  > stor insert --table-name nudb --data-record {bool1: true, int1: 5, float1: 1.1, str1: fdncred, datetime1: 2023-04-17}

stor open

Opens the in-memory sqlite database.

Search terms: sqlite, storing, access

  > stor open 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │      output      │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ sqlite-in-memory │

  Open the in-memory sqlite database
  > stor open

stor reset

Reset the in-memory database by dropping all tables.

Search terms: sqlite, remove, table, saving, drop

  > stor reset 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Reset the in-memory sqlite database
  > stor reset

stor update

Update information in a specified table in the in-memory sqlite database.

Search terms: sqlite, storing, table, saving, changing

  > stor update {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -t, --table-name (required parameter) String - name of the table you want to insert into
  -u, --update-record (required parameter) Record([]) - a record of column names and column values to update in the specified table
  -w, --where-clause <String> - a sql string to use as a where clause without the WHERE keyword

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Update the in-memory sqlite database
  > stor update --table-name nudb --update-record {str1: nushell datetime1: 2020-04-17}

  Update the in-memory sqlite database with a where clause
  > stor update --table-name nudb --update-record {str1: nushell datetime1: 2020-04-17} --where-clause "bool1 = 1"


Various commands for working with string data.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

  > str 

  str capitalize - Capitalize first letter of text.
  str contains - Checks if string input contains a substring.
  str distance - Compare two strings and return the edit distance/Levenshtein distance.
  str downcase - Make text lowercase.
  str ends-with - Check if an input ends with a string.
  str escape-glob - Escape glob pattern.
  str expand - Generates all possible combinations defined in brace expansion syntax.
  str index-of - Returns start index of first occurrence of string in input, or -1 if no match.
  str join - Concatenate multiple strings into a single string, with an optional separator between each.
  str length - Output the length of any strings in the pipeline.
  str replace - Find and replace text.
  str reverse - Reverse every string in the pipeline.
  str starts-with - Check if an input starts with a string.
  str stats - Gather word count statistics on the text.
  str substring - Get part of a string. Note that the start is included but the end is excluded, and that the first character of a string is index 0.
  str trim - Trim whitespace or specific character.
  str upcase - Make text uppercase.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

str capitalize

Capitalize first letter of text.

Search terms: convert, style, caps, upper

  > str capitalize ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, convert strings at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  Capitalize contents
  > 'good day' | str capitalize
  Good day

  Capitalize contents
  > 'anton' | str capitalize

  Capitalize a column in a table
  > [[lang, gems]; [nu_test, 100]] | str capitalize lang
  │ # │  lang   │ gems │
  │ 0 │ Nu_test │  100 │

str contains

Checks if string input contains a substring.

Search terms: substring, match, find, search

  > str contains {flags} <string> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --ignore-case - search is case insensitive
  -n, --not - does not contain

  string <string>: The substring to find. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, check strings at the given cell paths, and replace with result.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │   output   │
  │ 0 │ string       │ bool       │
  │ 1 │ table        │ table      │
  │ 2 │ record       │ record     │
  │ 3 │ list<string> │ list<bool> │

  Check if input contains string
  > 'my_library.rb' | str contains '.rb'

  Check if input contains string case insensitive
  > 'my_library.rb' | str contains --ignore-case '.RB'

  Check if input contains string in a record
  > { ColA: test, ColB: 100 } | str contains 'e' ColA
  │ ColA │ true │
  │ ColB │ 100  │

  Check if input contains string in a table
  >  [[ColA ColB]; [test 100]] | str contains --ignore-case 'E' ColA
  │ # │ ColA │ ColB │
  │ 0 │ true │  100 │

  Check if input contains string in a table
  >  [[ColA ColB]; [test hello]] | str contains 'e' ColA ColB
  │ # │ ColA │ ColB │
  │ 0 │ true │ true │

  Check if input string contains 'banana'
  > 'hello' | str contains 'banana'

  Check if list contains string
  > [one two three] | str contains o
  │ 0 │ true  │
  │ 1 │ true  │
  │ 2 │ false │

  Check if list does not contain string
  > [one two three] | str contains --not o
  │ 0 │ false │
  │ 1 │ false │
  │ 2 │ true  │

str distance

Compare two strings and return the edit distance/Levenshtein distance.

Search terms: edit, levenshtein

  > str distance <compare-string> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  compare-string <string>: The first string to compare. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, check strings at the given cell paths, and replace with result.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ int    │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │
  │ 2 │ record │ record │

  get the edit distance between two strings
  > 'nushell' | str distance 'nutshell'

  Compute edit distance between strings in table and another string, using cell paths
  > [{a: 'nutshell' b: 'numetal'}] | str distance 'nushell' 'a' 'b'
  │ # │ a │ b │
  │ 0 │ 1 │ 4 │

  Compute edit distance between strings in record and another string, using cell paths
  > {a: 'nutshell' b: 'numetal'} | str distance 'nushell' a b
  │ a │ 1 │
  │ b │ 4 │

str downcase

Make text lowercase.

Search terms: lower case, lowercase

  > str downcase ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, convert strings at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  Downcase contents
  > 'NU' | str downcase

  Downcase contents
  > 'TESTa' | str downcase

  Downcase contents
  > [[ColA ColB]; [Test ABC]] | str downcase ColA
  │ # │ ColA │ ColB │
  │ 0 │ test │ ABC  │

  Downcase contents
  > [[ColA ColB]; [Test ABC]] | str downcase ColA ColB
  │ # │ ColA │ ColB │
  │ 0 │ test │ abc  │

str ends-with

Check if an input ends with a string.

Search terms: suffix, match, find, search

  > str ends-with {flags} <string> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --ignore-case - search is case insensitive

  string <string>: The string to match. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, check strings at the given cell paths, and replace with result.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │   output   │
  │ 0 │ string       │ bool       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<bool> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table      │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record     │

  Checks if string ends with '.rb'
  > 'my_library.rb' | str ends-with '.rb'

  Checks if strings end with '.txt'
  > ['my_library.rb', 'README.txt'] | str ends-with '.txt'
  │ 0 │ false │
  │ 1 │ true  │

  Checks if string ends with '.RB', case-insensitive
  > 'my_library.rb' | str ends-with --ignore-case '.RB'

str escape-glob

Escape glob pattern.

Search terms: pattern, list, ls

  > str escape-glob ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, turn strings at the given cell paths into substrings.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  escape glob pattern before list
  > let f = 'test[a]'; ls ($f | str escape-glob)

str expand

Generates all possible combinations defined in brace expansion syntax.

This syntax may seem familiar with `glob {A,B}.C`. The difference is glob relies on filesystem, but str expand is not. Inside braces, we put variants. Then basically we're creating all possible outcomes.

  > str expand {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  --path - Replaces all backslashes with double backslashes, useful for Path.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │       output       │
  │ 0 │ string       │ list<string>       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<list<string>> │

  Define a range inside braces to produce a list of string.
  > "{3..5}" | str expand
  │ 0 │ 3 │
  │ 1 │ 4 │
  │ 2 │ 5 │

  Ignore the next character after the backslash ('\')
  > 'A{B\,,C}' | str expand
  │ 0 │ AB, │
  │ 1 │ AC  │

  Commas that are not inside any braces need to be skipped.
  > 'Welcome\, {home,mon ami}!' | str expand
  │ 0 │ Welcome, home!    │
  │ 1 │ Welcome, mon ami! │

  Use double backslashes to add a backslash.
  > 'A{B\\,C}' | str expand
  │ 0 │ AB\ │
  │ 1 │ AC  │

  Export comma separated values inside braces (`{}`) to a string list.
  > "{apple,banana,cherry}" | str expand
  │ 0 │ apple  │
  │ 1 │ banana │
  │ 2 │ cherry │

  If the piped data is path, you may want to use --path flag, or else manually replace the backslashes with double backslashes.
  > 'C:\{Users,Windows}' | str expand --path
  │ 0 │ C:\Users   │
  │ 1 │ C:\Windows │

  Brace expressions can be used one after another.
  > "A{b,c}D{e,f}G" | str expand
  │ 0 │ AbDeG │
  │ 1 │ AbDfG │
  │ 2 │ AcDeG │
  │ 3 │ AcDfG │

  Collection may include an empty item. It can be put at the start of the list.
  > "A{,B,C}" | str expand
  │ 0 │ A  │
  │ 1 │ AB │
  │ 2 │ AC │

  Empty item can be at the end of the collection.
  > "A{B,C,}" | str expand
  │ 0 │ AB │
  │ 1 │ AC │
  │ 2 │ A  │

  Empty item can be in the middle of the collection.
  > "A{B,,C}" | str expand
  │ 0 │ AB │
  │ 1 │ A  │
  │ 2 │ AC │

  Also, it is possible to use one inside another. Here is a real-world example, that creates files:
  > "A{B{1,3},C{2,5}}D" | str expand
  │ 0 │ AB1D │
  │ 1 │ AB3D │
  │ 2 │ AC2D │
  │ 3 │ AC5D │

str index-of

Returns start index of first occurrence of string in input, or -1 if no match.

Search terms: match, find, search

  > str index-of {flags} <string> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -g, --grapheme-clusters - count indexes using grapheme clusters (all visible chars have length 1)
  -b, --utf-8-bytes - count indexes using UTF-8 bytes (default; non-ASCII chars have length 2+)
  -r, --range <Range> - optional start and/or end index
  -e, --end - search from the end of the input

  string <string>: The string to find in the input. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, search strings at the given cell paths, and replace with result.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │  output   │
  │ 0 │ string       │ int       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<int> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table     │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record    │

  Returns index of string in input
  >  'my_library.rb' | str index-of '.rb'

  Count length using grapheme clusters
  > '🇯🇵ほげ ふが ぴよ' | str index-of --grapheme-clusters 'ふが'

  Returns index of string in input within a`rhs open range`
  >  '.rb.rb' | str index-of '.rb' --range 1..

  Returns index of string in input within a lhs open range
  >  '123456' | str index-of '6' --range ..4

  Returns index of string in input within a range
  >  '123456' | str index-of '3' --range 1..4

  Returns index of string in input
  >  '/this/is/some/path/file.txt' | str index-of '/' -e

str join

Concatenate multiple strings into a single string, with an optional separator between each.

Search terms: collect, concatenate

  > str join (separator) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  separator <string>: Optional separator to use when creating string. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ string │
  │ 1 │ string    │ string │

  Create a string from input
  > ['nu', 'shell'] | str join

  Create a string from input with a separator
  > ['nu', 'shell'] | str join '-'

str length

Output the length of any strings in the pipeline.

Search terms: size, count

  > str length {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -g, --grapheme-clusters - count length using grapheme clusters (all visible chars have length 1)
  -b, --utf-8-bytes - count length using UTF-8 bytes (default; all non-ASCII chars have length 2+)

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, replace strings at the given cell paths with their length.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │  output   │
  │ 0 │ string       │ int       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<int> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table     │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record    │

  Return the lengths of a string
  > 'hello' | str length

  Count length using grapheme clusters
  > '🇯🇵ほげ ふが ぴよ' | str length  --grapheme-clusters

  Return the lengths of multiple strings
  > ['hi' 'there'] | str length
  │ 0 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 5 │

str replace

Find and replace text.

Search terms: search, shift, switch, regex

  > str replace {flags} <find> <replace> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -a, --all - replace all occurrences of the pattern
  -n, --no-expand - do not expand capture groups (like $name) in the replacement string
  -r, --regex - match the pattern as a regular expression in the input, instead of a substring
  -m, --multiline - multi-line regex mode (implies --regex): ^ and $ match begin/end of line; equivalent to (?m)

  find <string>: The pattern to find.
  replace <string>: The replacement string. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, operate on strings at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 2 │ record       │ record       │
  │ 3 │ list<string> │ list<string> │

  Find and replace the first occurrence of a substring
  > 'c:\some\cool\path' | str replace 'c:\some\cool' '~'

  Find and replace all occurrences of a substring
  > 'abc abc abc' | str replace --all 'b' 'z'
  azc azc azc

  Find and replace contents with capture group using regular expression
  > 'my_library.rb' | str replace -r '(.+).rb' '$'

  Find and replace all occurrences of find string using regular expression
  > 'abc abc abc' | str replace --all --regex 'b' 'z'
  azc azc azc

  Find and replace all occurrences of find string in table using regular expression
  > [[ColA ColB ColC]; [abc abc ads]] | str replace --all --regex 'b' 'z' ColA ColC
  │ # │ ColA │ ColB │ ColC │
  │ 0 │ azc  │ abc  │ ads  │

  Find and replace all occurrences of find string in record using regular expression
  > { KeyA: abc, KeyB: abc, KeyC: ads } | str replace --all --regex 'b' 'z' KeyA KeyC
  │ KeyA │ azc │
  │ KeyB │ abc │
  │ KeyC │ ads │

  Find and replace contents without using the replace parameter as a regular expression
  > 'dogs_$1_cats' | str replace -r '\$1' '$2' -n

  Use captures to manipulate the input text using regular expression
  > "abc-def" | str replace -r "(.+)-(.+)" "${2}_${1}"

  Find and replace with fancy-regex using regular expression
  > 'a successful b' | str replace -r '\b([sS])uc(?:cs|s?)e(ed(?:ed|ing|s?)|ss(?:es|ful(?:ly)?|i(?:ons?|ve(?:ly)?)|ors?)?)\b' '${1}ucce$2'
  a successful b

  Find and replace with fancy-regex using regular expression
  > 'GHIKK-9+*' | str replace -r '[*[:xdigit:]+]' 'z'

  Find and replace on individual lines using multiline regular expression
  > "non-matching line\n123. one line\n124. another line\n" | str replace --all --multiline '^[0-9]+\. ' ''
  non-matching line
  one line
  another line

str reverse

Reverse every string in the pipeline.

Search terms: convert, inverse, flip

  > str reverse ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, reverse strings at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  Reverse a single string
  > 'Nushell' | str reverse

  Reverse multiple strings in a list
  > ['Nushell' 'is' 'cool'] | str reverse
  │ 0 │ llehsuN │
  │ 1 │ si      │
  │ 2 │ looc    │

str starts-with

Check if an input starts with a string.

Search terms: prefix, match, find, search

  > str starts-with {flags} <string> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --ignore-case - search is case insensitive

  string <string>: The string to match. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, check strings at the given cell paths, and replace with result.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │   output   │
  │ 0 │ string       │ bool       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<bool> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table      │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record     │

  Checks if input string starts with 'my'
  > 'my_library.rb' | str starts-with 'my'

  Checks if input string starts with 'Car'
  > 'Cargo.toml' | str starts-with 'Car'

  Checks if input string starts with '.toml'
  > 'Cargo.toml' | str starts-with '.toml'

  Checks if input string starts with 'cargo', case-insensitive
  > 'Cargo.toml' | str starts-with --ignore-case 'cargo'

str stats

Gather word count statistics on the text.

Search terms: count, word, character, unicode, wc

  > str stats 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ record │

  Count the number of words in a string
  > "There are seven words in this sentence" | str stats
  │ lines     │ 1  │
  │ words     │ 7  │
  │ bytes     │ 38 │
  │ chars     │ 38 │
  │ graphemes │ 38 │

  Counts unicode characters
  > '今天天气真好' | str stats 
  │ lines     │ 1  │
  │ words     │ 6  │
  │ bytes     │ 18 │
  │ chars     │ 6  │
  │ graphemes │ 6  │

  Counts Unicode characters correctly in a string
  > "Amélie Amelie" | str stats
  │ lines     │ 1  │
  │ words     │ 2  │
  │ bytes     │ 15 │
  │ chars     │ 14 │
  │ graphemes │ 13 │

str substring

Get part of a string. Note that the start is included but the end is excluded, and that the first character of a string is index 0.

Search terms: slice

  > str substring {flags} <range> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -g, --grapheme-clusters - count indexes and split using grapheme clusters (all visible chars have length 1)
  -b, --utf-8-bytes - count indexes and split using UTF-8 bytes (default; non-ASCII chars have length 2+)

  range <any>: The indexes to substring [start end]. <cell-path>: For a data structure input, turn strings at the given cell paths into substrings.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  Get a substring "nushell" from the text "good nushell" using a range
  >  'good nushell' | str substring 5..12

  Count indexes and split using grapheme clusters
  >  '🇯🇵ほげ ふが ぴよ' | str substring --grapheme-clusters 4..6

str trim

Trim whitespace or specific character.

Search terms: whitespace, strip, lstrip, rstrip

  > str trim {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --char <String> - character to trim (default: whitespace)
  -l, --left - trims characters only from the beginning of the string
  -r, --right - trims characters only from the end of the string

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, trim strings at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  Trim whitespace
  > 'Nu shell ' | str trim
  Nu shell

  Trim a specific character (not the whitespace)
  > '=== Nu shell ===' | str trim --char '='
  Nu shell

  Trim whitespace from the beginning of string
  > ' Nu shell ' | str trim --left
  Nu shell

  Trim whitespace from the end of string
  > ' Nu shell ' | str trim --right
  Nu shell

  Trim a specific character only from the end of the string
  > '=== Nu shell ===' | str trim --right --char '='
  === Nu shell

str upcase

Make text uppercase.

Search terms: uppercase, upper case

  > str upcase ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, convert strings at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  Upcase contents
  > 'nu' | str upcase


View information about the system.

  > sys 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ record │

  Show info about the system
  > sys

  Show the os system name with get
  > (sys).host | get name

  Show the os system name
  > (sys)


Render the table.

If the table contains a column called 'index', this column is used as the table index instead of the usual continuous index.

Search terms: display, render

  > table {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -t, --theme <String> - set a table mode/theme
  -i, --index <Any> - enable (true) or disable (false) the #/index column or set the starting index
  -w, --width <Int> - number of terminal columns wide (not output columns)
  -e, --expand - expand the table structure in a light mode
  -d, --expand-deep <Int> - an expand limit of recursion which will take place, must be used with --expand
  --flatten - Flatten simple arrays
  --flatten-separator <String> - sets a separator when 'flatten' used
  -c, --collapse - expand the table structure in collapse mode.
Be aware collapse mode currently doesn't support width control
  -a, --abbreviated <Int> - abbreviate the data in the table by truncating the middle part and only showing amount provided on top and bottom
  -l, --list - list available table modes/themes

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  List the files in current directory, with indexes starting from 1
  > ls | table --index 1

  Render data in table view
  > [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4]] | table
  │ # │ a │ b │
  │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 3 │ 4 │

  Render data in table view (expanded)
  > [[a b]; [1 2] [2 [4 4]]] | table --expand
  │ # │ a │ b │
  │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 3 │ 4 │

  Render data in table view (collapsed)
  > [[a b]; [1 2] [2 [4 4]]] | table --collapse
  │ # │ a │ b │
  │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 3 │ 4 │

  Change the table theme to the specified theme for a single run
  > [[a b]; [1 2] [2 [4 4]]] | table --theme basic

  Force showing of the #/index column for a single run
  > [[a b]; [1 2] [2 [4 4]]] | table -i true

  Set the starting number of the #/index column to 100 for a single run
  > [[a b]; [1 2] [2 [4 4]]] | table -i 100

  Force hiding of the #/index column for a single run
  > [[a b]; [1 2] [2 [4 4]]] | table -i false


Take only the first n elements of a list, or the first n bytes of a binary value.

Search terms: first, slice, head

  > take <n> 

  take until - Take elements of the input until a predicate is true.
  take while - Take elements of the input while a predicate is true.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  n <int>: Starting from the front, the number of elements to return.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │    output    │
  │ 0 │ table     │ table        │
  │ 1 │ list<any> │ list<any>    │
  │ 2 │ binary    │ binary       │
  │ 3 │ range     │ list<number> │

  Return the first item of a list/table
  > [1 2 3] | take 1
  │ 0 │ 1 │

  Return the first 2 items of a list/table
  > [1 2 3] | take 2
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │

  Return the first two rows of a table
  > [[editions]; [2015] [2018] [2021]] | take 2
  │ # │ editions │
  │ 0 │     2015 │
  │ 1 │     2018 │

  Return the first 2 bytes of a binary value
  > 0x[01 23 45] | take 2

  Return the first 3 elements of a range
  > 1..10 | take 3
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │

take until

Take elements of the input until a predicate is true.

  > take until <predicate> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  predicate <closure(any, int)>: The predicate that element(s) must not match.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ table     │ table     │
  │ 1 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Take until the element is positive
  > [-1 -2 9 1] | take until {|x| $x > 0 }
  │ 0 │ -1 │
  │ 1 │ -2 │

  Take until the element is positive using stored condition
  > let cond = {|x| $x > 0 }; [-1 -2 9 1] | take until $cond
  │ 0 │ -1 │
  │ 1 │ -2 │

  Take until the field value is positive
  > [{a: -1} {a: -2} {a: 9} {a: 1}] | take until {|x| $x.a > 0 }
  │ # │ a  │
  │ 0 │ -1 │
  │ 1 │ -2 │

take while

Take elements of the input while a predicate is true.

  > take while <predicate> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  predicate <closure(any, int)>: The predicate that element(s) must match.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ table     │ table     │
  │ 1 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Take while the element is negative
  > [-1 -2 9 1] | take while {|x| $x < 0 }
  │ 0 │ -1 │
  │ 1 │ -2 │

  Take while the element is negative using stored condition
  > let cond = {|x| $x < 0 }; [-1 -2 9 1] | take while $cond
  │ 0 │ -1 │
  │ 1 │ -2 │

  Take while the field value is negative
  > [{a: -1} {a: -2} {a: 9} {a: 1}] | take while {|x| $x.a < 0 }
  │ # │ a  │
  │ 0 │ -1 │
  │ 1 │ -2 │


Copy a stream to another command in parallel.

This is useful for doing something else with a stream while still continuing to
use it in your pipeline.

  > tee {flags} <closure> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -e, --stderr - For external commands: copy the standard error stream instead.

  closure <closure()>: The other command to send the stream to.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Save a webpage to a file while also printing it
  > http get | tee { save example.html }

  Save error messages from an external command to a file without redirecting them
  > do { nu --commands 'print -e error; print ok' } | tee --stderr { save error.log } | complete

  Print numbers and their sum
  > 1..100 | tee { each { print } } | math sum | wrap sum

term size

Returns a record containing the number of columns (width) and rows (height) of the terminal.

  > term size 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │             output              │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ record<columns: int, rows: int> │

  Return the columns (width) and rows (height) of the terminal
  > term size

  Return the columns (width) of the terminal
  > (term size).columns

  Return the rows (height) of the terminal
  > (term size).rows


Time the running time of a block.

Search terms: timing, timer, benchmark, measure

  > timeit <command> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  command <one_of(block, expression)>: The command or block to run.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │  output  │
  │ 0 │ any     │ duration │
  │ 1 │ nothing │ duration │

  Times a command within a closure
  > timeit { sleep 500ms }

  Times a command using an existing input
  > http get | timeit { split chars }

  Times a command invocation
  > timeit ls -la


Translate structured data to a format.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

  > to 

  to csv - Convert table into .csv text .
  to json - Converts table data into JSON text.
  to md - Convert table into simple Markdown.
  to nuon - Converts table data into Nuon (Nushell Object Notation) text.
  to text - Converts data into simple text.
  to toml - Convert record into .toml text.
  to tsv - Convert table into .tsv text.
  to xml - Convert special record structure into .xml text.
  to yaml - Convert table into .yaml/.yml text.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

to csv

Convert table into .csv text .

  > to csv {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -s, --separator <String> - a character to separate columns, defaults to ','
  -n, --noheaders - do not output the columns names as the first row

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ record │ string │
  │ 1 │ table  │ string │

  Outputs an CSV string representing the contents of this table
  > [[foo bar]; [1 2]] | to csv

  Outputs an CSV string representing the contents of this table
  > [[foo bar]; [1 2]] | to csv --separator ';' 

  Outputs an CSV string representing the contents of this record
  > {a: 1 b: 2} | to csv

to json

Converts table data into JSON text.

  > to json {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --raw - remove all of the whitespace
  -i, --indent <Number> - specify indentation width
  -t, --tabs <Number> - specify indentation tab quantity

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ string │

  Outputs a JSON string, with default indentation, representing the contents of this table
  > [a b c] | to json

  Outputs a JSON string, with 4-space indentation, representing the contents of this table
  > [Joe Bob Sam] | to json --indent 4

  Outputs an unformatted JSON string representing the contents of this table
  > [1 2 3] | to json -r

to md

Convert table into simple Markdown.

  > to md {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -p, --pretty - Formats the Markdown table to vertically align items
  -e, --per-element - treat each row as markdown syntax element

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ string │

  Outputs an MD string representing the contents of this table
  > [[foo bar]; [1 2]] | to md

  Optionally, output a formatted markdown string
  > [[foo bar]; [1 2]] | to md --pretty
  | foo | bar |
  | --- | --- |
  | 1   | 2   |

  Treat each row as a markdown element
  > [{"H1": "Welcome to Nushell" } [[foo bar]; [1 2]]] | to md --per-element --pretty
  # Welcome to Nushell
  | foo | bar |
  | --- | --- |
  | 1   | 2   |

  Render a list
  > [0 1 2] | to md --pretty

to nuon

Converts table data into Nuon (Nushell Object Notation) text.

  > to nuon {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --raw - remove all of the whitespace (default behaviour and overwrites -i and -t)
  -i, --indent <Number> - specify indentation width
  -t, --tabs <Number> - specify indentation tab quantity

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ string │

  Outputs a NUON string representing the contents of this list, compact by default
  > [1 2 3] | to nuon
  [1, 2, 3]

  Outputs a NUON array of ints, with pretty indentation
  > [1 2 3] | to nuon --indent 2

  Overwrite any set option with --raw
  > [1 2 3] | to nuon --indent 2 --raw
  [1, 2, 3]

  A more complex record with multiple data types
  > {date: 2000-01-01, data: [1 [2 3] 4.56]} | to nuon --indent 2
    date: 2000-01-01T00:00:00+00:00,
    data: [

to text

Converts data into simple text.

  > to text 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ string │

  Outputs data as simple text
  > 1 | to text

  Outputs external data as simple text
  > git help -a | lines | find -r '^ ' | to text

  Outputs records as simple text
  > ls | to text

to toml

Convert record into .toml text.

  > to toml 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ record │ string │

  Outputs an TOML string representing the contents of this record
  > {foo: 1 bar: 'qwe'} | to toml
  bar = "qwe"
  foo = 1

to tsv

Convert table into .tsv text.

  > to tsv {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -n, --noheaders - do not output the column names as the first row

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ record │ string │
  │ 1 │ table  │ string │

  Outputs an TSV string representing the contents of this table
  > [[foo bar]; [1 2]] | to tsv

  Outputs an TSV string representing the contents of this record
  > {a: 1 b: 2} | to tsv

to xml

Convert special record structure into .xml text.

Every XML entry is represented via a record with tag, attribute and content fields.
To represent different types of entries different values must be written to this fields:
1. Tag entry: `{tag: <tag name> attributes: {<attr name>: "<string value>" ...} content: [<entries>]}`
2. Comment entry: `{tag: '!' attributes: null content: "<comment string>"}`
3. Processing instruction (PI): `{tag: '?<pi name>' attributes: null content: "<pi content string>"}`
4. Text: `{tag: null attributes: null content: "<text>"}`. Or as plain `<text>` instead of record.

Additionally any field which is: empty record, empty list or null, can be omitted.

  > to xml {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -i, --indent <Int> - Formats the XML text with the provided indentation setting
  -p, --partial-escape - Only escape mandatory characters in text and attributes
  -s, --self-closed - Output empty tags as self closing

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ record │ string │

  Outputs an XML string representing the contents of this table
  > {tag: note attributes: {} content : [{tag: remember attributes: {} content : [{tag: null attributes: null content : Event}]}]} | to xml

  When formatting xml null and empty record fields can be omitted and strings can be written without a wrapping record
  > {tag: note content : [{tag: remember content : [Event]}]} | to xml

  Optionally, formats the text with a custom indentation setting
  > {tag: note content : [{tag: remember content : [Event]}]} | to xml --indent 3

  Produce less escaping sequences in resulting xml
  > {tag: note attributes: {a: "'qwe'\\"} content: ["\"'"]} | to xml --partial-escape
  <note a="'qwe'\">"'</note>

  Save space using self-closed tags
  > {tag: root content: [[tag]; [a] [b] [c]]} | to xml --self-closed

to yaml

Convert table into .yaml/.yml text.

  > to yaml 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ string │

  Outputs an YAML string representing the contents of this table
  > [[foo bar]; ["1" "2"]] | to yaml
  - foo: '1'
    bar: '2'


Creates one or more files.

Search terms: create, file

  > touch {flags} ...(files) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --reference <String> - change the file or directory time to the time of the reference file/directory
  -m, --modified - change the modification time of the file or directory. If no timestamp, date or reference file/directory is given, the current time is used
  -a, --access - change the access time of the file or directory. If no timestamp, date or reference file/directory is given, the current time is used
  -c, --no-create - do not create the file if it does not exist

  ...files <path>: The file(s) to create.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Creates "fixture.json"
  > touch fixture.json

  Creates files a, b and c
  > touch a b c

  Changes the last modified time of "fixture.json" to today's date
  > touch -m fixture.json

  Changes the last modified time of files a, b and c to a date
  > touch -m -d "yesterday" a b c

  Changes the last modified time of file d and e to "fixture.json"'s last modified time
  > touch -m -r fixture.json d e

  Changes the last accessed time of "fixture.json" to a date
  > touch -a -d "August 24, 2019; 12:30:30" fixture.json


Transposes the table contents so rows become columns and columns become rows.

Search terms: pivot

  > transpose {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -r, --header-row - treat the first row as column names
  -i, --ignore-titles - don't transpose the column names into values
  -d, --as-record - transfer to record if the result is a table and contains only one row
  -l, --keep-last - on repetition of record fields due to `header-row`, keep the last value obtained
  -a, --keep-all - on repetition of record fields due to `header-row`, keep all the values obtained

Parameters: <string>: The names to give columns once transposed.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ table  │ any    │
  │ 1 │ record │ table  │

  Transposes the table contents with default column names
  > [[c1 c2]; [1 2]] | transpose
  │ # │ column0 │ column1 │
  │ 0 │ c1      │       1 │
  │ 1 │ c2      │       2 │

  Transposes the table contents with specified column names
  > [[c1 c2]; [1 2]] | transpose key val
  │ # │ key │ val │
  │ 0 │ c1  │   1 │
  │ 1 │ c2  │   2 │

  Transposes the table without column names and specify a new column name
  > [[c1 c2]; [1 2]] | transpose --ignore-titles val
  │ # │ val │
  │ 0 │   1 │
  │ 1 │   2 │

  Transfer back to record with -d flag
  > {c1: 1, c2: 2} | transpose | transpose --ignore-titles -r -d
  │ c1 │ 1 │
  │ c2 │ 2 │


Try to run a block, if it fails optionally run a catch block.

  > try <try_block> (catch <catch_block>) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  try_block <block>: Block to run.
  "catch" + <one_of(closure(), closure(any))>: Block to run if try block fails. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Try to run a missing command
  > try { asdfasdf }

  Try to run a missing command
  > try { asdfasdf } catch { 'missing' } 


Run the tutorial. To begin, run: tutor.

Search terms: help, learn, tutorial

  > tutor {flags} (search) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -f, --find <String> - Search tutorial for a phrase

  search <string>: Item to search for, or 'list' to list available tutorials. (optional)

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

  Begin the tutorial
  > tutor begin

  Search a tutorial by phrase
  > tutor --find "$in"


Return the distinct values in the input.

Search terms: distinct, deduplicate

  > uniq {flags} 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --count - Return a table containing the distinct input values together with their counts
  -d, --repeated - Return the input values that occur more than once
  -i, --ignore-case - Compare input values case-insensitively
  -u, --unique - Return the input values that occur once only

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Return the distinct values of a list/table (remove duplicates so that each value occurs once only)
  > [2 3 3 4] | uniq
  │ 0 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 3 │
  │ 2 │ 4 │

  Return the input values that occur more than once
  > [1 2 2] | uniq -d
  │ 0 │ 2 │

  Return the input values that occur once only
  > [1 2 2] | uniq --unique
  │ 0 │ 1 │

  Ignore differences in case when comparing input values
  > ['hello' 'goodbye' 'Hello'] | uniq --ignore-case
  │ 0 │ hello   │
  │ 1 │ goodbye │

  Return a table containing the distinct input values together with their counts
  > [1 2 2] | uniq --count
  │ # │ value │ count │
  │ 0 │     1 │     1 │
  │ 1 │     2 │     2 │


Return the distinct values in the input by the given column(s).

Search terms: distinct, deduplicate

  > uniq-by {flags} ...(columns) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -c, --count - Return a table containing the distinct input values together with their counts
  -d, --repeated - Return the input values that occur more than once
  -i, --ignore-case - Ignore differences in case when comparing input values
  -u, --unique - Return the input values that occur once only

  ...columns <any>: The column(s) to filter by.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ table     │ table     │
  │ 1 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Get rows from table filtered by column uniqueness 
  > [[fruit count]; [apple 9] [apple 2] [pear 3] [orange 7]] | uniq-by fruit
  │ # │ fruit  │ count │
  │ 0 │ apple  │     9 │
  │ 1 │ pear   │     3 │
  │ 2 │ orange │     7 │


Update an existing column to have a new value.

  > update <field> <replacement value> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  field <cell-path>: The name of the column to update.
  replacement value <any>: The new value to give the cell(s), or a closure to create the value.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ record    │ record    │
  │ 1 │ table     │ table     │
  │ 2 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Update a column value
  > {'name': 'nu', 'stars': 5} | update name 'Nushell'
  │ name  │ Nushell │
  │ stars │ 5       │

  Use a closure to alter each value in the 'authors' column to a single string
  > [[project, authors]; ['nu', ['Andrés', 'JT', 'Yehuda']]] | update authors {|row| $row.authors | str join ',' }
  │ # │ project │     authors      │
  │ 0 │ nu      │ Andrés,JT,Yehuda │

  You can also use a simple command to update 'authors' to a single string
  > [[project, authors]; ['nu', ['Andrés', 'JT', 'Yehuda']]] | update authors { str join ',' }
  │ # │ project │     authors      │
  │ 0 │ nu      │ Andrés,JT,Yehuda │

  Update a value at an index in a list
  > [1 2 3] | update 1 4
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 4 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │

  Use a closure to compute a new value at an index
  > [1 2 3] | update 1 {|i| $i + 2 }
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 4 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │


Update an existing column to have a new value, or insert a new column.

Search terms: add

  > upsert <field> <replacement value> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  field <cell-path>: The name of the column to update or insert.
  replacement value <any>: The new value to give the cell(s), or a closure to create the value.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ record    │ record    │
  │ 1 │ table     │ table     │
  │ 2 │ list<any> │ list<any> │

  Update a record's value
  > {'name': 'nu', 'stars': 5} | upsert name 'Nushell'
  │ name  │ Nushell │
  │ stars │ 5       │

  Insert a new entry into a record
  > {'name': 'nu', 'stars': 5} | upsert language 'Rust'
  │ name     │ nu   │
  │ stars    │ 5    │
  │ language │ Rust │

  Update each row of a table
  > [[name lang]; [Nushell ''] [Reedline '']] | upsert lang 'Rust'
  │ # │   name   │ lang │
  │ 0 │ Nushell  │ Rust │
  │ 1 │ Reedline │ Rust │

  Insert a new column with values computed based off the other columns
  > [[foo]; [7] [8] [9]] | upsert bar {|row| $ * 2 }
  │ # │ foo │ bar │
  │ 0 │   7 │  14 │
  │ 1 │   8 │  16 │
  │ 2 │   9 │  18 │

  Update null values in a column to a default value
  > [[foo]; [2] [null] [4]] | upsert foo { default 0 }
  │ # │ foo │
  │ 0 │   2 │
  │ 1 │   0 │
  │ 2 │   4 │

  Upsert into a list, updating an existing value at an index
  > [1 2 3] | upsert 0 2
  │ 0 │ 2 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │

  Upsert into a list, inserting a new value at the end
  > [1 2 3] | upsert 3 4
  │ 0 │ 1 │
  │ 1 │ 2 │
  │ 2 │ 3 │
  │ 3 │ 4 │


Various commands for working with URLs.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

Search terms: network, parse

  > url 

  url build-query - Converts record or table into query string applying percent-encoding.
  url decode - Converts a percent-encoded web safe string to a string.
  url encode - Converts a string to a percent encoded web safe string.
  url join - Converts a record to url.
  url parse - Parses a url.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

url build-query

Converts record or table into query string applying percent-encoding.

Search terms: convert, record, table

  > url build-query 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ record │ string │
  │ 1 │ table  │ string │

  Outputs a query string representing the contents of this record
  > { mode:normal userid:31415 } | url build-query

  Outputs a query string representing the contents of this 1-row table
  > [[foo bar]; ["1" "2"]] | url build-query

  Outputs a query string representing the contents of this record
  > {a:"AT&T", b: "AT T"} | url build-query

url decode

Converts a percent-encoded web safe string to a string.

Search terms: string, text, convert

  > url decode ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, url decode strings at the given cell paths.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  Decode a url with escape characters
  > '' | url decode bar

  Decode multiple urls with escape characters in list
  > ['' '' '%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97/eng/12%2034'] | url decode
  │ 0 │ bar │
  │ 1 │>b     │
  │ 2 │ 中文字/eng/12 34            │

url encode

Converts a string to a percent encoded web safe string.

Search terms: string, text, convert

  > url encode {flags} ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -a, --all - encode all non-alphanumeric chars including `/`, `.`, `:`

Parameters: <cell-path>: For a data structure input, check strings at the given cell paths, and replace with result.

Input/output types:
  │ # │    input     │    output    │
  │ 0 │ string       │ string       │
  │ 1 │ list<string> │ list<string> │
  │ 2 │ table        │ table        │
  │ 3 │ record       │ record       │

  Encode a url with escape characters
  > ' bar' | url encode

  Encode multiple urls with escape characters in list
  > [' bar' '>b' '中文字/eng/12 34'] | url encode
  │ 0 │           │
  │ 1 │               │
  │ 2 │ %E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97/eng/12%2034 │

  Encode all non alphanumeric chars with all flag
  > ' bar' | url encode --all

url join

Converts a record to url.

Search terms: scheme, username, password, hostname, port, path, query, fragment

  > url join 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ record │ string │

  Outputs a url representing the contents of this record
  > {
        "scheme": "http",
        "username": "",
        "password": "",
        "host": "",
        "port": "",
        "path": "/member_illust.php",
        "query": "mode=medium&illust_id=99260204",
        "fragment": "",
            "mode": "medium",
            "illust_id": "99260204"
    } | url join

  Outputs a url representing the contents of this record
  > {
        "scheme": "http",
        "username": "user",
        "password": "pwd",
        "host": "",
        "port": "1234",
        "query": "test=a",
        "fragment": ""
    } | url join
  http://user:[email protected]:1234?test=a

  Outputs a url representing the contents of this record
  > {
        "scheme": "http",
        "host": "",
        "port": "1234",
        "path": "user",
        "fragment": "frag"
    } | url join

url parse

Parses a url.

Search terms: scheme, username, password, hostname, port, path, query, fragment

  > url parse ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Parameters: <cell-path>: Optionally operate by cell path.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ string │ record │
  │ 1 │ table  │ table  │
  │ 2 │ record │ record │

  Parses a url
  > 'http://user123:[email protected]:8081/foo/bar?param1=section&p2=&f[name]=vldc#hello' | url parse
  │ scheme   │ http                            │
  │ username │ user123                         │
  │ password │ pass567                         │
  │ host     │                 │
  │ port     │ 8081                            │
  │ path     │ /foo/bar                        │
  │ query    │ param1=section&p2=&f[name]=vldc │
  │ fragment │ hello                           │
  │ params   │ {record 3 fields}               │


Use definitions from a module, making them available in your shell.

See `help std` for the standard library module.
See `help modules` to list all available modules.

This command is a parser keyword. For details, check:

Search terms: module, import, include, scope

  > use <module> ...(members) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  module <string>: Module or module file.
  ...members <any>: Which members of the module to import.

  Define a custom command in a module and call it
  > module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" } }; use spam foo; foo

  Define a custom command that participates in the environment in a module and call it
  > module foo { export def --env bar [] { $env.FOO_BAR = "BAZ" } }; use foo bar; bar; $env.FOO_BAR

  Use a plain module name to import its definitions qualified by the module name
  > module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" }; export def bar [] { "bar" } }; use spam; (spam foo) + (spam bar)

  Specify * to use all definitions in a module
  > module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" }; export def bar [] { "bar" } }; use spam *; (foo) + (bar)

  To use commands with spaces, like subcommands, surround them with quotes
  > module spam { export def 'foo bar' [] { "baz" } }; use spam 'foo bar'; foo bar

  To use multiple definitions from a module, wrap them in a list
  > module spam { export def foo [] { "foo" }; export def 'foo bar' [] { "baz" } }; use spam ['foo', 'foo bar']; (foo) + (foo bar)


Given a record or table, produce a list of its columns' values.

This is a counterpart to `columns`, which produces a list of columns' names.

  > values 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input  │  output   │
  │ 0 │ record │ list<any> │
  │ 1 │ table  │ list<any> │

  Get the values from the record (produce a list)
  > { mode:normal userid:31415 } | values
  │ 0 │ normal │
  │ 1 │  31415 │

  Values are ordered by the column order of the record
  > { f:250 g:191 c:128 d:1024 e:2000 a:16 b:32 } | values
  │ 0 │  250 │
  │ 1 │  191 │
  │ 2 │  128 │
  │ 3 │ 1024 │
  │ 4 │ 2000 │
  │ 5 │   16 │
  │ 6 │   32 │

  Get the values from the table (produce a list of lists)
  > [[name meaning]; [ls list] [mv move] [cd 'change directory']] | values
  │ 0 │ [list 3 items] │
  │ 1 │ [list 3 items] │


Display Nu version, and its build configuration.

  > version 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ record │

  Display Nu version
  > version


Various commands for viewing debug information.

You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.

  > view 

  view files - View the files registered in nushell's EngineState memory.
  view source - View a block, module, or a definition.
  view span - View the contents of a span.

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

view files

View the files registered in nushell's EngineState memory.

These are files parsed and loaded at runtime.

  > view files 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │                          output                          │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table<filename: string, start: int, end: int, size: int> │

  View the files registered in Nushell's EngineState memory
  > view files

  View how Nushell was originally invoked
  > view files | get 0

view source

View a block, module, or a definition.

  > view source <item> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  item <any>: Name or block to view.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

  View the source of a code block
  > let abc = {|| echo 'hi' }; view source $abc
  {|| echo 'hi' }

  View the source of a custom command
  > def hi [] { echo 'Hi!' }; view source hi
  def hi [] { echo 'Hi!' }

  View the source of a custom command, which participates in the caller environment
  > def --env foo [] { $env.BAR = 'BAZ' }; view source foo
  def foo [] { $env.BAR = 'BAZ' }

  View the source of a custom command with flags and arguments
  > def test [a?:any --b:int] { echo 'test' }; view source test
  def test [ a?: any --b: int string] { echo 'test' }

  View the source of a module
  > module mod-foo { export-env { $env.FOO_ENV = 'BAZ' } }; view source mod-foo
  export-env { $env.FOO_ENV = 'BAZ' }

  View the source of an alias
  > alias hello = echo hi; view source hello
  echo hi

view span

View the contents of a span.

This command is meant for debugging purposes.
It allows you to view the contents of nushell spans.
One way to get spans is to pipe something into 'debug --raw'.
Then you can use the Span { start, end } values as the start and end values for this command.

  > view span <start> <end> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  start <int>: Start of the span.
  end <int>: End of the span.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

  View the source of a span. 1 and 2 are just example values. Use the return of debug --raw to get the actual values
  > some | pipeline | or | variable | debug --raw; view span 1 2


Watch for file changes and execute Nu code when they happen.

Search terms: watcher, reload, filesystem

  > watch {flags} <path> <closure> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -d, --debounce-ms <Int> - Debounce changes for this many milliseconds (default: 100). Adjust if you find that single writes are reported as multiple events
  -g, --glob <String> - Only report changes for files that match this glob pattern (default: all files)
  -r, --recursive <Boolean> - Watch all directories under `<path>` recursively. Will be ignored if `<path>` is a file (default: true)
  -v, --verbose - Operate in verbose mode (default: false)

  path <path>: The path to watch. Can be a file or directory.
  closure <closure(string, string, string)>: Some Nu code to run whenever a file changes. The closure will be passed `operation`, `path`, and `new_path` (for renames only) arguments in that order.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Run `cargo test` whenever a Rust file changes
  > watch . --glob=**/*.rs {|| cargo test }

  Watch all changes in the current directory
  > watch . { |op, path, new_path| $"($op) ($path) ($new_path)"}

  Log all changes in a directory
  > watch /foo/bar { |op, path| $"($op) - ($path)(char nl)" | save --append changes_in_bar.log }

  Note: if you are looking to run a command every N units of time, this can be accomplished with a loop and sleep
  > loop { command; sleep duration }


Filter values based on a row condition.

This command works similar to 'filter' but allows extra shorthands for working with
tables, known as "row conditions". On the other hand, reading the condition from a variable is
not supported.

Search terms: filter, find, search, condition

  > where <row_condition> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  row_condition <condition>: Filter condition.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │  output   │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<any> │
  │ 1 │ table     │ table     │
  │ 2 │ range     │ any       │

  Filter rows of a table according to a condition
  > [{a: 1} {a: 2}] | where a > 1
  │ # │ a │
  │ 0 │ 2 │

  Filter items of a list according to a condition
  > [1 2] | where {|x| $x > 1}
  │ 0 │ 2 │

  List all files in the current directory with sizes greater than 2kb
  > ls | where size > 2kb

  List only the files in the current directory
  > ls | where type == file

  List all files with names that contain "Car"
  > ls | where name =~ "Car"

  List all files that were modified in the last two weeks
  > ls | where modified >= (date now) - 2wk

  Find files whose filenames don't begin with the correct sequential number
  > ls | where type == file | sort-by name --natural | enumerate | where {|e| $ !~ $'^($e.index + 1)' } | each {|| get item }

  Find case-insensitively files called "readme", without an explicit closure
  > ls | where ($ | str downcase) =~ readme

  same as above but with regex only
  > ls | where name =~ '(?i)readme'


Finds a program file, alias or custom command.

Search terms: find, path, location, command

  > which {flags} <application> ...(rest) 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -a, --all - list all executables

  application <string>: Application. <string>: Additional applications.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ table  │

  Find if the 'myapp' application is available
  > which myapp


Conditionally run a block in a loop.

Search terms: loop

  > while <cond> <block> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  cond <variable>: Condition to check.
  block <block>: Block to loop if check succeeds.

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

  Loop while a condition is true
  > mut x = 0; while $x < 10 { $x = $x + 1 }


Get the current username using uutils/coreutils whoami.

Search terms: username, coreutils

  > whoami 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ string │

  Get the current username
  > whoami


Creates a sliding window of `window_size` that slide by n rows/elements across input.

  > window {flags} <window_size> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command
  -s, --stride <Int> - the number of rows to slide over between windows
  -r, --remainder - yield last chunks even if they have fewer elements than size

  window_size <int>: The size of each window.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │     output      │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<list<any>> │

  A sliding window of two elements
  > [1 2 3 4] | window 2
  │ 0 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 1 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 2 │ [list 2 items] │

  A sliding window of two elements, with a stride of 3
  > [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] | window 2 --stride 3
  │ 0 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 1 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 2 │ [list 2 items] │

  A sliding window of equal stride that includes remainder. Equivalent to chunking
  > [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | window 3 --stride 3 --remainder
  │ 0 │ [list 3 items] │
  │ 1 │ [list 2 items] │


Runs a block with an environment variable set.

  > with-env <variable> <block> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  variable <any>: The environment variable to temporarily set.
  block <closure()>: The block to run once the variable is set.

Input/output types:
  │ # │ input │ output │
  │ 0 │ any   │ any    │

  Set the MYENV environment variable
  > with-env [MYENV "my env value"] { $env.MYENV }
  my env value

  Set by primitive value list
  > with-env [X Y W Z] { $env.X }

  Set by single row table
  > with-env [[X W]; [Y Z]] { $env.W }

  Set by key-value record
  > with-env {X: "Y", W: "Z"} { [$env.X $env.W] }
  │ 0 │ Y │
  │ 1 │ Z │


Wrap the value into a column.

  > wrap <name> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  name <string>: The name of the column.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │ output │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ table  │
  │ 1 │ range     │ table  │
  │ 2 │ any       │ record │

  Wrap a list into a table with a given column name
  > [1 2 3] | wrap num
  │ # │ num │
  │ 0 │   1 │
  │ 1 │   2 │
  │ 2 │   3 │

  Wrap a range into a table with a given column name
  > 1..3 | wrap num
  │ # │ num │
  │ 0 │   1 │
  │ 1 │   2 │
  │ 2 │   3 │


Combine a stream with the input.

  > zip <other> 

  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  other <any>: The other input.

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │     output      │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ list<list<any>> │
  │ 1 │ range     │ list<list<any>> │

  Zip two lists
  > [1 2] | zip [3 4]
  │ 0 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 1 │ [list 2 items] │

  Zip two ranges
  > 1..3 | zip 4..6
  │ 0 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 1 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 2 │ [list 2 items] │

  Zip two streams
  > seq 1 3 | zip { seq 4 600000000 }
  │ 0 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 1 │ [list 2 items] │
  │ 2 │ [list 2 items] │

  Rename .ogg files to match an existing list of filenames
  > glob *.ogg | zip ['bang.ogg', 'fanfare.ogg', 'laser.ogg'] | each {|| mv $in.0 $in.1 }